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Greetings from the Netherlands,

I do not intend to take your time unduly as this is

not a financial plea.I am the son to the late

foreign affairs minister of the Federal Republic

Of Zaire, Dr. Pinga Kasenda.

I am moved to write you this letter considering my

present circumstance(to be disclosed in detail),

as I managed to escape to the Netherlands, in Europe

for safety, while my mother and two sisters escaped

to Abidjan, Cote Devoire to settle.

I chose to escape to the Netherlands to carry out the

transfer of a deposited sum($14.5million)in a finance institution,

made by my late father,before his death.

On presenting the relevant documents, as the sole

beneficiary,I was refused the claim base on age and not

having a valid account to transfer this sum to.

Hence,I am soliciting your assistance ONLY to provide an

outstanding account for this transfer.

Note;you will not be required to make any payment of

any form as I and my mother have reserved a good amount for the

miscellaneous expense(s) that might be involved.Ofcourse,you will

be compensated on successful completion of this transaction.

Please,keep confidential as I am presently in the refugee camp in

the Netherlands,with routine restriction on my movement.

I can easily be contacted for details/documents


Thanks in anticipation.

Wanami Kasenda


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Dobro... ja ovog ne poznajem uopste... koji je ovo spam? ja ne kontam? nema attachmenta... samo je mnogo debilno

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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Posle ti on prezentuje neke dokumente iz ne znam kojih banki gde dokazuje da ima brdo kesha na rachunu, pricha sa tobom telefonom, a ti njemu treba da poshaljesh kesh da bi on ne znam shta uradio sa njim pa da posle mozhe da odmrzne svoj rachun.. Tako neshto :]

Ei Aaniigoo 'Ahoot'e

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Hence,I am soliciting your assistance ONLY to provide an

outstanding account for this transfer.

Note;you will not be required to make any payment of

any form as I and my mother have reserved a good amount for the

miscellaneous expense(s) that might be involved.


neka osoba glupak hehe

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Pa verovatno ti kasnije trazhi kesh :]

mmm ne.... lepo ti lik uzme podatke o racunu iz banke i na osnovu njih (postoji neka caka.. jebem li gato oni znaju koja je... prevaranti su zar ne) "dokaze da ima pravo" da podigne pare sa racuna... i lepo te ojadi. :)

jebem se u pedu za sitne pare

javite se mom makrou kaliju

cali = ghettopimp

aleluja barkase, aleluja!

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chek kako moze da ti npr podigne pare ako samo ti imash ovlashcenje na tom rachunu?

a ono ako ovlashcujesh josh nekog, taj mora lichno da je prisutan prilikom ovlashcenja, barem je tako kod nas :)

shto znachi da bez problema mozes da zajebavash tog lika :)

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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chek kako moze da ti npr podigne pare ako samo ti imash ovlashcenje na tom rachunu?

a ono ako ovlashcujesh josh nekog, taj mora lichno da je prisutan prilikom ovlashcenja, barem je tako kod nas :)

shto znachi da bez problema mozes da zajebavash tog lika :)

To je zato shto je kod nas internet banking tuga....

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ali trophy room , smehoteka ... ovi ih prozivaju najstrashnije , a ovi nemaju ni pojma sta znace ove reci , cunt , plonker , shave my poobies ...

strasnoooo :)))) Fuckin' lol

Ali svaka cast ovim ljudima sta rade , i ja bi to radio da mogu , tj da umem , sta cu glup sam ;)) , procitao sam dva scam-a , jedan sa 50$ a drugi sa jebenih 718$ , kako su im izvukli pare , glupi nigeri :D

ali ono , svaka im cast majke mi ....

Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
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Hi mom i made it to the trophy room

Ballicker Industries

I love arse

My nipples R fuzzy

Shitis Yummy

Your bases are belong to us

Arse bandit --> a ovde njih trideset nigera drze ovaj natpis LOLOLOL

I love shiver

Im Spartacus --> !?!??!?!?! lol

noel lavior has crabs - njih pet to drzi a jedan - god bless noel lavior

Me baited real good

ma ima ih jos stotine i stotine , ne mogu vise :))


Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti
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Navlace te na slican/isti fazon kao i kod nas oni "radite za Ujedinjene Nacije". Ti se prijavis, oni ti kao "pomognu da popunish formulare" za nekih 50ak evra i samo proslede dalje, sto naravno ne znaci da ces posao i dobiti.

E tako i ovi ... kao "da bismo mogli da to uradimo morate da uplatite samo 50 dolara za takse transfera novca" i vise se nikad ne jave. Oni "ozbiljniji" cak prave i sastanke sa tobom gde ti traze neke vece pare. Novinari BBCja su upali u shemu i njima su na nekom sastanku trazili 5k dolara da kao "otisli korak dalje", sto je vec ozbiljna kinta.

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