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We're continually evaluating the server populations, and will be adding new ones as they are needed. Please note that people are of course all on top of each other right now, until the majority gets out of the starting areas.



Community Manager, English

Znao sam da ce da bude ludnica prvi dan a verovatno ceo vikend. Ima zesce da se smorimo u startnim zonama ko krene da igra danas ili sutra ali nema veze, slatke muke [:D][:D][:D]

Arutha [Heroes]

DragonFather of Heroes

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20000 ljudi na jednom mestu,krkljanac,mozda i lag,i naravno dosta seckanja i kocenja za one sa slabijom masion(tu sam skoro negde)...

Ali opusteno prezivece se,nece biti nista gore nego kada je bila us beta...

Bilo ih je 300 u prvom selu Tauren-a...


WoW Server: soon to be updated...

Character: soon to be updated...

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e da...to sam hteo da komentarishem i tamo na server name topicima...

neverujem da ima tako malo engleskih servera...ne znam kako stoje sa francuskim i nemachkim ali ako ih ima isto onda oni nisu normalni...mislim halo bre...samo 16 pvp servera je smejurija....

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Svi serveri se nalaze u Francuskoj, Velizy, blizu Pariza...mislim. Nebitno je na kom je jeziku server sto se pinga tice, isto nam se 'vata [:)]

Sto se PvP servera tice, trenutno ima samo 3 PvP servera na francuskom tako da su malo popizdeli. Sva 3 high population i kao sto rece lik iz Blizzarda, sede jedni drugima na glavama u startnim areama...Odgovorili su im da znaju za problem i da ce raditi na povecanju kapaciteta ali da to nije trenutno primarno, uzas... [:p]

Arutha [Heroes]

DragonFather of Heroes

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"To support even more players, we are pleased to announce a new data centre in Frankfurt which will be ready for the start of the second phase. This new centre, together with the existing centre near Paris, will be dedicated to World of Warcraft and will enable us to provide additional Realms for the European Community."

25. Januar

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