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Bonsai je poceo da mi se sushi ... nisam nikad to gajila , tako da ne znam kako da mu pomognem ...

da li neko to gaji ili je cuo nesto o pomoci pri sushenju ?

inace..na guglu sam nasla da kao treba da se presadi ali neka baba u cvecari kaze da ne treba :P

step in my transporter , so I can teleport ya,all around my heavenly body..

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Jaoo da nije to ono chudo sto kad zalijesh onako izraste lepo

Mosh' misliti :)

There are many varieties of plants that do well as an indoor bonsai such as ficus, aralia, azalea norfolk pine, serissa, gardenia, or boxwood. Note that these are all woody-stemmed plants and can have their limbs wired to direct the growth. Tropical and subtropical varieties can not tolerate tempers below 40 - 50 degrees F. These plants can be left outside when the temperatures stay above this. Light inside the house should be by filtered sunlight from an east, south, or west window. Grow lights 12 hours per day work well. Outside in summer place in partial shade

Factors that Influence Watering

by Brent Walston


I like to check for dryness by lifting the pot. It takes some experience to develop the 'feel' of a dry bonsai, but it works quite well. It is amazing how much an adequate amount of water will increase the weight of the pot. Of course this is only possible for smaller plants. I don't go around lifting 5 gallon cans to see if they are dry, or the monster bonsai. But since about 25% of the volume of a proper soil mix is water at the saturation point, this is a significant increase in weight, and one needs only to pick up a pot when wet, and then when dry, to tell the marked difference. Dryness can also be tested with a chopstick inserted into the bonsai pot as a sort of dipstick. When the chopstick is pulled out and it is nearly dry, it is time to water. This is a method advocated by Michael Persiano. A third method, perhaps used by most people, is to dig half an inch under the soil surface. If it is dry down to this point, it is time to water.

There are several factors that affect 'drying time' and they are all interrelated. For example, Malus and Prunus can tolerate denser soils under optimum conditions because they grow so quickly that the roots soon colonize it. This rapid top growth quickly pulls the water out. I have to prune all the time of course, so when I cut them back to form a new trunk section, they are now too wet until the top grows back.

Here are some of the factors I have found that influence the drying time:

Soil Mixture

The primary components holding water are: organic and inorganic fines (very small particles), peat moss, vermiculite, and clay. If you increase the amount of any of these amendments to your soil mix, you will decrease drainage, and increase the water holding capacity of your soil, which will increase the interval between watering.

Increasing the percentage of these elements to the point that the soil will hold more than 25% of its volume as water is not recommended. Beyond this point you may begin having root rot problems form decreased aeration (poor drainage).

The components that increase drainage (aeration) and reduce water holding capacity are: inorganic and some organic (bark) large particles (greater than 1/8 inch). These include lava rock, coarse sand, perlite, turface and other stable fired clay products.

Plant Size and Pruning

Fast growing leafy species colonize rapidly, drying out the soil. Root bound or even properly root colonized plants will dry a pot very rapidly. This rapid drying of the soil is very healthy for the plant, if you manage to water often enough. Each time the plant dries out it pulls a fresh charge of air into the root zone. Likewise, each time the plant is watered and the excess water drains, another fresh charge of air follows the water to through the root zone. I consider the ideal watering interval during the growing season for outdoor plants to be one day. This makes watering easy to remember or schedule, and will almost assuredly prevent root rot problems. Cycles shorter than one day inevitably lead to dry or wilted plants on occasion.

Plants that are well root colonized in the pot shorten the watering interval as the top grows and demands more water. After a plant is top pruned, transpiration is decreased and the watering interval is again increased. For plants that are very susceptible to root rot, it is important to pay close attention to this factor.


By affecting how fast the plant will grow, fertilizer can accelerate the drying time. It can also speed the decomposition of the organic portions of the soil, causing premature soil collapse which increases drying time and slows growth. Soil collapse due to decomposition is a much overlooked factor in plant growth, and water intervals. It can be avoided by using a higher percentage of stable inorganic material and high quality organic material such as fir or pine bark. Decomposed wood fiber products other than bark decompose very quickly and are generally unsuitable for bonsai. The same is true of garden or other compost.


Root rot will decrease the ability of the plant to take up water and slow the drying time. The symptoms of root damage can be very misleading. There are several diseases that cause the blockage of the plant's vascular system, preventing it from taking up water. The outward symptom is the wilting of the leaves. The natural inclination is to water the plant, but the problem is not a lack of water, it is the inability of the roots to take it up. This leads to overwatering which severely exacerbates the fungal problem. The solution is to let the plant dry out, not to water it. Whenever a plant wilts, first make sure that the soil is dry before watering it. If it is not dry, this can be a symptom of a fungal infection of the roots.


Wind will increase transpiration and decrease the watering interval. Strong winds, under even moderate temperatures, can very quickly dry out a plant. Some plants are much more vulnerable than others. In general you should not place bonsai in an area that receives prevailing winds. This can even be a problem in winter when the soil is frozen around the plant's roots. The roots cannot absorb water under these conditions, but the foliage and stems continue to lose water. It is very important to protect plants from wind under these conditions, and to make sure your plants are thoroughly watered before the onset of cold drying winds.


Sunlight will heat the plant and the pot, increasing transpiration and evaporation, decreasing the watering interval.

Bonsai grown in the hottest and driest areas of the country need to be located where they will get morning sun and afternoon shade. The fastest growth will occur where there is bright light and optimum (moderate) temperatures, so there is little growth loss for most plants by placing them in the shade in the heat of the afternoon.

Optimum light levels will result in the fastest growth which will also decrease drying time by promoting increased foliage.

High Temperature

High temperature will increase transpiration even in the absence of sunlight and decrease drying time. Temperatures above 80F, with morning to full sun, and moderate to low humidity, will usually mean watering every day for most established container plants (and bonsai).

High Humidity

High humidity will decrease transpiration, and moderate high temperature, which will increase drying time. Increasing humidity can be a valuable part of extending the watering cycle in hot dry climates. In our area, I can avoid watering twice a day by giving the plants one or two short (several minute) bursts of fine spray during the heat of the afternoon when the temperature exceeds 100F.

Pot Size

An extra volume of soil increases the reservoir of water and increases the drying time. For very fast growing, water thirsty species such as Salix (Willow), this is a must.

And finally

Many of these factors may be manipulated to control the drying to suit our conditions. I feel that the ideal drying time is one to two days while the plants are actively growing.

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Nisam touchi brate, nego je ovo deseti put da danas otvaram neki topik gde neko nesto pita, svi se sao prave pametni, a niko nista pametno zapravo i ne odgovara...

peace, nista licno, nalet hejta.

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Ja imam veeeliki fikus pored stola. On mi je dokaz da kompovi nisu stetni jer je pored otvorene bocne strane mog polu-kucista. Lepo napreduje.

A bonsai...moja mamica je to gajila kad je zivela u pekingu. Treba im puno ljubavi i nege i po mogucnosti, kinez bastovan skriveni-majstor-kung-fua-koji-se-povukao-u-mir-i-osamu.

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I know this explanation will be quite long, but the matter of sizes in the world of Shohin deserves some explanation.

There are many misunderstandings about Shohin-Bonsais, and I hope I can put them a little away with this explanation. I am in contact with the All Japan Bonsai Association quite often, and have studied this matter some.


1. Prelude

In articulus sic aeternus - Spiritus

donec dies fas

Dies Irae, Dies Illa - Solvet saeclum in


(Born) into the moment that is Forever -

To breath until that fateful day

Day of Wrath, Day of Burning - All the

world to ashes turning...

2. Evolution (The Grand Design)

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Russel Allen, Jason Rullo]

Born from the light - journey into the

moment, delivered from thought and


He will be one, one with the land -

Lord of wind and the sea and the sands

The one - The bringer of life

"All will bear a part of me - let this

hollow shell set your free to live as one"

Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars

the first to know and to understand

Living by the Law of the Ages

prophets and sages - forging Utopia

Great Ptah - Khnemu - sacred priest of

the Temple of Ra and the keeper of


Crystalline spheres, the power of light,

grant us keys to the stars and the

secrets of flight

'Five shall be as One'

"We unlock the mysteries of

knowledge and technology"

Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars

the first to know and to understand

Living by the Law of the Ages

prophets and sages - forging Utopia

'We shall live forever, and cast out

those less divine

Gods we will be - rulers of the sea - in

our Grand design'

Here we are - Children of Sun and Stars

the first to know and to understand

Living by the Law of the Ages

prophets and sages - forging Utopia

"...and to create entirely new beings was an even greater

display of thier power, but in attempting to merge thier

energies, some of the newly made beings were

disfigured...and there were altered creatures with wings,

hooved legs and tails - part human, part beast.

And they became divided..."

3. Fallen

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella, Michael Lepond, Jason Rullo]

[Lyrics: Russel Allen, Jason Rullo]

Alone I walk, among the twisting


tempted by the ancient magic, the Power

of Five

My desire to mirror my own image -

and I will offer you no soul - offer you no


Tonight Darkness will shadow the Light -

Symmetry divine, there's no force greater

Dividing the Fathers of Time

Feel my hate, I'm banished to this


my Serpents plot the overthrow of your

temples and shrines

In the night, my army's rage and fury

burning my

shadow into the land - Vengeance by my


Tonight Darkness will shadow the Light -

Symmetry divine, there's no force greater

Dividing the Fathers of Time

Tonight Darkness will shadow the Light -

Paradise denied - the balance of ages

forever lost in time

Was I sure of my fateful wish to evoke

the night from the day?

Thousands now join as one - be afraid

What have I done? Clouds are dimming

the Sun with his wrath of disease and


This masque of vengeance leads my

death parade

What have I done?

"My shadow burning - my shadow burns

across the land...".

Tonight Darkness will shadow the Light -

Symmetry divine, there's no force greater

Dividing the Fathers of Time

Tonight Darkness will shadow the Light -

Paradise denied - the balance of ages

forever lost in time

"...and there was a need for balance, the

coming of Ma'at.."

4. Transcendence (Segue)

[Music: Michael Romeo]


5. Communion And The Oracle

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Jason Rullo]

All we know, now has come undone

Balance lost between the Moon and Sun

Hear out prayers - Keepers of the Skies


Upon us all - let your wisdom shine

Losing faith as the madness prevails

in us all we are searching for a reason,

a need to calm the storm

In our sails - let your winds be strong

Breathe the air around you

The oceans fill your veins and winds

embrace your heart

Feel the change within you

The Sun and Moon align - The Grand

Design awaits a new start

From the skies, looking down on you

Through the clouds tainted crystal blue

"Such advancement, yet lacking the


so unaware of your earthly roles"

Praise this child and the words of her


A sacred gift - Magic of the Five will

bring you tranquillity

A new order of equality

Five senses come alive - Five reasons

thrive - Five nations unite - Unite as


Night and Day will find a way to keep

the Balance true

Let the Sky and Stars be your guide -

the destination is up to you

Raise our heads up to the Skies

Feel the essence of Time

Changing ways like the shifting tides

In the waves hear the Rhyme

"..unfortunately, not all were interested in the

Ways of Justice, and those of the Night

gathered to plot the elimination of the great

Law of One and the death of Ma'at. The

Atlantens harnessed the energy of the great

Crystals to create a weapon of immense power,

unaware that the power they possessed would

ultimately lead to thier downfall..."

6. The Bird-Serpent War/Cataclysm

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnela]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]

Mocking the ways of Justice - the

Serpent's Dragon - Vultures ride

Storming the Gates of Seven - no mortal

man shall break our stride

Our flames engulf your good works and

our terror reigns supreme

Dark beasts that do my bidding by

thrashing, tearing down your dreams

"Gather 'round chosen people of the

Grand Design

Scorn the prophet's words - 'the device

of our demise'..."

The crumbling earth beneath the

weapon's roar -

Raining fire from shore to shore

Neptune's might - the storming waves

rise to make the Kingdom's grave

And all Atlantis cried - a million souls

crying out

Save the child from the Sea - she must

carry on

The secrets and technology shrouded

deep in mystery -

only One will carry on - Carry on...

"...the perservation of Balance was utmost

importance, and cast into the sea was the

child Ma'at, to find a new land...riding on the

breath of Poseidon..."

7. On The Breath Of Poseidon (Segue)

[Music: Michael Romeo]


8. Egypt

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella, Michael Lepond]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Russel Allen, Jason Rullo]

Endless sands of Alnantees - etched in

gold, a city lost in time

and from the Sea - A Child speaks of

things unseen,

before the King - a teller of the Rhyme

Five align - hidden in the word a

message locked in time

find the Key - it draws the final line

between what is and what should never


Gaze in these eyes my child and see -

here by my side, you're destined to be

Fears in the night flee with the Sun - if

we are One

Kingdom of Gold I lay at your feet -

Ruler of Time and Space you will be

Rivers of Truth forever will run - if we

are One

From the ruins of Atlantis, the Lord of

Night rises from the sands

He seeks the one - his serpent's tail and

twisted tongue -

a bringer of War - Destroyer of the land

Five align - hidden in the word a

message locked in time

find the Key - it draws the final line

between what is and what should never


"Rise my minions - from within the deep


my disciples - thunder this necropolis"

Gaze in these eyes my child and see -

here by my side, you're destined to be

Fears in the night chasin the Sun - now

we are One

Kingdom of Gold now lay at my feet -

Ruler of Time and Space I will be

Rivers of Lies forever will run - now we

are One

9. The Death Of Balance/Lacrymosa

[Music: Michael Romeo, Jason Rullo]

Lacrimosa dies illa,

qua resurget ex favilla

judicandus homo reus

"..tainted memories of Balance lost, forever

bury the truth of all unity..."

10. Absence Of Light

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Russel Allen]

Now at my feet, the dying voice of

Balance - nevermore shall there be a

way to fly,

a way to fly on wings of Divinity, as

words of wisdom fade away

The Law of One will fade and die

The rising Moon will crush the Sky

So falls the Night - the darkest hour

Seek and find all the secrets left for you

Absence of Light - unbalanced power

Only then will you know

The hidden words - a piece of the

puzzle - Time will tell what will be

Between the lines, the past and future

you will find - the ones and zeros are

the key

to unlock what's sealed

The Law of One will fade and die

The rising Moon will crush the Sky

So falls the Night - the darkest hour

Justice lost - a travesty we must undo

Absence of Light - unbalanced power

Only then will you know

"Awaken all from Set - Amentet -

Worship all that I represent"

So falls the Night - the darkest hour

Destruction, death and war are in the


Absence of Light - unbalanced power

ruling all that we know

So falls the Night - the darkest hour

Unbound - what once was lost - now is


Absence of Light - unbalanced power

Only then will we know

"...curse the fools who look for enswers in a

Rhyme,...I am the future, I am Montu -


11. A Fool's Paradise

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]

[Lyrics: Russel Allen, Michael Pinnella]

What's become of the world - the colors

unfurl revealing a blackened haze

Conditioned to fear the voice that we

hear - calling an end of days

Millions of souls under control

like pawns to a king, led by a string, to

the final hour

Oh - Empire of the Sea, Lords of

technology that fell into the void

Oh shall it be as it was before - a

tragedy on every shore?

Is this the end of all we know -

Innocence lost so long ago

Woven in dreams - the darkest of

schemes now takes hold of our destiny

Decades of greed, plague, famine and

war - we can't go on like this anymore

living like fools - chaos will rule this

eternal paradise

Death by design, altering birth - trends

of the modern age

the wisdom of life erased from the

Earth - in a reckless rampage

Oh - Empire of the Sea, Lords of

technology that fell into the void

Oh shall it be as it was before - a

tragedy on every shore?

Is this the end of all we know -

Innocence lost so long ago

Woven in dreams - the darkest of

schemes now takes hold of our destiny

Decades of greed, plague, famine and

war - we can't go on like this anymore

living like fools - chaos will rule this

eternal paradise

Dies Irae, Dies Illa, Solvet Saeclum in


Decades of greed, plague, famine and

war - we can't go on like this anymore

living like fools - chaos will rule this

eternal paradise

Is this the end of all we know -

Innocence lost so long ago

Woven in dreams - the darkest of

schemes now takes hold of our destiny

Decades of greed, plague, famine and

war - we can't go on like this anymore

Lost in the Night - fading from sight - is

this the final setting sun?

12. Rediscovery (Segue)

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella]


"...and on the Eye of Alignment the everlasting

battle of Darkness and Light descends to

another plane, but, on this material Earth, we

must look to a crime remembered only by a

collective resonance in the human


when Five where as One..."

13. Rediscovery (Part II) - The New Mythology

[Music: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella, Jason Rullo]

[Lyrics: Michael Romeo, Michael Pinnella, Russel Allen]

A voice from the past echoes the fate -

a tale of all things yet to come

as it once was, so it shall be again

modern day Children of the Sun

Seek the hidden rhyme and there you'll find

a new world order

Feel the mystery - so much to see through the

eyes of hope

The Thoughts of Ma'at, forever secured -

locked in the Ages

Goddess of Truth speaks eternally

from the depths of the pages

Seek the hidden words - as time unfolds

you'll find the answers

Feel the mystery - look to the Sea, under

Skies of Hope

What have we done? Can we right all the

wrongs - the evils and fears, for thousands of

years, that forever drain our vitality?

Can this go on without dyer consequence?

Our tragic ways, the end of days that shadow

the dawn of eternity...

He's taken form in human - likeness

and manifests himself in all our darkest


Preying upon centuries of weakness

Feasting on despair and our own selfish


Bow down to me - (we will never understand)

Then take my hand and you will see - (we'll see...)

you will see paradise - (a paradise?) - of

pain and death

awaiting for you all - (we'll decide the future)

Lost evermore the essence of truth, although

she tried in vein to bring us peace, it will

ever rest in our hands

We've cried a thousand tears for all we had,

and all the things we could have been,

we must find our way again

Fools who looks for answers in a rhyme,

seeking out a lie, an illusion

I am the future, the ageless mutation

Five beyond the skies align, Zeus to Ra - the

final sign

My opposition's drawing near, feeding on his

fear - tasting anguish

I have the power - the ageless invasion

Five beyond the skies align, Zeus to Ra - the

final sign

From the Messenger on Wings, Peace and

War - a line of Kings...

Again the Titans clash on the edge of this

earthen plane

Now from the depths they speak - echoing

from the wave

- From the Waves...

"Choose the way, five paths there for you to find

turn the page, the question lies between the lines can

we change?"

14. Masquerade '98

[japanese bonus track]

Shackled in darkness

The forbidden portrait confined to its frame

Unbroken silence

A total misfortune and shame

Raging obsession

This mask of opression

It hides your aggression from view

This tearing suture

Renounces the love he once knew

You sacrifice this paradise of innocence

Trust the lie - you falsify the line of truth

You disguise your insolence

Don't deny insanity - mediocrity

Save us from this masquerade of lies

Kings and fools die in ridicule (save us)

Save us from this masquerade of lies

A fallen fortress sees him beneath starless skies

Subsiding deeper - the final farewell in his eyes

Unspoken hero

Distrust and thrusted within surmise

Seizing intrusion to unveil his clever disguise

You sacrifice this paradise of innocence

Trust the lie - you falsify the line of truth

Save us from this masquerade of lies

Kings and fools die in ridicule (save us)

Save us from this masquerade of lies


Save us from this masquerade of lies

Kings and fools die in ridicule (save us)

Save us from this masquerade of lies

AHA, ko sada kopi peJStuje??? [^]

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