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duel(self promotion) ;p

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Kad se vec radi o zeroql falldown-u...ovo bi treblo da se pogleda

sry djole...da objasnim ljudima zasto ono "for sch4 no comment" [:D][:D]

tesna parija..bio sam p**** na kraju ali ima lep fragic @ 7:10

(rmb spectuje...siti datum isti dan....proso sam isto ko i rmb na ztn3)

may god have mercy on my soul...



[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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Ja vise neznam sta da kazem... bad day or something...or sch4 take the crown of q3-king in zR...moguce je svasta...

If u r willing to give it ....i will take it....the crown i mean [:D][:D]


[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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i am giving nothing [:)] you bitch !!! [;)]

Than i will rip it out from your cold dead hands......(nemam bash nameru da se cimam da budem glavni baja u q3 u zR....da strebam itd...) [:D][:D][:D]



[22:50:28] <@[qcg]rmb> i wan play now :\

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-w

[22:51:15] <@sch4^qcg> :P

[22:52:13] <@sch4^qcg> n-o-clarke-gabel-w

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ma ja sam dobio popaja 2x :) krenuo da pizdi... gmaz :)

a nemoj da klosaris kao odrao sam lika on ima ping 300 ja imam ping 0... ako je tako uopste cek da vidim demo...

ili jednaki pingovi ili lan...

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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