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NBA 2005/06 - official topic


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plashim se da ga Orlando ne zajebe i dovede Frana Vaskeza u NBA ovo leta, jer on igra praktichno na poziciji MIlicica. Odnosno Hauarda, ali njega nikada poslati na klupu, jer je franchise igrach. Da sam ja Orlando GM trejdovao bih prava na njega za prava na nekog solidnog Shooting garda, jer orlando trenutno nema dobru dvojku

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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sledece godine su carter i pierce free agenti, vredi sachekati... orlando ce imati dosta prostora u capu ako ne napravi neku glupost ovog leta, sa howardom i darkom su mirni na 4 i 5 u dugom periodu, nelson je odlichna opcija na kecu, mozda je i njima buducnost svetla...

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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karter, ce po mojoj proceni 95% da produzi sa netsima, dok za pirsa ne znam. sve zavisi od toga kako zavrshe u ovoj sezoni. Oni imaju relativno dobre mlade igrache (ryan gomez, delonte vest (nisam neki veliki postavalac ala dzefersona) ali kapiram da se njemu ne cheka josh dve, tri sezone da oni sazru. A sigurno nece otici u tim gde mozda i nece biti prva opcija kao u orlandu gde je verovatnije da ce to biti howard.

nek pokusaju sa rashardom lewisom...

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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2. III 2006.

Cleveland Cavaliers 92 (James 33 11 8, Snow 14 3 8, Murray i Varejao 13)

at Chicago Bulls 91 (Hinrich 25 9 4, Deng 18 10, Gordon 16 2 1)

Dallas Mavericks 89 (Nowitzki 23 11 1, Terry 23 2 1, Howard 15 3)

at San Antonio Spurs 98 (Parker 23 0 4, Duncan 15 6 2, Finley 15 3 2)


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Pierce je igracina i mislim da je vreme da mu se pruzi

prava sansa da ode u "pravom" klubu,bice na meti mnogih

NBA timova,licno voleo bih da se Pierce pojavi u Indiani ( Nemam pojma dali je to moguce ali bash bih to voleo )

Sto se tiche Carter-a,mislim da on ostaje u Nets-ima,Nets-i konachno imaju komplet team posle dugog niza godina trazenja jake ekipe !

TO su neka moja misljenja ! p0z.... svima

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Netsi su sve bolji i ne bih rekao da ce Carter da ode. A Orlando je napravo extra dil kada je doveo Milicica i Aroja. Mislim da ce Darko da pokaze zasto je bio 2. na draftu. Chovek je imao sparing partnera u vidu Bena Valasa, makar i da nije igrao u Detroitu.

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3. III 2006.

Sacramento Kings 102 (Miller 24 10 3, Martin 19 9, Artest 18 6 3)

at Atlanta Hawks 93 (Harrington 23 10 4, Johnson 19 2 6, Williams 17 6)

Washington Wizards 113 (Arenas 33 2 8, Jamison 24 15, Butler 18 12 6)

at Philadelphia '76ers 119 (Iverson 47 2 12, Webber 30 12 8, Iguodala 19 4)

Chicago Bulls 108 (Hinrich 33 3 5, Gordon 32 4 2, Deng 17 15 2)

at New York Knicks 101 (Francis 18 4 5, Rose 15 10 5, Marbury 15 1 4)

Indiana Pacers 98 (Stojakovic 24 4, Johnson 20 5 7, Jones 16 2 2)

at Boston Celtics 99 (Pierce 31 4 8, West 17 4 7, Gomes 13 6)

Denver Nuggets 78 (Anthony 34 4, Camby 10 15)

at Houston Rockets 89 (McGrady 23 11 4, Ming 21 9, Swift 15 6)

Charlotte Bobcats 76 (Wallace 14 8, Felton 11 3 6, Jones 11 4)

at Dallas Mavericks 90 (Nowitzki 26 9 3, Terry 17, Dampier 9 14)

Orlando Magic 118 (Nelson 24 5 4, Arroyo 21 4 6, Turkoglu 20 4 5)

at Phoenix Suns 123 (Marion 24 9, Nash 18 6 13, Diaw 18 9 11)

Los Angeles Clippers 103 (Brand 31 4 3 5bl, Radmanovic 17 13 3, Cassell 16 5 4)

at Utah Jazz 105 (Okur 29 5 2, Brown 16 4, Boozer 11 10)

Detroit Pistons 98 (R. Wallace 21 11 3, Billups 21 0 11, Hamilton 20 2 5)

at Seattle SuperSonics 96 (Allen 31 9 3, Lewis 20 7 3, Ridnour 16 2 5)

Los Angeles Lakers 106 (Bryant 42 4 5, Mihm 16 5, Cook 12 5)

at Golden State Warriors (Richardson 27 5 6, Murphy 18 7 2, Davis 10 5 3)

Edited by Lex


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4. III 2006.

Toronto Raptors 100 (Peterson 25 5 3, Bosh 23 11 4, James 22 3 7)

at New Jersey Nets 105 OT (Carter 31 7 4, Jefferson 30 8 5, Kidd 14 13 15)

Atlanta Hawks 93 (Johnson 28 2 6, Smith 21 8 5, Harrington 14 3 3)

at Miami Heat 95 (O'Neal 21 8 1, Haslem 15 6, Williams 14 3 7)

New York Knicks 103 (Curry 20 11, J. Rose 19 1 3, Richardson 18 3 4)

at Milwaukee Bucks 98 (Redd 23 2 6, Smith 19 3 3, Williams 17 5 8)

Portland TrailBlazers 81 (Randolph 24 9, Miles 16 4 2, Blake 14 1 2)

at San Antonio Spurs 101 (Duncan 22 15 2, Parker 18 3 5, Ginobili 13 6 2)

Orlando Magic 94 (Hill 19 2 2, Howard 15 11, Arroyo 12)

at Denver Nuggets 110 (Anthony 24 1 4, Patterson 21 5 8, Boykins 21 1 3)

Detroit Pistons 94 (Billups 24 1 10, Hamilton 20 4 5, R. Wallace 17 5)

at Los Angeles Lakers 105 (Bryant 40 5 4, Odom 24 5 10, Mihm 12 6 2)


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gledao sam par mecheva toronta u poslednje vreme. bosh ce biti zver, james igra odlichno, kao i mo peterson, cv je vec sada odlichan, iako ima malo loshiju selekciju shuta... prva petorka igra uvek ok i nosi se dobro sa uglavnom svima... ali klupa-dno. uostalom, izgubili su valjda vec 7 tekmi u produzecima ove sezone...

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Pa zapravo imaju 4 igracha + Bonnera sa klupe. Ako nadju josh 2-3 role playera da mogu da odmene momke iz prve petorke bitje jako zanimljiva ekipa.

A to shto gube produzhetke i guste mecheve je sigurno i pomalo namerno da bi uzeli visok pik na draftu. Kao i Orlando verovatno. :)


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aj ono kad neko navata kad ide sledeca tekma na sportklubu nek vikne.program ne nadjoh a na sbb forumu ne najavljuju uvek kolko sam izvalio

po ceo dan reklamiraju sve i svasta ali sem na tekmi,nisam video da pominju termine narednih.

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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5. III 2006.

Indiana Pacers 94 (Johnson 18 3 4, Jackson 15 5 7, Stojakovic 13 7 2)

at Philadelphia '76ers 93 (Iverson 33 2 9, Webber 17 5 4, Korver 12 2 1)

Sacramento Kings 107 (Artest 30 4 5, Martin 20 7 2, Miller 18 5 3)

at Washington Wizards 117 (Jamison 31 8, Arenas 23 1 6, Butler 22 6 3)

Golden State Warriors 90 (Richardson 36 6 1, Dunleavy 13 4 2, Davis 12 5 8)

at Minnesota Timberwolves 103 (Garnett 23 21 5, Davis 19 4 7, Hassell 15 4 4)

Phoenix Suns 115 (Nash 25 3 11, Diaw 24 10 10, Marion 22 10)

at Dallas Mavericks 107 (Nowitzki 25 9 5, Daniels 22 2 2, Terry 21 1 4)

Boston Celtics 105 (Pierce 33 7 5, Szczerbiak 23 6 4, Gomes 15 5)

at Toronto Raptors 111 (Peterson 27 2 4, Bosh 24 10 5, James 20 4 6, Villanueva 18 8 2)

Chicago Bulls 72 (Gordon 17 4 1, Deng 15 12, Hinrich 15 4 6)

at Cleveland Cavaliers 91 (James 37 9 7, Gooden 13 11, Ilgauskas 12 4 2)

Portland TrailBlazers 84 (Blake 23 4 3, Randolph 15 8, Khryapa 8 10 4)

at Houston Rockets 102 (Ming 32 13 2, McGrady 18 4 3, Wesley 12 3 6)

Utah Jazz 81 (Boozer 14 8 2, Williams 12 3 2, Brown 11 8 4)

at Seattle SuperSonics 113 (Lewis 22 1 2, Allen 20 3 8, Wilkins 14 1)

Memphis Grizzlies 102 (Miller 20 7 4, Gasol 17 6 7, Jackson 15 6 3)

at Los Angeles Clippers 86 (Brand 23 4, Kaman 17 11, Radmanovic 14 6 4)

Edited by Lex


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Rezultati od 6/3/06

Sacramento 109 (Bibby 29, 4 i 10, Miller 21 i 7, Bonzi 16 i 10)

New Jersey 84 (VC 21, 3 i 4, Jefferson 18 i 8, Kidd 10, 4 i 11)

Miami 106 OT (Big 35 i 12, Haslem 16 i 13, J-Will 24, 2 i 5)

Charlotte 105 (Wallace 26 i 15, 6 stl, Knight 24, 6 i 11, Felton 19, 3 i 5)

Phoenix 101 (Diaw 20, 12 i 6, Marion 19 i 16, Bell 17 i 4, Barbosa 15)

New Orl/OKC 88 (West 22 i 8, Paul 14, 4 i 11, Snyder 13 i 5)

Orlando 85 (Howard 18 i 14, Stevenson 14, Arroyo 14 i 5)

Utah 90 (Okur 22 i 7, AK 18, 9, 5 i 6 blk, Williams 15, 3 i 4)

Memphis 101 (Jackson 22, 4 i 4, Miller 15 i 4, Warrick 14)

Denver 115 (Melo 35 i 5, Patterson 16, 4 i 3, Miller 14, 3 i 11)

San Antonio 103 (Parker 21, 4 i 8, Manu 21, 6 i 3, Finley 21, TD 18, 7 i 9)

LA Lakers 96 (KB 43, 6 i 3, Odom 13, 7 i 4, Smush 9, 4 i 5)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Rezultati od 7/3/06

Boston 116 OT (Pierce 31, 5 i 4, Gomes 27, 9 i 5, Wally 23 i 5)

Washington 115 (Arenas 39, 2 i 5, Jamison 25 i 12, Butler 23, 4 i 4)

New York 107 (J. Rose 21, 2 i 8, Curry 15, Crawford 16, M. Rose 12 i 10)

Indiana 92 (Peja 20 i 3, S-Jack 20, Harrison 11 i 7, Johnson 10)

Toronto 99 (James 31, 4 i 8, Bosh 28 i 6, Bonner 15)

Cleveland 106 (Flip 24, 3 i 4, Bron 17, 12 i 8, Gooden 16 i 7)

Golden State 106 (J-Rich 42, 7 i 4, Junior 13 i 6, Fisher 12)

Atlanta 113 (Johnson 42, 6 i 9, Harrington 21, 7 i 4, Marv 14 i 10)

Houston 93 (Yao 30 i 13, Skip 17, 4 i 5, Swift 11 i 9)

Minnesota 87 (Banks 26, 2 i 5, Blount 18 i 6, KG 15, 21, 5 i 4)

Portland 87 (Zach 33 i 8, Dixon 17, 5 i 4, Blake 12, 4 i 5)

Dallas 93 (Terry 26, Dirk 25, 10 i 4, Stack 21 i 5)

New Jersey 87 (Krstic 29 i 13, VC 25 i 9, Jefferson 16 i 10, Kidd 5, 10 i 13)

Chicago 95 (Nocioni 24 i 4, Deng 22, 8 i 3, Hinrich 22, 4 i 9)

San Antonio 85 (Parker 20, TD 16, 7 i 7, Manu 15)

LA Clippers 98 (Brand 30, 9 i 5, Kaman 15 i 8, Cassell 15, 1 i 11)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Rezultati od 8/3/06

Cleveland 98 (Bron 35, 6 i 6, Flip 14, 3 i 4, Z 10 i 6)

Toronto 97 (Mo Pete 31 i 4, James 30, 5 i 7, Bosh 15 i 14)

Philadelphia 101 (AI 32, 2 i 5, Webber 18, 7 i 4, Iguodala 15 i 7)

Boston 104 (Pierce 31, 12 i 10, Gomes 29 i 11, Wally 12, 7 i 6)

Chicago 101 (Gordon 28 i 6, Nocioni 23 i 9, Hinrich 11)

Detroit 106 (Billups 27, 1 i 9, Sheed 25, 5 i 4, Rip 24, 4 i 6)

Golden State 101 (J-Rich 27, 4 i 5, Murphy 11 i 14, Davis 10, 6 i 7)

Charlotte 104 (Jones 29 i 6, Knight 14, 2 i 10, Wallace 17, 7 i 4)

Washington 112 (Arenas 28, Butler 19, 12 i 4, Jamison 19 i 6, Daniels 19 i 5)

Miami 118 (Wade 40, 3 i 5, J-Will 21, 2 i 5, Big 19 i 11, Haslem 12 i 10)

LA Lakers 113 (KB 40 i 6, Odom 18, 17 i 6, Smush 16, 1 i 7)

New Orl/OKC 107 (Paul 22, 4 i 10, West 25 i 5, Speedy 22, 2 i 5)

Sacramento 123 (Bibby 36, 2 i 5, Thomas 19 i 12, Wells 19 i 8, Martin 16)

Milwaukee 116 (Redd 32, Ford 24, 5 i 12, Simmons 21, Magloire 11 i 7)

Indiana 99 (Peja 29, 9 i 5, S-Jack 23, Harrison 15 i 4, Foster 1 i 16)

Houston 103 (Yao 38 i 10, Howard 16 i 6, T-Mac 15, Bogans 14 i 8)

Minnesota 93 (KG 26 i 13, Jaric 20 i 4, McCants 16 i 4)

Utah 96 (AK 15, 11, 8, 2 i 8, Williams 24, 2 i 7, Harpring 15 i 5)

Memphis 99 (Gasol 21, 12 i 12, Tsakalidis 17 i 15, Atkins 15, Jackson 15)

Seattle 74 (Allen 18, Petro 11 i 10, Ridnour 10, 3 i 6)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Rezultati od 9/3/06

Denver 97 (Melo 29 i 10, Patterson 20, Camby 13 i 14)

Philadelphia 93 (AI 38, 6 i 6, Webber 17 i 20, Korver 7 i 7, 3-16 FG)

Dallas 109 (Dirk 33 i 10, Terry 19, Daniels 13, Harris 12, 2 i 7)

Portland 92 (Zach 29 i 5, Telfair 12 i 8 ast, Khryapa 10 i 6)

San Antonio 117 (Parker 29, 3 i 5, Manu 18, 2 i 5, TD 16, 5 i 5, Barry 13, 7 i 7)

Phoenix 93 (Marion 18 i 11, Diaw 16, 9 i 9, Bell 15)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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