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Damaged equipment


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Oprema se ostecuje kada me ubiju mobovi i kada me ubiju igraci. Je l' tako?

Da li se ostecuje jos nekad? Danas mi cizme otisle od zutog ka crvenom u sred borbe. U combat logu pise "<kakoseveczvasemob> hits you. All damage absorbed." Crvenim slovima. Je l' su se zato malko ostetile? Ne zbog boje slova nego zbog "damage absorbed"... [:D]

Edited by termos
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Kako, bre, ne skidaju? Ja kad god budem u WSGu pa me dobro isprebijaju i crknem... dovoljno puta meni po koji deo opreme pomalo zazuti. Pitao ja ljude u WoWu oni kazu da se ostecuje jako malo. Ja rek'o kod vas ovde da potvrdim kao ono! Further confusion ftw! [^]

Edited by termos
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premu unistavaju darci koje ti nanosish drugima i drugi tebi...ima neki kompexan dil za izrachunavanje ali realno...moze kad si lvl 60 u epxima da trchakrash mulgoreom i 3x te ugrize vuk i skine ti po 1 durability sa svakog oklopa...naravno ne mora, ali mozhe....takodje mozhe da te napada mag, nista da na apsorbujesh i opet da se troshi...

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kole kada ti udarash samo oruzje se troshi, a za sve ostale iteme se durabiliti oduzima procentualno tako da ne moze da se desi da ti jedna stvar cela ostane (npr. cizme), a da ti headpiece bude skroz ne oshtecen, zato


boots durab. 25

chest durab. 100

wolf bite's u for bla bla bla

boots -1

chest -4

po -4% za sve iteme

a sad koliko ce ti uzeti koji udarac to su vec shpanska sela za sve nas, tako da 'besh to, PvPuj do mile volje, da se u AB ili AV ili chak WSGu Gubi durability, svako bi odvajao po 100g dnevno ako bi zeleo da igra ceo dan !

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I ja sam poprilicno siguran da se trosi po malo, cak i u BGu. Ovo sto je napisao CHRISTIE je citat iz WoWovog manuala.

Evo sta su ljudi na WoW Europe forumu imali da kazu:

-Spent some time in WSG ('bout 2-3hrs) and got pwned a lot, seeing how I'm a n00b and how much I suck. Anyway - it seems my equipment had gone from spotless to yellow - got a bit damaged. I've heard from some players that getting killed in PvP damages equipment. Is this true? If not, could it be that my equipment got damaged some other way in WSG? I'm pretty sure that my equipment was in good condition, so I don't think that I had just mistaken previous damage as damage caused by other players.

Thanx in advance to those who help.

-This is a longshot, but did you by any chance walk up and resurrect at your corpse, rather than stay at the graveyard and get auto-ressed by the spirit-healer? Not sure if that would give durability-loss, but that's the only possibility I can see. Unless, ofcourse, you walked in with heavily damaged gear to begin with.

-your stuff always get damaged when you get hit. the 10% durability loss when you die is removed if you get killed by another player.

-there is no way you can damage gear in WSG unless, perhaps you had a fall that caused you to die, the only fall like that i can think of is if you jumped off the roof into the flag room with little health

-Your equipment gets damaged by taking damage in PvP by other players, as someone further up the thread said.There is however no durability loss for death of any kind in any Battleground, not even if you fall through the world and die. You only lose it by getting pounded on.

Eto - bice da se damaguje bar malko... Verovatno se ne skida onih 10% durabilityja po smrti, ali se ipak prima steta od udaraca.

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