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Kada Microsoft pocne sa prodajom Xbox-a 360


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Zapravo u celoj ovoj prici IBM kupi i kajmak i mleko i med :) Jer on pravi i za MS i Sony procesore :)

A taj monopol se nece desiti iz par razloga

Sony nije neka banana firma

IBM se to neisplati jer onda ce da prodaje procesore samo ms a ne i sony-u... a posto svi zavise od njega on ih drzi za..... znate vec sta [:D]

Edited by Stator
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IBM je pojam postoji vec 50 god postojace jos 50 .. .expirience :)

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Taj rad :)

Sve konzole koshtaju mnogo vishe u pochetku proizvodnje i sve kompanije u principu gube pare na hardveru prvih godinu dana. Ali zato cene igrica odvaljuju i odatle uzimaju kintu.

A IBM je napravio takav deal sa Sonyem i M$-om da bez problema moze da zivi bez Apple-a. Mozda su im chak rekli - "Fuck off Steve with your mobile G5, we don't have time for that now!" [:D]

А в чем сила, брат?

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"Steve! You were my brother! You were the chosen one! You were supposed to destroy the X86 not join them!" - IBM-Wan Kenobi

"I hate you!" - Steve Jobs

Prejaka fora sa OSNewsa :)


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