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elemeNt dobio kick:))

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Today, the Brazilian powerhouse, Made in Brazil released a statement announcing that Ola 'elemeNt' Moum has been released from the MiBR roster, only a month after his surprising acquisition . According to MiBR, elemeNt failed to live up to his contractual obligations by boot camping with the team for sufficient length prior to CPL Brazil.

“The fact is, on being summoned for the All Star Game to be held in Los Angeles between the 18th and 21st May, Ola thought he should only come to Brazil after the event, i.e., he would arrive here for training and participation in the CPL Brazil World Tour as from May 23 – with 4 days for training, and attempting, at least, to minimize the team’s biggest problem – communications. Only with sufficiently intensive training could the problem become less serious, and the team’s administration could not agree with Ola’s position.”

This concern about communication was a serious issue for MiBR at CPL Spain. Trevor “midway” Schmidt noted in a piece about MiBR, that under pressure KIKO and other players would revert from English back to Portuguese and confuse Moum. Like MiBR’s statement said, the key to resolving this is practice and they felt that Moum was not living up to his end of the contract.

The MiBR statement also expressed disappointment with the loss of Moum. The team saw the pick up of elemeNt as a way to step their play up and make MiBR into the next SK.swe or NiP.

"It’s a pity. The team had everything to get ahead. It’s also a shame that several apocalyptic prophets were right about the forecast of a very short stay in mibr for elemeNt. It’s also a shame that, in practice, the xenophobia practiced by a few is even incited by episodes such as this one. Let’s banish all regrets and get on with work. It’s not just any element will make us give up."

We at GotFrag were unable to contact elemeNt and MiBR, but stay tuned as this story develops.


Da be, da be...


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Tu ste u pravu!

U danasnje vreme ko ne zna engleski nek ide kuci da place.

I treba da ih diskvalifikuju!

Nek nauce jezik kojim se govori svuda u svetu,pa nek onda idu u inostranstvo


mislim da sam u pravu.

jel tako [?]

sad ce se valjda opametiti [zvajz]

(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

...evo vam zeka 'ebo vas zeka... %)

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  sTaLjin said:
Znachi sin milionera je jebeno glup.

Shta su ochekivali da pricha na shpanskom sa njima?!

pa klasika .....ne znam sta je tu cudno,

boli ga uvo da uci ima kes tako da ....... :P

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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pa klasika .....ne znam sta je tu cudno,

boli ga uvo da uci ima kes tako da ....... :P

tu si u pravu ali jebi ga opet engleski je engleski!


(\_/) - This is Bunny.

(O.o) - Copy Bunny into your signature to help him

(> <) - on his quest for world domination.

...evo vam zeka 'ebo vas zeka... %)

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