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cheats for money ,isto cheats,i josh nekoliko takvih sajtova na kojima je moguce "kupiti" cheatove za WOW

dva puta si izrazito pomenuo da ti trebaju "cheats" i sad od jednom game guides, ja ti savetujem da ubuduce izbegavash da pravish ovakve teme, cheateri ne prolaze bash slavno na rur-u.

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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ne zelim da otvaram ove linkove sto je decko postavio , ali ako se radi o nekoj kao knjizici koju smo ja i ortak kupili ( da lol )  , onda  ( ako zelite da zaradite dosta kesha za malo vremena ) ne treba da ga napusavate , jel ima stvarno par korisnih stvarcica :)

A ako su sajtovi koji prodaju kesh ... hehe gl :)

necu da kupujem zlato...

Ovo nisu guidovi,a i ako jesu onda su zabranjeni-pa vas pitam da li je neko koristio ovo i zna li neshto o tome??

Evo za one koji nece da otvaraju linkove::::::

Recent World of Warcraft Exploits

Use the Speed of the Wind Rider, but ride him too

Run Speed Exploit

Quest Exploit

Alliance exploit Easy gold

XP Trick

Swimming Bug

Gold Exploit

Fishing Skill Exploit

Targetting Exploit

AFK Fishing Macro

Warrior Exploit - Unlimited Powers Stat

Hunter / Warlock exploit

Super Run Speed

Transfering items across factions

Fishing skill exploit

Ranged Attack Power Damage exploit

Name Exploit

Duel Exploit

Buy Multiple Limited Items


Free Spell Exploit

Dupe / Money exploit

Dual Wield Magic Exploit

Flying Mounts Exploit

Instant Armor/Item Exploit

Item Roll Exploit

Getting unlimited rest xp

Unbelieveable tracking program!

The floating exploit

PK Neutral Towns

Fishing Exploit

Easy Money Making Exploitable Spot

Weapon skill raising exploit

Get 3 Times the Experience in Maraudon!

Quest items dupe

azaziel's book of the dead

Grinding gnomermegan solo

awesome instance maps

Dual Wield For Magic Users

Max Out Ranged Weapon Skill Fast

Name Exploit

Delete someones trade item Exploit/Bug

How to beat molten core without going thru it

How to Ability dupe

Get repairs for free

Tailor cash cow has come in

Enchanting- getting to 110 fast

Stop NPC From running/attacking and PK From Casting

LBRS Trick

Keep Instance Posistion and Sell/Repair Items

Mobius hacking tool

Alliance/Horde Communication

Shaman 100% dodge/crit exploit!

Tools you cant live without

How to tell when your rest experience will run out

Stratholme exploit

3g an hour at monestary with wowwarp

Ultimate Warlock Soloing exploit

Wowwarp walk through doors exploit

Easy EXP and GOLD!

Aliance leveling ranged weapons and wands

How to avoid being ganked

Power Level 1-60 in 3 weeks!!!

Buy anything on ah for 1s

25G an hour hunting lvl 55+

Some World of Warcraft players think the only way to make 50 gold in a few hours is by killing something at high levels. Others believe it can only be done by doing professions.

Both are wrong. What these players need is sound financial advice.

"The Gold Standard" underpins what we do in World of Warcraft to bring in thousands of gold, and reveals how gold-selling websites like IGE do it as well. Our guide comes in a formatted, bookmarked PDF document (freely readable on both macs and PCs) which covers the following:

Merchant money-pots. No need to kill monsters or do professions, you can bring in 50 gold a day at any level. Horde characters have their own set of merchant money pots, but first we'll cover alliance. In Ironforge, near the auction house...

Click here to read the rest!

High Level Farming. Ever killed a mob 10 times taller than you, solo? If you have a level 60 character, we'll show you how to do it, and in the process make 40 gold per hour - and that time includes selling and traveling.

Click here to read the rest!

Auction House lies. Don't put that item in the auction house, and don't sell it to a merchant. You'll learn how to turn a bad item into a quick gold. The single thing most people disregard in item selling is the mailbox. Not only is this a great way to save bank space, but it's also the best way to make money by taking a generic item and...

Click here to read the rest!

Stealth camps for everyone. Think Stealth camps are just for rogues and druids? You must not have read The Gold Standard. Members know what a stealth camp is, how to do it, and how to make 5 gold every few minutes in the process. One of the trickiest parts is learning the rules on how to restart an instance. This is done by going with a friend, and having them start the instance by...

Click here to read the rest!

Secret Item Stash. The best sellings items often come from the easiest camps, and so very few people know about them. For example, 20 gold for a single item that a level 25 can obtain in an hour. Due to the high demand of the item and tedium of the camp, almost nobody does it. First you need to take the windrider from...

Click here to read the rest!

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E molim te kupi taj "guide" sa exploitima (hmm cudno neshto pishe voda) i javi nam da li si nadmashio kineske farmere za jedan dan!

Da je sve to sto taj baja nudi tacno, pa mislish da bi se neko smarao i drljao bulju po Tyr's Hand-u 3 sata dnevno i vishe!?

Vecina tools-a koje ovi momci nude su nadgledani onim Blizz programcicem, kojim nismo bash odushevljeni, ali radi posao i sprecava indijance da cheatuju!

I da, ako uzmesh ovu knjizicicu, javi da li su ti banovali account!?



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o cemu ti pricas...sta je to sad: KAO OVO JE RUR ANTI CHEAT...??

koji kurac

Koliko sam ukapirao, vecina ljudi sa rura smatra cheating jadnim, kao i ja .Pogotovo u nekim online igrama kao shto je wow.

Samo napred, kupujte te guidove i koristite exploite. Znam tipa koji je koristio neki ultra mega safe hack i evo vishe nema wow, shto je slucaj sa 99% cheatera. Probaj neshto kao ovo prvo sa liste :

Use the Speed of the Wind Rider, but ride him too

Run Speed Exploit

i bicesh veoma banovan...

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Koliko sam ukapirao, vecina ljudi sa rura smatra cheating jadnim, kao i ja .Pogotovo u nekim online igrama kao shto je wow.

Samo napred, kupujte te guidove i koristite exploite. Znam tipa koji je koristio neki ultra mega safe hack i evo vishe nema wow, shto je slucaj sa 99% cheatera. Probaj neshto kao  ovo prvo sa liste :

Use the Speed of the Wind Rider, but ride him too

Run Speed Exploit

i bicesh veoma banovan...


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JBT nemogu da shvatim one ljude koji bi ovo kupili(cheat)!!!!Pa zaboga ovo je igra !!! Valjda je kupish sa ciljem da se izigrash i zabavish jedno vreme.a ne da je predjesh sa Cheat-ovima !!! Necesh osetiti igru,ono shto je stvaralac hteo da pokazhe! O5 zaboga ovo je IGRA zashto bih kupio ITEM,Gold,Cheats za stvarne pare koji ce mi koristiti samo u IGRICI?!? pa nije WoW jedino na svetu.....Nerazumem takve ljude.....

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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JBT nemogu da shvatim one ljude koji bi ovo kupili(cheat)!!!!Pa zaboga ovo je igra !!! Valjda je kupish sa ciljem da se izigrash i zabavish jedno vreme.a ne da je predjesh sa Cheat-ovima !!! Necesh osetiti igru,ono shto je stvaralac hteo da pokazhe! O5 zaboga ovo je IGRA zashto bih kupio ITEM,Gold,Cheats za stvarne pare koji ce mi koristiti samo u IGRICI?!? pa nije WoW jedino na svetu.....Nerazumem takve ljude.....

stvaralac je hteo da pokaze da mu trebaju pare u ovom sluchaju :P

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E moj brate... Sad sam prochitao ono za Marka... jbg zhivot... Jedna stvar za Jackal-a=Razisli shta radish sa tim parama 5-10-20..eura Ti hocesh da kupish sebi zadovoljstvo u igrici a njemu je do zhivota!!! Mozhda ti nemash nikakve VEZE sa njim ali ZAPITAJ se da li je bolje da kupish te Cheat Modove ili da ulozhish te pare za njegov oporavak !!! Jbg Cali ulazhe 400din(zasad) a tvoji modovi nisu mnogo skuplji! Razmisli shta cesh da uradish sa tim parama... [?][?][?]

Kad Srbin Hrvatu kaze brate, kad Slovenci pice plate, kad se Crnogorci posla hvate, Makedonci dobiju vece plate i sve to Bosanci shvate, bice opet SFRJ brate!

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pa neznam sta da vam kazem neki ljudi se zabavljaju na taj nacin sto koriste te cheatove npr moj drug je kupio wow odma cim je izasao i koristio sve moguce cheatove sa blizzardhacker(s).com ili tako nesto bre covek je uzivao u igri on nije znao sta je grifon a ni za vrata a po zidovima je uvek isao BRE mocno [:D]

tako ako oces se malo zabavljas a wow te smorio to ti pravi nacin se malo zabavljas dok ti nebanuju wow

btw najvise volim bagove iz star crafta (leteci dron hahahhahahha) [:p] mada sam cuo da su to popravili [V]

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Ja mislim da se svi ti gajdovi mogu jedinstveno nazvati "99 wayz to get yourself banned by blizzard"

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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da to je tacno ako ih koristis 100% je sansa da popijes ban ali ja nisam pricao u tim knjizicama vec programima recimo vidjao sam kako tog druga gadja mag i ovaj se teleportuje instant u if za 20s vidis dolece fireball i pogadja ga


ali to nebi nikom preporucio osim ako ima mnogo para za novi acc i ako se opasno smorio

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