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Quake IV Multiplayer INFO

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Evo najsvezijih informacija o Quake IV Multiplayeru i za sada obecava jos brze i bolje deathmatch duele sa ne toliko akcenta na masovne duele tipa UT Onslaught moda...


Although id and Raven are still keeping a lot of QUAKE 4's secrets under wraps, we did manage to wrangle out some info about the game's weapons. Both the railgun and hyperblaster will return, along with the nailgun -- in fact, using the game's physics system, you'll be able to use the nailgun to climb walls. Of course, the rocket launcher will be back, as will rocket jumping.

As far as multiplayer, id and Raven seem intent on preserving the fast-paced gameplay of Quake III Arena, leaving more adventurous team-based modes and vehicles to the just-announced Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (also using the same DOOM 3 / QUAKE 4 tech).

"We really want it to be skill-focused, with the emphasis on movement and shooting, the pure elements of what multiplayer gameplay is like," explains Hollenshead. "When you add vehicles, it becomes 'Were you the guy who ran to the walker the fastest?" or 'Did you happen to get a lucky spawn?' Instead of adding that element in, we've really focused on a fast pace, where you fly across the levels really fast via bounce pads and acceleration pads and those sorts of things, as opposed to needing a vehicle to propel you along."

What that means is that QUAKE 4's multiplayer should focus more on modes like deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and some of the other modes from Quake III: Team Arena. At the moment, there's no guarantee that a tournament mode will ship with the game, although it's something Hollenshead says it's something he'd like to see happen at release rather than six months down the road.

According to id Software designer Tim Willits, none of the multiplayer maps will be recycled versions of QUAKE 4's single-player maps. ""We like to focus on deathmatch maps," says Willits. However, there may be a few familiar locations among the levels. "We have a few homages to past id games, so maybe some of the fun Quake 3 maps may be included," teases Willits. "We'll have to wait and see."

Which is pretty much what we'll be doing as well. No specific release date has been set for QUAKE 4 -- which will also be coming to the Xbox 360 -- but good money says we'll find out more this August at the annual QuakeCon fragfest, which this year celebrates its 10th anniversary. It's certainly been a good run so far.


A evo i linka =>> http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/quake-iv/622407p1.html Pozdrav [:)]

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lekse ajde molim te brishi malo ove pesimisitchke postove i predvidjanja.. 'trabunjanje' u prazno i nabijenje broja postova.. ccc

NECEMO ZNATI KAKO IZGLEDA I DA LI VALJA ILI NE DOK IGRA NE IZADJE, osim ako se ne pojavi neki alfa-beta-mega test.. a i kad izadje bice pitanje kada ce da valja 100% zbog point rilisova i verovatno o5 3 godine chekanja na jeb-- 1.0 osp - shto je vec tradicionalno..

Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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Nervira chinjenica da Raven i iD stekaju dosta informacija vezana za samu igru tipa multyplay mape i oruzja.Citao sam jos ranije za neke od modela oruzja no skoro sam naisao na vest da su i oruzja drasticno promenjena.Nadam se da Raven Software nece uprskati celu stvar.Sva ta obecanja da ce multiplayer biti bolji od Q3 ne ulivaju sigurnost nimalo a i sve to mirise na neko skalabudzeno sranje a koga jos toliko briga za crni singleplay--Quake World je i dan danas slavan po multiplayeru veoma brzog kretanja(Painkiller je nesto brza igra), neprestanoj akciji, spawn fragovima itd. Ne treba svetu jos jedan UT klon.Vozila na ogromnim mapama i massive-player-count partije su nesto sto je postalo veoma popularno(BF1942 sada ce i BF2,naravno UT2004 i UT2007)- Quake IV tako neshto ne treba da bi bila dobra igra!Iako za tu svrhu izlazi ET:QuakeWars cini mi se da ce ipak ubaciti nesto tipa onslaught--sve za veci profit.!.

Samo da multiplayer ostane orijentisan na DM i sve ovo naravno ako uopste ne izvisi.... :)

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pa naravno da nece ljudi nishta da prichaju kad je pun k---- mentola sa PREDRASUDIMA koji ce da kazu da je sranje to shto su uradili a da nisu ni videli igru... ccc

strashno... lekse zaboga,.. jeb--- te senzibl sakr

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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pa i za HL2 se kenjalo kako je najigra svih vremena, a kada je izash'o svi su se razocharali. Po meni je Far Cry mnogo bolji od HL2.

Tako da... Sachekajte da igrica izadje pa postujte svoje utiske.

Poz ljubiteljima Quake-a

Pa sve je to stvar ukusa........ npr po meni je far cry jako dosadna i stupidna igra,i onaj toliko nahvaljeni ai protivnika je smesan.........mada i hl2 su prepumpali u najavama.....ja se iskreno nadam da ce q4 biti ok.mada sigurno nece napraviti boom kakav su napravili q1,q2 i hl kad su izasli bilo je to drugo(bolje) vreme...

Edited by ZIVP
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Far cry nije los, mada nije ni do struka quake serialu. HL je isto ok. cekamo Q3 i verujemo u serijal koji do sad anjie prodao ni jednom.

El zna neko nesto o turniru 21. 06? Trebalo bi da se igra kod Vuka ali ne znam da li ce da se igra Q3.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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El zna neko nesto o turniru 21. 06? Trebalo bi da se igra kod Vuka ali ne znam da li ce da se igra Q3.

Ako turnir bude bio 21.06 samo cu reci GG za organizaciju.....

Ovo sam primetio...mora da se odrzava neki srednji/veci turnir tokom junskog ispitnog roka pa to ti je [:(][:(]

Plus toga to je Utorak,radni dan......znachi katastrofa + toga ja imam ispit 22.06

Najbolje je da se tur pomeri za subotu/nedelju ili tako nesto...sa ovakvim datumom.....sumnjam da ce doci veliki broj....

Ako je ovo zvanichan datum i isplaniran,posto sam od josh zilion likova cuo za taj datum, GL


[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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organizacija prepushtena simi, tako da je sve ql,.. :)


22./// lol i ja imam dvadesetdrugog :D

grozno odabran datum,.. ali nema izbora jer posle toga svi idu negde za leto..


bleb,.. nervoza, ispiti, ... pa moram na nekoga da se izderem ponekad jeb-- li ti %#@%#! a i volim da se derem :)

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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Ovde samo ja vise nemam ispite, nikad vise! [blue]


Ako se vidimo tamo, jes da se ne znamo, gl...

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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