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Mmkey, ovo nije za svakoga, pa ako imate slabiji stomak, preskočite ovaj topic...

Elem, evo jedan link.

Radi se o medicinskom pogledu na odsecanje glave. Stoga, citat, ali kao spoiler:

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Beheading is effective and is probably as humane as any other modern method if carried out correctly. When a single blow is sufficient to decapitate the prisoner, they lose consciousness within a few seconds. They die from shock and anoxia due to haemorrhage and loss of blood pressure within less than 60 seconds. However because the muscles and vertebrae of the neck are tough, decapitation may require more than one blow. Death occurs due to separation of the brain and spinal cord, after the transection (cutting through) of the surrounding tissues. According to Dr. Harold Hillman "this must cause acute and possibly severe pain. Consciousness is probably lost within 2-3 seconds, due to a rapid fall of intracranial perfusion of blood" (blood supply to the brain).

It has often been reported that the eyes and mouths of people beheaded have shown signs of movement. It has been calculated that the human brain has enough oxygen stored for metabolism to persist about seven seconds after the head is cut off.

Ovo je još luđe.

Nešto o majmunima i psima.

Još dva teksta: link1 i link2.

Šta kaže BBC.

Everything's just fine.

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Nisi čitao sve linkove :) Neki lik je to već radio 1970-ih.

Ali zamisli samo tu agoniju - odseku ti glavu, a ti i dalje živ i svestan...

transplantirali su majmunsko telo na majmunsku glavu, ja sam pričao o malo drugačijoj kombinaciji ;)

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Procitah...prvo sam citao ove tekstove o transplantaciji glava i delovalo mi je vise SF zanimljivo, ali ovaj prvi link sam ostavio za kraj i bas mi se smucilo dok sam stigao do kraja...Ne mogu da verujem koliko dugo je odsecanje glave bilo u praksi u zapadnim "civilizovanim" zemljama...bruka.

A neki snimak odsecanja glava u Saudijskoj Arabiji sam imao prilike da vidim skoro...jednostavno zanemis kad vidis...strasno.

Edited by OrthodoX

FZ: I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...


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