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kapiram mislio je na čarlija

na sajtu hanso fondacije se navodi istraživanje životinja, nešto tipa naseljavanje van prirodnih staništa uz pomoć genetske manipulacije.. to objašnjava otkud beli medved i zeleni soko u šumi..

činjenica da se ne zna šta je sa ekoom i lokom znači da još nisu sigurni da će ih unajmiti za treću sezonu :)

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I šta kažete,kad počinje treća sezona?

Pošto kapiram da je većina fanova sa topika odgledalo finale,ili će ga odgledati mrzi me da stavljam post u spoiler.

Henry je po meni definitivno glavni lik,ali vidim da niko nije prokomentarisao statuu...prilično čudno.A što se tiče kraja epizode mislim da je ona riba pronašla lokaciju ostrva.




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statua je mene odmah asocirala na kolosa, al vidim po internetu ne spominju preterano tu opciju.. možda zato što kolos možda ne spada u standardno znanje u americi..

a četiri prsta su omaž simpsonovima :)

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henri je glavni vodonosa, eto toliko...

sta bi sa maglom ?! otkad je eko prebio, kao da su zaboravili na to, a to me malko nervira.

a sto se tice zivotinjki po ostrvu...zar nije fora sa tim da ih walt stvara? special abilities i te fore. beli medjed se stvorio kad je on citao onaj strip...neam pojma :P

The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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što se tiče "magle"

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biće je u trećoj sezoni


"I did find a literary reference to the statue.

Its from a book called:

Headlong Hall by Thomas Love Peacock

The following qoute is very interesting...

"The place is quite a wilderness," said Squire Headlong: "for, during the latter part of my father's life, while I was finishing my education, he troubled himself about nothing but the cellar, and suffered everything else to go to rack and ruin. A mere wilderness, as you see, even now in December; but in summer a complete nursery of briers, a forest of thistles, a plantation of nettles, without any livestock but goats, that have eaten up all the bark of the trees. Here you see is the pedestal of a statue, with only half a leg and four toes remaining: there were many here once.""




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moja prva pomisao za statuu je bila atlantida... medjutim, to je malo moguce. Kada su skrenuli hiljadu milja van kursa, u kom pravcu su isli? I jel se seca neko kako je onaj ludak,od kojeg je harli cuo, saznao za brojeve? secam se da ih je sabrao i dobio nesto, ali nista vise...

Inace, pocetak trece sezone - molder hoda kroz sneg, vadi dvogled i vidi zaglavljenu podmornicu.. Ulece unutra, i zatice likove kako igraju sah:)

Forum neprikladan za signaturu!


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lik je za vreme drugog svetskog rata radio kao radio operater na pacifiku, i čuo je transmisiju u kojoj se ponavljaju samo ti brojevi.

možda je on kriv za perl harbor? LOL

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pazite ovo =o))

Lost' Stars To Be Turned Into Action Figures

The stars of hit TV drama Lost are to be turned into action figures by toymaking giants McFarlane Toys. In a licensing agreement with Disney-ABC Television Group's Touchstone Television, McFarlane Toys will produce a series of action figures, which will be in stores at the end of the year. The first batch of six characters will feature Jack (Matthew Fox), Kate (Evangeline Lilly), Hurley (Jorge Garcia), Locke (Terry O'Quinn), Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) and Shannon (Maggie Grace). Each action figure will come complete with a detailed base and photographic backdrop, capturing an episode-specific moment in the character's story. McFarlane Toys boss Todd McFarlane recently spent time with the cast on location in Hawaii, where the desert island drama is filmed, to develop artistic likenesses of the stars. He says, "All of the key cast members were kind enough to allow me to scan their facial likenesses, so we can make the figures as realistic as possible. We now have the data. In the end, we hope to be able to re-create all of the major cast members. As the years go by, fans of the show will be able to collect their own society of Lost characters."

kao sto primecujemo - no sawyer!?!?!1111oneleven?! =o)) realno ima da bude njegova figura neki extra special skupi edition =o)

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shannon bi mi bila definitivno prva opcija ;p

henri je glavni vodonosa, eto toliko...

sta bi sa maglom ?! otkad je eko prebio, kao da su zaboravili na to, a to me malko nervira.

a sto se tice zivotinjki po ostrvu...zar nije fora sa tim da ih walt stvara? special abilities i te fore. beli medjed se stvorio kad je on citao onaj strip...neam pojma :P


sto se tice statue, osecam da ce vise reci biti u 4. sezone, dok ce se u 3. koncentrisati na glavne "the others" i tome kako su oni dosli na ostrvo.

zanima me samo sta ce biti sa dzekom, sojerom i kejt, posto su oni ipak nosioci serije ne bi trebalo da budu kilovani, nadam se da nece biti kao sa majklom, ono, posle 10ak epizoda se pojavljuju.

vidite, ipak je nesto "navuklo" avion na ostrvo, mislim znalo se to, ali su nam sada i rekli i sta, veoma zanimljivo.

meni je najvise nedomice stvorila ona svetlost i zvukovi posle desmondovog okretanja kljuca, zar nije receno da ce okretanjem kljuca doci do velike eksplozije na ostrvu?

a onaj drveni brod, "black rock", na vrh brda u centru ostrva??

ma ima dosta materijala da nas zavlace MINIMUM jos 2 sezone!!!


No Reruns for LOST's Third Season

ABC has released its fall schedule for the 2006-2007 season, and it seems that executives have listened to complaints from fans of the show. Lost will not be airing reruns for its third season. The show will air seven new episodes consecutively in the Fall (late September or early October) in its current time slot, then will be replaced by a new thriller starring Taye Diggs, Day Break. Lost will then return to its home in February, airing all new episodes until the season ends in May.

sta znaci reruns??? po svemu sudeci imacemo malu pauzu kada pocne. da li to znaci da nece biti ful 23-24 epizode?


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reruns je repriza, ove godine su par puta umesto novih epizoda pustili stare, u terminima kad su očekivali malu gledanost (važne utakmice i tome slično).

pustiće znači na jesen sedam epizoda, pa ostatak sezone od februara. nisu rekli da neće biti 23 epizode opet.

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