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savrsheni piloti za one SWORDS-ove robote

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Hampsters are delightfully useless little pets. Why, to let them run free, you have to encase them in a little rolling prison known as a hampster ball! Why not put that beloved hampster ball to work to create one of the first in what is sure to be a long line of pet controlled robotic toys. The Hampster Mecha would be a moving robotic platform, using either wheels or tracks for locomotion. In the dead center of this platform would sit the hampster in his ball. The ball would be nestled in a system of rolling sensors, exactly like the ball of a track ball computer mouse is nestled into its base. As the little beast scurries about in his ball, the plastic sphere will roll to an fro in the cradle, being detected as input by the ball tracking aperatus. This input is then translated to directional and speed control of the platform and voila, you have the perfect hampster controlled robot!

RiptWaif, Jan 18 200

zar nije cool, radili bi za dzak hrane za hrcke mesecno i ne verujem da bi organizovali shtrajkove[:)] ! a kada ih hocesh za*ebati, samo se pravi da spavash

(nadam se da ste citali topic o robotima za borbu u iraqu) [ideja]

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brate kako je glupo...koga bole jebeni kurac za ove gluposti...ne mogu da verujem koliki je porcenat debilnih topica...

u poredjenju sa ovim i pracenje promena cena toaletnog papira koriscenog samo sa jedne strane deluje kao pravi zgoditak...!!!...

...hopes need smashing!_

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Hm... Eto hoce li sad tu neko da popije ban.... Sta s novim pravilima..... Heh

e rek'o bih ti sad svasta[i ostalim faktorima sa topica i foruma uopste]...ali je pola tri...i ja sam umoran...i smoren...i prosla mi je zurka za 18-ti a nisam smuvao ribu[zeljenu]...i slusam ljubav od ekv-a...i sav sam u tom nekom fazonu...tako da nista od mog ocekivanog izliva besa [za sad:)))]...

...hopes need smashing!_

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