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SW Empire at War


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Evo skinuh demo i igrao malo... igra obetjava.. s tim shto je super ideja ostvarena da se sve deshava u real time fazonu i shto ima borbe, kako u svemiru, tako i po planetama... :)

Netju puno da baljezgarim o prichi i tako to.. lepo izgleda... dobro bi bilo nabaviti i tako to (btw.. genijalci su u instalaciju demoa ubacili full version of d gejm, samo je potrebno 'kupiti' igru i unlockovati sa shifrom - strashno)


Ko voli nek izvoli... btw. demo je "tezhak" 750 MB... pa chisto da se zna... ja morao da prepolovim rarovanje pa da prebacim na dalje..

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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Doooobrooo de....

evo ga linaci za download:



Mali opis igre(taken from CNET):

"Star Wars: Empire at War puts the power to command an entire war for the Star Wars galaxy in the hands of players, giving them the freedom to determine how they play the game within the completely scalable and accessible gameplay. Set a few years before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, Empire at War lets players wage war on ground and in space, as well as experience the creation of the Rebel Alliance, the strengthening of the Empire, and the beginnings of galactic civil war.

Using an entirely new game engine, Empire at War features space battles set on memorable planets such as Yavin IV, Tattoine, and Dagobah, as well as never-before-seen environments taken from the Star Wars films expanded universe novels. In the game, players decide to join either the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire, building and setting up tactical forces to unleash upon the enemy in real-time 3D. Memorable Star Wars hero characters can be brought into the action to help turn the tide of the battle as players build, manage, and upgrade their space and ground-based units, vehicles, troops, and base structures.

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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eto igrah demo.. predjoh tutorijale i odigrah demo nivo...

igra ftwuje!!!

Inache... ima da se igra na planeti i u svemiru kao shto rekoh.. i ima mesta za multi igranje koje obetjava minimum 2-3 sati igranja a mozhesh da se zamajavash ceo dan ako zhelish...

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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"(btw.. genijalci su u instalaciju demoa ubacili full version of d gejm, samo je potrebno 'kupiti' igru i unlockovati sa shifrom - strashno)" - pojasni malo molim te :)

btw sto se cudis... pa ovde su svi oslepeli od heroja koje vec igraju na slepo :)





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Instalirah je, igrah je....

Sta znam, mozda sam malo previshe ochekivao, igra je skroz ok ali ono ZA SAD nije nista spektakularno... Previshe je jednostavna. Mislio sam da ce biti barem priblizna Star Wars: Rebellion, da mude malo kompleksnija ko ona, ali dobro, ok je ovako.

Svemirske bitke su skroz kul, do jaja cemo se igrati ovoga :)

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  • 1 month later...

Svemirske bitke su super, pogotovo kada ima masa fajtera, ali u principu moglo je i malo bolje da se odradi, jednostavno suvishe je lako.

ma da..suvise jednostavno i malo opcija...trebalo je ubaciti i malo rpg-elemenata sa dzedajima,da malo razbiju monotoniju..

ovako je malo jednostavan koncept..zauzmes okolne planete..nastancujes jedinice i krenes u napad...

ja bih rekao jedna solidna igra za 3-4dana i to je to

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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