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Quake 4 before Christmas

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Activition released their 4th quarter game release list today and amongst the many , the highly anticipated quake 3 sequel is bound for release. Here's a snippet from the article.

For PC gamers, the biggest news was that the long-awaited next installment in the Quake franchise will indeed arrive in 2005. Given the time frame, the Raven-developed, Doom 3-engine-based shooter will arrive almost exactly one year after Half-Life 2, the current top-selling shooter for the PC.

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Btw hoce li ovo da bude zahtevnije od dooma 3 ? poshto je valjda radjeno na istom ali optimizovanijem endzinu ne bi trebalo da bude prezahtevno ... pitam zbog igraone meni je ok :) :)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pa ako ljudi budu igrali multiplejer u igraonama, kapiram da ce grafiku da rasture na minimum kao za q3,.. tako da u 640x480 bez dodatnih efekata i teksturama na minimumu nadam se da ce raditi ok :)

btw id uvek posle, ako bude problema, izbaci patch koji sredi grafiku da ima fishe fps, zbog multiplejera,.. npr. za q3 morash da imash min. 120 fps da bi mogao da radish sve trik skokove i kretanje po mapi itd.

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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