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Svremena na vreme se pojavi torrent njegovog DVD-a, ali je taj torent ko duh - chas ga ima chas ga nema...tako sam ja odustao pokushavanja i chekam da odem (ili neko) u inostranstvo i da vidim tu da nadjem...

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kolko traje bites and pieces?ja imam neki bites and pieces traje skoro sat .jel to to?

imam josh nekoliko nastupa sa comedy cetral,nije bash da se uvek ponavlja,jes da neke stvari forsira tipa brader rajts song,arnold tortilja boj i meksikan rejdio

a najjachi mi je deo redzhister nrs:D

ajd ono,navedite koji su ti bolji komichari,chiji se nastupi mogu skinuti sa neta

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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imitator, nista drugo

chris rock je po meni mnogo bolji komicar

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Pablo Francisko, mozda jeste vise imitator nego komicar, ali to sto radi radi odlicno.

Nego, jel ste gledali onog niggera [:D], Michael Winslow, on je meni bas dobar komicar.

http://www.pingvinko.com/space/choco.avi (32mb)

Evo linka, ka jednom njegovom show-u, pa ko voli! [;)]

Edited by KingLui[FOG]


The only light at the end of the tunnel is light of upcoming train.

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imitator, nista drugo

chris rock je po meni mnogo bolji komicar

Eh, evo jovo nanovo raprava... I opet moram da objasnjavam mladim narastajima da je EDI MARFI NAJBOLJI i da je Kris Rok ocigledno njegov veliki fan jer mu je nastup pokusaj imitiranja Edijevog...naravno neuspesno. Ko nije gledao Edi Marfi "Raw" i "Delirious" nek nabavi odma'!!!

Liberate tutame ex infernis!

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