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Calcio: Seria A... (:


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Tim...........Bodovi..dato golova...primljeno...

Juventus.......86 67 27

Milan............79 63 28

Inter............72 65 37

Udinese........62 56 40

Sampdoria....61 42 29

Palermo........53 48 44

Messina........48 43 52

Roma...........45 55 58

Livorno.........45 49 60

Lazio............44 48 53

Cagliari.........44 51 60

Lecce............44 66 73

Reggina........44 36 45

Siena...........43 44 55

Chievo.........43 32 49

Fiorentina.....42 42 50

Parma..........42 48 65

Bologna........42 33 36

Brescia.........41 37 53

Atalanta.......35 34 45

Ph0r3w3r0-va privremena signa:

(u okviru Koletove aktzije "Ko-ti-je-kriv-shto-chitash-signature?")

Incest is the best, put your sister to the test

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Od Parme i Bolonje vise gotivim Bolonju i voleo bih da barem ode u onaj play out baraz pa kako bude...a definitivno je sramota za ligu da su Kjevo,Redjina i Roma i dalje u ligi...voleo bih da je Fiorentina ispala,ali jebiga,a bas mi onako gadno krivo i za Bresu a veoma veoma za Atalantu(iako se nisam nadao da ce uspeti da izbore opstanak,ipak su mi jedan od gotivnijih klubova)


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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Koliko sam ja shvatio:

Fiorentina ostaje u ligi poshto ima najbolji medjusobni rezultat u krugu ekipa sa 42 boda; Parma i Bologna igraju barazh, pobednik barazha ostaje u ligi, porazheni igra josh jedan barazh protiv 4. iz Serie B.


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FORZA JUVE ... Mislim da je Juve ipak zasluzio titulu, mada mi je sad zao Milana, jer nisu nista dobili ove sezone ... Sad nas ocekuje zanimljivo leto sto se tice transfera ....

Milan je kupio Vogela iz PSV-a ... to je za sada jedini transfer u Italiji ..

-In the church they say to forgive...

-Forgivnes is between them and God, my job is to arange the meeting ...




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Milan se pojacao sa jos jednim igracem. Nesto vise o tome:

Udinese Announce: Jankulovski Is Milan's!

5/30/2005 5:33:00 PM

Udinese chairman Pozzo confirmed on Monday that Marek Jankulovski has been sold to AC Milan.

-In the church they say to forgive...

-Forgivnes is between them and God, my job is to arange the meeting ...




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Pfff... Lik je dva dana nakon shto je recheno da je potpisao za Milan dao autogolchinu za izjednachenje, a onda se sapleo u izglednoj shansi na utakmici Udineze - Milan. I sad prichaju kao nije bilo zvanichno... Ono nije moglo bolje da se ozvanichi. ;)


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gresis Lex,Bolonja i Parma igraju baraz da se vidi ko je treci putnik za Seriu B,a pobednik ovog duela igra drugi baraz sa barazlijom iz Serie B...

elem...Jedan minus za moderatore sto nisu dobro obavesteni i sto zaslepljuju nas,siromasne narodne mase...NA LOMACU S NJIMA...;))shala mala...


  Ivan_ said:

gruja novi alen

  Ivan said:

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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  Bartuc said:
U Juve dolazi Nonda, za ostale sam vec napisao na onom starom topicu, videcemo shta ce josh biti...

Samo da Mirko ne ode u Inter... ;)

Nazalost, nista od Nonda=>Juventus transfera :(

Nonda Close To Marseille After Juve Say Goodbye

6/1/2005 3:36:00 PM

Marseille seem the club closet to signing Nonda after the striker apparently failed his medical with Serie A side Juventus.

A four year contract was ready for the Monaco striker, who is now available on a free, however Juventus decided to bring things to a halt, it seems for some medical tests that failed to satisy the Bianconero medical staff.

Now Nonda is free to look for another club, with Rangers still in the hunt.

However a stay in France is what Nonda seems to prefer at the moment.

Marseille, thanks to their spending power are currently leading the chase, however also Lille and Lens can be considered possible destinations for the 27 year old Congolese star.

-In the church they say to forgive...

-Forgivnes is between them and God, my job is to arange the meeting ...




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