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X-Battle v0.12

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v0.12 ~ January 22th, 2006

fix: missing teamscore bug.

fix: missing warmup weapons bug. this time for sure

fix: nailgun bgcolor in weaponswitch

fix: (raven/id bug) q4base will crash by trying to vote a map without flags

in a ctf gametype.

fix: small issue with g_maxRespawnTime fixed.

add: cl_simpleItems to draw 3D models as 2D icons. (requested like hell)

add: referee mode to force several match stuff. see client-commands for full


add: forced configs to allow the forcing of standard settings for leagues.

use callvote option setconfig <name> <gametype> to force a standard

config. name can be : Quake4, XBattle, ClanBase, Kuh3Liga.

add: enhanced log support.

the following server commands were added to control the log support:

g_statsLog - enables statistics log output.

g_statsLogEmptyGames - determines whether games with no player action

will be logged or not.

fs_statsPath - path to statstics log file

add: cl_statsUserName <string>, cl_statsPassword <string> to identify player

in server statistics.

add: chattokens for teamgames:

#h - player health colored by value

#H - player health

#A - player armor

#U - lists all powerups the player is currently wearing

#w - player weapon as shortext. like RG for RailGun etc.

#W - player weapon as icon.

#D - damaged by. the last player which attacked you.

#P - last item that was picked up.

#I - nearest item name.

#L - your location.

add: r_skipWorldFX <bitmask> to remove some world effects.

0 - Skip nothing

1 - skips the drawing of the glow effects around items.

2 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for item spawnpoints.

4 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for jumppads.

8 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for teleporter.

16 - skips the drawing of the visual effects for fog, sparks

and some more.

To remove an effect just add his value.

i.e : A value of 31 removes all visual effects!

a value of 6 only removes the item spawnpoints and jumppad effects.

add: user defined map-location support for the teamoverlay and teamchat.

to add a location you can use the following commands :

addloc <locationname> - to add a location. It will automaticly saved to

the battle/locs folder. i.e.: mapname.cfg

listloc - displays all known locations for this map

delloc <id> - delete an entry out of the location-file.

add: cl_editMapLocations to toggle the drawing of the area number in the

teamoverlay on/off (useful for creating locationfiles)

add: cl_weaponConfigs to allow the usage of separate settings for each


The weapons-cfgs can be set with the cvars cl_weaponConfig0 up to


Arguments are : g_fov, sensitivity, ui_showGun, g_crosshairCustomFile,

g_crosshairSize, g_crosshairColor in rgb hex color.

add: si_autoAction <bitmask> to enforce several things from server-side


1 statsdump at the end of the match

2 take endlevel screenshot

4 records a demo

So a value of 7 will do everything.

add: cl_autoAction <bitmask> to enforce several things from client-side


1 statsdump at the end of the match

2 take endlevel screenshot

4 records a demo

So a value of 7 will do everything.

add: players / listplayers commands to list all players with id, team,

flags (ref,coach,captain) and names.

add: .pakFileList serverinfo cvar which contains all loaded pk4's files

a client needs to connect to the server.

add: match_respawnOnSD command to control respawn for sudden death.

chg: matchtimer visible in warmup and sudden death ( always counts up )

chg: teamoverlay now shows playerlocation / nearest item.

chg: hud_drawTeamOverlay positioning: 1 upper right, 2 lower right and

3 lower left.

chg: r_displayRefresh works now in MP.

chg: chat and teamchat appears in q3 style (requested).

chg: g_gibs and g_blood renamed to cl_gibs and cl_blood.

chg: recolored weaponmodel textures and glowtexture added.

chg: scorebot serverinfo names got a . prefix.

like .Score_Marine / .Score_Time etc.

to allow smart serverbrowsers to display it sorted at the top of

the list.

chg: g_voteFlags now work for callvote.

Konačno multibind i simple items [:D]







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mirror XBM 0.12a:

ftp://sbbquake:sbbquake@ prebachen na 0.12a

+ dodana CPL mapa koja menja pro-bliptourney - moonsoon (ftp://sbbquake:sbbquake@ na oba servera

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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