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Engineering guide


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What you need

50 Rough Stones (AH Guide 40s)

86 Copper Bars (AH Guide 5g85s)

40 Linen Cloth (AH Guide 1g)

30 Coarse Stone (AH Guide 2g)

135 Bronze Bar (AH Guide 11g)

60 Wool Cloth (AH Guide 3g)

20 Silver Bars (AH Guide 1g50s)

40 Weak Flux (Vendor) (35s)

20 Heavy Stone (AH Guide 1g)

20 Medium Leather (AH Guide 30s)

20 Gold Bar (AH Guide 4g)

40 Iron Bar (AH Guide 3g)

40 Solid Stone (AH Guide 3g)

40 Heavy Leather (AH Guide 2g)

160 Mithril Bar (AH Guide 24g)

20 Mageweave (AH Guide 1.5g)

100 Dense Stone (AH Guide 7g)

200 Thorium Bars (AH Guide 40-50g very variable)

140 Runecloth (AH Guide 15g)

Total Price: ~125g purely from AH.

Goto Orgrimar

1 ) Skillup to 30 with your Rough stones with "Rough Blasting Powder" (1x Rough Stone)

2 ) Skillup to 50 with "Handful of Copper Bolts"(1x Copper Bar)

3 ) Make Arclight Spanner (6 Copper Bar)

4 ) Skillup to 65 with "Copper Tubes" (2x Copper Bar, 1 Weak Flux (Vendor))

5 ) Skillup to to 75 with "Copper Modulator" (2 Copper Bolts, 1 Copper bar, 2 Linen Cloth)

6 ) Skillup to 85 with "Coarse Blasting Powder" (1x Coarse Stone)

7 ) Skillup to 90 with "Advanced Target Dummy" (1x Copper Modulator, 2 Copper Bolts, 1 Bronze Bar, 1 Wool Cloth)

8 ) Skillup to 105 with Silver Contacts (1x Silver Bar) - Can mix with Practice locks than can be put on AH.

9 ) Skillup to 125 with "Bronze Tubes" (2x Bronze Bar, Weak Flux) and "Large Copper Bombs" (3x Copper Bar, 4x Coarse Blasting Powder, Silver Contact)

10 ) Skillup to 145 with "Heavy Blasting Powder" (1x Heavy Stone) or Whirring Bronze Gizmos (2x BRonze Bar, 1x Wo0l Cloth)

11 ) Skillup to 155 with "Bronze Framework" (2x Bronze Bar, 1 Medium Leather, 1 Wool Cloth)

12 ) Skillup to 160 with "Gold Power Core" (1x Gold Bar)

13 ) Skillup to 175 with "Iron Struts" (2x Iron Bar)

14 ) Skillup to 185 with "Gyrochronatom" (1X Iron Bar, 1x Gold Power Core) and "Solid Blasting Powder" (2x Solid Stone)

15 ) Skillup to 195 with "Advanced Target Dummy" (1x Iron Strut, 1x Bronze Framework, 1x Gyrochronatom, 4x Heavy Leather) - Keep these for repairbots

16 ) Skillup to 205 with "Mithril Tube" (3x Mithril Bar)

17 ) Skillup to 215 with "Unstable Trigger" (1x Mithril Bar, 1 Mageweave, 1 Solid Blasting Powder")

Goto Gadgetzan and learn master engineering and back to Org.

18 ) Skillup to 235 with "Mithril Casing" (3x Mithril Bar) and "Mithril Frag Bomb" (1x Mithril Casing, 1x Unstable Trigger, 1x Solid Blasting Powder)

19 ) Skillup to 250 with "Hi-Explosive Bomb" (2x Mithril Casing, 1 Unstable Trigger, 2x Solid Blasting Powder)

20 ) Skillup to 260 with "Dense Blasting Powder" (2x Dense Stone)

Buy Thorium Grenade and Thorium Widget from the vendor in the Engineers house in Orgrimar

The rest will be gained from creating Grenades and Thorium Widgets all the way to 300. If your a hunter, you can also make Thorium Shells from 285 onwards.

Should look at making around 35 Thorium Widgets first, as they are used for most high level recipies, and are used in bombs. Also if your planning on getting the fire res trinket, its worth going to booty bay and getting the truesilver transformer recipe (2x Truesilver, 2 Elemental Earth, 1 Elemental air) and making 3 of these on your way to 300.

Also worth noting, of that 125g, you'll be able to vendor/AH most of the spare $!@% for around 40-80 of that.

sex, drugs and bio food!

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Lepo, fino. [;)]

Ja sam potroshio nekih 200g do 300/300 gnomish engineering-a, od cega je 50g otishlo na thorium bombe [:D]

btw, jel mozesh da postujesh link ka originalu. Ovaj topic ce otici u zaborav skoro zbog svih "I pwn [insert class here]" topica.

Pokupio sam to sa naseg guild foruma pre nekih dva meseca, i copy/pasteovo do worda ... tako da nemam nikakav link ... ali na official forumima mozes da pogledas sticky topice, mozda je neki od njih ovo:)

Inace, postupak radi, ja sam hunteru nabudzio eng na 300 pomocu ovog:)

sex, drugs and bio food!

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ovaj guide je super za likove koji imaju 60icu pa prelaze na eng...moj war alt na 40om ima 230 eng i manje vishe pravio sam ovo sto pishe na pocetku, u sredini sam preshao na granatLe jer su zakon =oD

takodje kada neko leveluje lika i ima mining/eng mnogo jeftinije prodje...mada je zarada mala...

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  • 2 weeks later...

nijedan nije direktno bolji, stvar je ukusa....gnomish se uzima za death ray, mind control i world enlarger, a goblin za direct dmg stuff...lichno preferiram goblin....takodje...bitno...sada je gnomish privlachniji zbog gadgetzan teleportera (jer je tanaris mnoogo daleko a svi idu u sill)...goblin je za everlook...

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  • 1 month later...

ja sam bas danas ovo uradio

trebalo mi je nekih 5h da dobijem 260 skill

i nisam uzeo goblin nego gnomish enginering

napravio sam takvu konfuziju sa itemimamo u invertoriju i banci da nisam znao de mi de mi je sta vise :p

i usteo sam nekih 50g zato sto imam mining i imao sam vecinu ovim materijala u banci

sve u svemu mogu da kazem da je eng. mnogo dobra svtar za pvp ,a i pve ,imba trinketi ,stun bombe ,kapice .

i veoma koristan guide, verovatno da nisam ovo pratio bi samo gubio cash na random nabijanju skilla

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