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mene bukvalno za sve u svakom trenutku boli qrac

moj moto uhvati se za tuki kad te boli :P :P

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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Pa eto vidis, nisi u pravu...jedna studija pokazuje da najvise sansi da dozive stotu imaju ljudi koji ne brinu ni oko cega :)

rekoh ja ... samo opushteno i voli sve:)

hahaha kali necesh doziveti da mi pishkish po grobu HaHaHa! :))

()... [;)]

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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a ... dobro, onda cu morati da ga uklonim... pretstavlja pretnju:)

nego krukolino vidim ti si neshto lepo raspolozen jutros... dosta smajlija, hepi postovi... sreca sreca radost:))

()... [;)]

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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Lepo vreme brate, prosla zima \o/ :)

da stvarno ja danas iso u kratkoj majci

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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kako je ovo sve jebeno glupo...kome jos moze da padne na pamet da postavi ovako debilnu temu...oko cega se sve nece napraviti diskusija...ne razumem chemu potreba postavljanja tema ako nemas nista normalno[ili nenormalno ali bar zanimljivo] da kazes...svako moze da napravi temu tipa e pokenjao mi se golub na glavu...jer se i vama desilo nesto slicno...mislim dajte malo inventivnosti...

ivane...laki...dajte malo "akcije"...:)))

...hopes need smashing!_

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kako je to kad boli pisha?


veoma bolno... :(

nego i ovde je lepo vreme... isto kratka majca, bermude i jedno 2. milje do kuce:)

btw. xomi, ovde teshko uspevaju inteligentniji/interesantniji topici...

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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zaboravih to da napomenem, al morash priznati da je bilo blizu da ode u k. :)

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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