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The mysterious wardens serve as the night elves' special police force in Kalimdor. Set apart from the militant Sentinels, wardens are usually employed as jailors, assassins, and bounty hunters. When loosed upon escaped criminals, wardens employ a number of supernatural powers that enable them to recapture their prey and mete out the night elves' justice. Wardens have a line of sight teleport ability called "blink," which they can use to outmaneuver even the quickest of foes.

moja rasa moj 2gi heroj ^^ posle dh naravno

I see by your outfit, that you are a cowboy.

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  Highl1 said:
ja sam isto RATM, nije bilo hopa na listi, mada sam se razmishljao dal RATM ili NIN

ma isti kurac, nego NIN se trpa u guzu sa ekipom od mensona, tako da... bolje rage [:D] , NIN-u i mensonu je super zika , ali braaaaate, ne bih ja gledao njihov koncert [:D]

Edited by spo(ghost)

Nije bitno da je velik, bitno je da je lep...
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  • 2 weeks later...

hheehhehheehhe lol :}

How to become a Genius:

"You must clarify your goals, gain knowledge through spaced repetition, preserve health, work steadily, minimize stress, refuse interruption, and never resist sleep when tired.

This should lead to radically improved intelligence and creativity.

The only cost: turning your back on every convention of social life."

-Piotr Wozniak

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Demon hunter here...

How to become a Genius:

"You must clarify your goals, gain knowledge through spaced repetition, preserve health, work steadily, minimize stress, refuse interruption, and never resist sleep when tired.

This should lead to radically improved intelligence and creativity.

The only cost: turning your back on every convention of social life."

-Piotr Wozniak

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