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znaci zanima me od pakita,sad ja mislim da je u pitanju pesma are you ready ali mi treba mix.vrti se ovih dana na top fmu stalno ali ne mogu da provalim kako se zove uopste...tacnije koji je mix u pitanju.

a mozda je i moving on stereo,nisam siguran.znam sam da se vrti stalno na top fmu...pa mozda je neko slusao i zna. :)

Bjukenon Mitch

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e ovako...predpostavljam da gledate tenis na eurosportu pa da pitam...ako ste mozda neko zna kako se zove ime numere i izvodjaca one pratece stvari iz najave sta cete moci da pratite na eurosportu u junu...pa onda idu najave za fudbal atletiku i sta vec...e ajde ako se setite dok budete gledali eurosport bacite poruku ovde ili meni na pm bio bih vam zahvalan...

...hopes need smashing!_

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znaci zanima me od pakita,sad ja mislim da je u pitanju pesma are you ready ali mi treba mix.vrti se ovih dana na top fmu stalno ali ne mogu da provalim kako se zove uopste...tacnije koji je mix u pitanju.

a mozda je i moving on stereo,nisam siguran.znam sam da se vrti stalno na top fmu...pa mozda je neko slusao i zna. :)

oh nisam ni procitao post -.-

Edited by DmZ


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Ajd molim vas da mi kazhete koja je ovo pesma (house je u pitanju). Imam je negde na kompu al ne znam kako se zove

http://www.speedyshare.com/738828178.html (rip 480 kb)

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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Da, bilo je sinoc problema sa spidijem :)

Probaj sad, meni radi

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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da nije Fly Project - Raisa?

Inache Dushane_:

Thank god I found you

I never really had a love

Sent from heaven up above

I'm just so happy because

Thank god I found you

Everybody wanna know

Why I'm walking round with a big smile on my face

Hey I'm happy and it shows

Hey I'm back and I'm part of a human race

Cos you know I've been down so long

Never thought I'd ever feel this way again

And everything was going wrong

Til you found me and you make me believe again


I never really had a love (til I found you)

Sent from heaven up above (and it's so true)

I'm so happy just because (I found you)

Damn I'm happy that I found you

I never really had a love (til I found you)

Sent from heaven up above (and it's so true)

I'm so happy just because (I found you)


I don't know what you did

But what you did you can keep on doing it yeah

I'm so happy I wanna fly

Cos your love just keeps on taking me higher

Don't you know I've been down so long (down so long)

Never thought I'd ever feel this way again

And everything was going wrong (going wrong)

Til you found me and you make me believe again


Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you (yes I yes I do)

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you (Thank god I)

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

jel ti ovo poznato mozhda?



Got some minuses for free?

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da nije Fly Project - Raisa?

Inache Dushane_:

Thank god I found you

I never really had a love

Sent from heaven up above

I'm just so happy because

Thank god I found you

Everybody wanna know

Why I'm walking round with a big smile on my face

Hey I'm happy and it shows

Hey I'm back and I'm part of a human race

Cos you know I've been down so long

Never thought I'd ever feel this way again

And everything was going wrong

Til you found me and you make me believe again


I never really had a love (til I found you)

Sent from heaven up above (and it's so true)

I'm so happy just because (I found you)

Damn I'm happy that I found you

I never really had a love (til I found you)

Sent from heaven up above (and it's so true)

I'm so happy just because (I found you)


I don't know what you did

But what you did you can keep on doing it yeah

I'm so happy I wanna fly

Cos your love just keeps on taking me higher

Don't you know I've been down so long (down so long)

Never thought I'd ever feel this way again

And everything was going wrong (going wrong)

Til you found me and you make me believe again


Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you (yes I yes I do)

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you (Thank god I)

Thank god I found you

Thank god I found you

jel ti ovo poznato mozhda?



Thanks, mada smo Zerox i ja na MSN-u sinoc zakljuchili isto :)

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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eheeej pomagajte!!!:)

neka pesma spominje se ana kurnjikova...

kao u fazonu netju angeliniu niti britni il kristinu i kao otju anu kurnjikovu taj neki fazon, novija pesmica


( icon_smile_wink.gif )...

Dakle i meni JAAAAKO treba ovo,pregledao sam jedno 20-ak pocetnih strana i nisam video da je neko odgovorio


for the sake of us all...

sad sam video na 23-oj neshto ali tekst uopste ne ide kao sto ide u pesmi,nego neko spansko sranje?

Edited by Dende
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znaci zanima me od pakita,sad ja mislim da je u pitanju pesma are you ready ali mi treba mix.vrti se ovih dana na top fmu stalno ali ne mogu da provalim kako se zove uopste...tacnije koji je mix u pitanju.

a mozda je i moving on stereo,nisam siguran.znam sam da se vrti stalno na top fmu...pa mozda je neko slusao i zna. :)


Pakito-Are You Ready (Radio-Edit) , ako ti treba neki mix vici


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