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The citat:

In an editorial titled “What's Really Behind the Apple-Intel Alliance”, the New York Times has revealed that at one time Apple considered the Cell processor as an alternative to the existing PowerPC roadmap.

An executive close to Sony told the newspaper that Steve Jobs met in California with the CEO of Sony at that time, Nobuyuki Idei, and Ken Kutaragi, the so called “father of the PlayStation”.

Mr. Kutaragi tried to interest Mr. Jobs in adopting the Cell chip, which is being developed by I.B.M. for use in the coming PlayStation 3, in exchange for access to certain Sony technologies. Mr. Jobs rejected the idea, telling Mr. Kutaragi that he was disappointed with the Cell design, which he believes will be even less effective than the PowerPC.


Everything's just fine.

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jel može neko da mi objasni šta je toliko bombastično u toj izjavi, pošto mi je to otprilike kao da farmer kaže "bombardier pravi bolje traktore od fergusona." so?

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Bolje u smislu da Cell nije pravljen za "kucne" racunare, vec je pravljen sa nekom specijalnom namenom, pa njegova snaga u "redovnom" radu sa PC-jem/Macom ne dolazi do izrazaja...

Cudno je bas to, kanda je Cell pravljen specijalno za grafiku ili neke druge slicne poslove, a ne kao "all-round" procesor - ja, barem, sam mislio da je slucaj obrnut...

Everything's just fine.

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Al' si navalio :)

Sokantno je to sto su svi ocekivali od Cell-a da bude sledeci PC procesor, posle x86 arhitekture, a ovo svemu daje novi ton (barem u manjoj meri), jer je Apple birao izmedju Cell-a i x86 i izabrao x86.

Naravno, mozda su skontali da ce im biti lakse da predju sa PowerPC-ja na x86 arhitekturu nego na Cell, ali to su sad vec raznorazne teorije.

Bez obzira na sve, Jobs je u istu recenicu stavio reci "razocaran" i "Cell", pa je moguce da je Cell dobio vise hypea nego sto zasluzuje.

That said, nadam se da nije tako, prijao bi nam proboj u CPU segmentu industrije.

Everything's just fine.

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