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neki koristan savet za elf warrior-a


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Ja ti mogu pomotji sa jednim, kako kazu, dobrim talent buildom:

Ovo ti je chist, PvP warrior.

Fury Mastery (31):

Cruelty 5/5

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Improved Demoralizing Shout 4/5

Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 20%.

Unbridled Wrath 5/5

Gives you a 40% chance to generate an additional Rage point when you deal melee damage.

Improved Battle Shout 5/5

Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Battle Shout by 25%.

Enrage 5/5

Gives you a 40% melee damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the victim of a critical strike.

Death Wish 1/1

When activated, increases your Physical damage by 20% and makes you immune to Fear effects, but lowers your armor and all resistances by 20%. Lasts 30 sec.

Flurry 5/5

Increases your attack speed by 30% for your next 3 swings after dealing a critical strike.

Bloodthirst 1/1

Activates after dealing a killing blow. Your next weapon attack deals 100% increased damage.

Arms Mastery (20):

Deflection 3/5

Increases your Parry chance by 3%.

Improved Rend 3/3

Increases the bleed damage done by your Rend ability by 35%.

Improved Charge 2/2

Increases the amount of rage generated by your Charge ability by 6.

Tactical Mastery 5/5

You retain up to 25 of your rage points when you change stances.

Improved Overpower 2/2

Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%.

Deep Wounds 3/3

Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your melee weapon's average damage over 12 sec.

Impale 2/2

Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your abilities in Battle, Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%.

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jedan generalni savet za NE warra - budi armorsmith, i bezhi sa teldrasila sto pre jer tamo nema metala, razmishljaj o prebegu u dun morrogh ili ewelyn ("frka" je jedino protrchati kroz wetlands, ako ti je bash frka ostavi svu opremu u darnasusu u banci i podigni posle u if ili sw...)

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Imam jedno pitanje, posto pocetkom juna planiram da nabavim WOW i da nakon ispitnih rokova leto provedem uz njega [:D]

Ovde se govori o elf warioru, sto mi je pomalo chudno. Zar nemaju elfovi neki penalty na strength ili slicno zbog svoje konstitucije? U vecini rpg-ova koje sam igrao oni su obichno pogodni za mage-a ili archer-a, ali elf-warior mi je skroz chudna kombinacija...

Da li warcraft svet ima neka ogranicenja u ovim stvarima? (jebiga, nisam igrao warcraft 1,2 i 3 jer nisam fan RTS-a)

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Startni statsi, posle da lupim lvl 20 znache mozda 0.1%.

Gnome Warrior = Tauren Warrior = Elf Warrior na recimo lvl 40.

Inache, Elf ne moze da bude Mage! ;)

Baj d vej, NothingMan-e chisto radi upoznavanja rasa/klasa i same igre poseti ove linkove kada budesh imao free space...



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Inache, Elf ne moze da bude Mage! ;)

Steta, meni je u AD&D2 sistemu (recimo Baldur's gate) elf-mage omiljena kombinacija zbog toga sto elfovi uz humane (i half-elfove naravno) imaju najveci izbor kod biranja neke specijalne skole magije, imaju +1 bonus na dexterity tako da im je AC dosta dobar sto mi je vazno s obzirom da imaju malo HP-a, imaju prirodni resistance na charm grupu magija ;)

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