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m'rsh bre... :) grafika je eyecandy... za gameplay znamo manje vise na kom ce nivou biti pa tu nema nikakvih iznenadjenja ;) - ali hocu da ispostujem tvorce rpg legendi koji su sada u obsidianu i koji u stvari rade ovu igru (a ne smorni bioware)





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Pardon my hate, ali... [:)]

Ma vazi... [xx(]

I prvi deo je po shotkama trebao da bude mnogo zajebat, a kad je izashla igra ispalo je da je grafika sasvim prosechna. Ima tu udela i to shto je igra debelo okasnila, ali opet...

Shto se legendi tiche, bojim se da ce ta legenda tamo biti marginalac i da cemo na kraju dobiti samo drugachije zapakovan KotoR... [xx(]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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ja nwn kad je izasao pamtim kao igru sa sjajnom grafikom, nikako se ne secam da je iko rekao da je grafika prosecna mada mozda greskim to je sada vec davna proslost ;)

ako bude drugacije zapakovan kotor, pa nije ni to lose , svakako da je bolje od prepakovanog prvog dela samo sa lepsom grafikom :)

nazalost ja ne vidim na pomolu neki rpg koji bi mogao istovremeno da zadovolji danasnje trendove (sjajnu grafiku) i hard core populaciju (sve ostalo osim grafike a da cini pravi rpg)... sve se polako pretvara u fps :(





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Par informacija:

Bards sing tales of heroes from ages past, but never have the Forgotten Realms so desperately needed a champion. Years have passed since the war between Luskan and Neverwinter, almost enough time for the wounds of war to heal. But the brief peace the Realms have known may be at an end. Tension growing between the mighty city-states means the Sword Coast again teeters on the edge of open war. Unnoticed, a greater danger stalks the City of Skilled Hands. Unbeknownst to the denizens of the North, deep in the Mere of Dead Men, dark forces from across the Realms have been rallied under the banner of a legendary evil. If left unchallenged, all of the North is doomed to fall under its power.

Even in this darkest hour, hope remains. A mysterious relic is borne to Neverwinter in the hands of a lone hero so that its secrets may be unlocked - secrets that carry the fate of all the North. So begins an epic tale of shattered alliances, noble acts and dark deeds to be told across the Realms for generations to come.

Experience the long-awaited sequel to the game that revolutionised creating and playing computer role-playing games.

Use the completely rewritten, powerful Obsidian Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset to create your own adventures, share them with friends, or run them through your adventure directly as the Dungeon Master.

Play online with other gamers and enjoy limitless adventure.

Explore the Forgotten Realms in greater graphical splendour than ever before with a completely new, cutting-edge graphics system and an overland map.

Employ new spells, feats, and advanced prestige classes, based on the exciting Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Edition rules.

Recruit up to three companions to assist in your adventures. Improved party control allows for more dynamic tactical decisions in combat and more personal interaction.

Rediscover familiar locations and meet old friends from the Neverwinter Nights series.

Quick Facts

Publisher: Atari

Developer: Obsidian Entertainment

Game Type: D&D Fantasy Roleplaying

Rule System: D&D 3.5 edition ruleset

Single Player: Yes. 40-60 hours. One Character. Multiple Henchmen (3). Fewer NPCs. More Depth. Less lineriaty.

Multi Player: Yes. Unknown number of players. Emphasis on MMOs controls.

Toolset: Yes. Import function from NWN. Will use tilesets.

DM Client: Yes.

Horses: Yes. (8/29/04)

Subraces: Yes. (8/29/04)

Stronghold: Yes. (8/29/04)

Cloaks: Yes. (8/29/04)

DM Client: Yes.

Use NWN Content: They are looking into it but nothing is certain.

ESRB Rating: Rating Pending though mature themes

Requirements: PC. No Mac or Linux support at this time.

Availability: 2006

Jedan lik na emuglx reče da je vrlo verovatno da igra izađe odmah posle nove godine (i pored priča o odlaganju), po

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Single Player: Yes. 40-60 hours.

Chak 40-60 sati prelake borbe i budzenja bespotrebnih skilova!? Yowsers!

One Character. Multiple Henchmen (3).

Ne, prvi deo nas nishta nije nauchio. Henchmen sistem je najbolji EVAR!1!

Fewer NPCs. More Depth.

Oduvek je ta korelacija bila evidentna... samo pogledajte npr. Diablo.

Less lineriaty.

Aha. U ovo verujem koliko i u Deda Mraza.

Horses: Yes. (8/29/04)

Konji su nemoguci. Bioware oduvek tako govorashe. "Mount & Blade"? "Sacred"? No comment. Sledece pitanje...

Subraces: Yes. (8/29/04)

OMG! Umposible! Bio devs teh best EVAR!

Stronghold: Yes. (8/29/04)

Neverovatno. Najzad ste se setili da ubacite neshto shto ste vec uradili u BG2 i shto je valjalo.

Cloaks: Yes. (8/29/04)

Un-fucking-believeable. Wulfgar faints...

Wulfgar comes back to consciousness...

Wulfgar remembers cloaks. Wulfgar faints again...

Wulfgar comes back to consciousness...

ESRB Rating: Rating Pending though mature themes

ESRB Rating: All

Availability: 2006

Bozic 2008.

Turim vam ga u hype mashinu...

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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bre wulfi, da ima nesto bolje da se ceka ja ne bih ni pomishljao na nwn... ali ovako :( bar ce biti kvalitetan materijal za hejt

i po stoti put igru ne radi bioware vec Obsidian, sto mi daje +5% nade da ce igra biti kvalitetnija u svakom pogledu u odnosu na prvi deo

mada zaista kako se developeri hvale nekim 'revolucionarnim' stvarima kao da su igre pocele da se prave od 2000. godine... :(





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bre wulfi, da ima nesto bolje da se ceka ja ne bih ni pomishljao na nwn... ali ovako :( bar ce biti kvalitetan materijal za hejt


po stoti put igru ne radi bioware vec Obsidian, sto mi daje +5% nade da ce igra biti kvalitetnija u svakom pogledu u odnosu na prvi deo

Da, znam. Ustreptao sam ceo [:D] kad je taj studio formiran i polagao sam velike nade u njih... a onda je izashao KotoR 2. Obsidian = Bioware. Resistance is futile...

mada zaista kako se developeri hvale nekim 'revolucionarnim' stvarima kao da su igre pocele da se prave od 2000. godine... :(


Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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Ma 'ajde, hype me je pro?ao jo? pro?le godine dok sam obilazio NWN2 forum... sad lepo i na miru ?ekam da se pojavi ta sjajna igra , onako objektivno gledano [:D]

WTF!? Samo "sjajna"? You better spruce it up, fanboi! Daj mu ga malo po "ground-breaking, record-shattering, mind-blowing, genre-defining..." [:D]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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