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poshto se spremam za novi reinstal sistema proshunjah se po netu za nove verzije i videh Opera 8.01 .. niko nishta nije rekao ? jel probao neko ?

chudi me shto nema vishe ono java i bez-java .. a fajl 3.06mb

ae da chujem utiske .. a svoje javljam kad instaliram za jedno 6-7 dana

naravno www.opera.com

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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Nikad mi nije bilo jasno zasto opera, kao jedan underdog browser, sa relativno malim brojem korisnika u odnosu na IE, ima veoma mali broj plaginova ( ako ima ijedan, ja lichno ne znam, ali nisam siguran jer nisam posecivao sajtove o operi sem zvanichnog ). Mislim da je to razlog zato sto je sada opera manje popularna od firefoxa ( osim zbog toga sto je ff za dzabe, ali naravno ).

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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Key features in Opera 8

Opera user interface

Fresh new look

We've cleaned up our front yard. The Opera 8 interface is designed to make the advanced functions easy and effective to use. Menus, toolbars and other elements have undergone our "slim and clean"-routine. The licensed version has the largest browsing area in the industry.

Opera security dialog


Stay away from spy-ware, viruses, and other malicious applications that silently attack your computer while you are surfing the Web. For example, Opera displays security information inside the address bar, located next to the padlock icon that indicates the level of security present on a site. Opera 8 also provides protection against phishing attacks and automatically checks for security updates. More about security

Superhero running


We're holding on to our claim: "The Fastest Browser on Earth". In Opera 8, further improvements have been made in the way the browser reads pages to allow you to fly the Web.

For further information on just how good our rewritten scripting engine is, go to: (Browser speed comparison)

Opera pop-up blocking

Tabbed browsing and pop-up blocking

Opera pioneered tabs and pop-up blocking ages ago. But they're still key features that more and more people start enjoying. With tabs you can open multiple pages within the same application window. Opera lets you control whether to block all pop-ups, or open only the ones that you have requested. demo

Opera integrated search

Integrated search

Search your favorite sites, for example Google, eBay, or Amazon without having to go to their Web pages. Use the integrated search window or search directly in the address field using shortcuts (e.g. writing "g Opera" in the address field will search for "Opera" using Google). demo

Opera skins


Using the 'appearance' dialog you can make Opera look almost any way you want. Move buttons and search fields, add and remove toolbars, and so forth. Opera skins can change the look of your browser by giving it the icons and buttons of your choice. demo

Opera password manager

Password manager

Opera's password manager, the Wand, remembers your usernames and passwords so you will not have to. The password manager can store more than one username and password combination for each page, and will let you choose which one to use if multiple combinations are stored. demo

Opera voice


Opera is the first browser to prepare for a future of Web sites offering interactive, voice-enabled shopping and booking systems. You can browse the Web using spoken commands, such as "Opera next link", "Opera back", or "Opera speak". The latter command will make Opera read Web page content and e-mail messages to you aloud ,adding usability as either a screen reader or advanced dictionary. Voice is currently offered in English and works on Windows 2000 and XP. A headset with a microphone is required to use Voice.

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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