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Fallout 2 unarmed combat pitanja


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Ok, igram kao kung fu master i neke stvari mi nisu jasne. Trenutno sam level 6 i imam primary i secondary kick attackove.


Primary: Snap Kick

effect: +7 damage

AP cost: 4

Seocndary: Hip Kick

effect: +7 damage

AP cost: 7 !!!!!!!!!!

U cemu je razlika osim sto hip kick kosta 3APa vise?

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Delimicno tacno, oni najzajebaniji secondary udarci (level 12 i level 16 respektivli) imaju vise critical sanse nego njihovi primary pandani. Ali u ovom slucaju koji sam naveo ne, gledao sam statistike u uputstvu i apsolutno mi nije jasno koja je razlika izmedju gorenavedenih udaraca osim ona 3apa?

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hmm nisma igro sa fajter likom... mada sam cuo neke pricice o ultra udarcu, tipa... udarish protvnika i lik pogine ko da je neko pucao bozarom na njega,...

isti fazon shto je glavni baja uradio onom deathcalw`u ... kolko izgleda mocno:D

ahhh.... moracu da dl`ujem fo1 i fo2... da obnovim gradivo:)

(btw. secam se d ame je usralo kad sam drugi put igro fo2... da naidjem na bozar u onoj radnjici, u new renu... zapadna strana, donja radnja ,ubio gazdu... nasho snajper, bozar... ono cudo za vault 13 koje koshta 3000 zlatnika , i raznorazne drangulije:))

josh kad se setim , tokom bombardovanja, ovi nas bombarduju a ja igram fo1 i fo2:D

( [;)] )...

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evo stats za sve udarce :)

Primary punch attacks:

Strong Punch:

Effect: +3 damage

AP Cost: 3

Requires: Unarmed 55%, Agility 6

Hammer Punch:

Effect: +5 damage, +5% critical chance

AP Cost: 3

Requires: Unarmed 75%, Agility 6, Strength 5, Level 6


Effect: +7 damage, +15% critical chance

AP Cost: 3

Requires: Unarmed 100%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 9

Secondary punch attacks:


Effect: +5 damage, +5% critical chance

AP Cost: 6

Requires: Unarmed 75%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 5

Palm strike:

Effect: +7 damage, +20% critical chance, armour piercing

AP Cost: 6

Requires: Unarmed 115%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 12

Piercing strike:

Effect: +10 damage, +40% critical chance, armour piercing

AP Cost: 8

Requires: Unarmed 130%, Agility 7, Strength 5, Level 15

Primary Kick attacks:

Strong kick:

Effect: +5 damage

AP Cost: 4

Requires: Unarmed 40%, Agility 6

Snap kick:

Effect: +7 damage

AP Cost: 4

Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 6, Level 6

Power kick:

Effect: +9 damage, +5% critical chance

AP Cost: 4

Requires: Unarmed 80%, Agility 6, Strength 5, Level 9

Secondary kick attacks:

Hip kick:

Effect: +7 damage

AP Cost: 7

Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 7, Strength 6, Level 6

Hook kick:

Effect: +9 damage, +10% critical chance, armour piercing

AP Cost: 7

Requires: Unarmed 100%, Agility 7, Strength 6, Level 12

Piercing kick:

Effect: +12 damage, +50% critical chance, armour piercing

AP Cost: 9

Requires: Unarmed 125%, Agility 8, Strength 6, Level 15

nikad nisam stigao da zavrshim ceo fallout goloruk... nekako sam uvek bar malo glancao desert eagle ili skracenu shotku ;)

eh da '99 cu i ja pamtiti po vremenu utroshenom na fallout i roshtilj :P





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Snap kick:

Effect: +7 damage

AP Cost: 4

Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 6, Level 6

Hip kick:

Effect: +7 damage

AP Cost: 7

Requires: Unarmed 60%, Agility 7, Strength 6, Level 6

dobro jes malo neuravnotezeno ... hip trazi veci veci agility i ogranichen je strength-om a trazi vishe AP.. bzvz

od silne bede mozda krenem goloruk da davim sve redom :P





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samoubistvo... cali:)

nego g:) ,... treba skinuti od nekud... a sjebano mi je peko torenta, sporo ide, jer skoro niko ne skida:(

mada e neko probo samo sa nozem da igra? :)

moje jedine ljubavi u celoj igri su jinxed pas... i bozar:) (mada bozar rula, sve ostalo je bulja:)

( [;)] )...

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shta da ti kazem... ako nama ovde nije bilo teshko da kupimo original fallout mrdni i ti tvoju guzicu pa kupi isto :) nije skuplje od 5-6$

i meni se chini da je bilo bash frustrirajuce ici goloruk u fo1... ali iskreno ne secam se najbolje... cu da probam :)





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ima lek ali nisam siguran da li je zabagovan ili ne... treba da odesh do mirona i da se isprichas sa njim posle odesh kod doktora u vaultcityju i on ce ti traziti da mu prosvercujesh jet.. kad to uradish mozes ga ucenjivati a mozes traziti i lek za jet (dobijesh 2 komada jedan je valjda za redding a drugi mozesh na sebi da upotrebish)





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