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Пошто ће дефинитивно правити две тотално различите игре, са за сада дискутабилном повезаношћу, ај да направим онда посебан топик за ову.


Пробаћу да едитујем овај први пост са информацијама што се тиче потребног крафтинга и сл.


Напомена: ниједан Crafting station није преко потребан, као ни Claim, ако је циљ само доћи прво до најбољих алатки, па тек онда запосети неко парче земље и почети градњу и опремање. Ипак, боље је, због гужве на мапи, ако вам је до лепшег положаја, заузети неко парче земље и сваких 5 дана (то је ваљда максимум плаћања унапред) обратити пажњу на број copper ore-a. Када се притисне U (upkeep management) најдоња опција омогућава да се та руда претвори у upkeep поене, потребне за одржавање/фактички изнајмљивање/ парцеле. Што се тиче прстења, оно може да се прескочи, али нема поенте за то - 2 Keen-eye band-a повећавају критикал при копању/сечи дрвећа, тако да их није лоше имати. Пошто са preorderom имам већ прстен за крит при crafting-у, накнадно ћу убацити и потребне материјале за њега - јер је и то потребно из простог разлога што све што се прави, поготово алатке, имају свој квалитет, који унапређује карактеристике алатки - од брзине до количине итд.



Copper Pick (t2) - copper ingot: 10, elemental copper: 10, agate: 20, heartwood:15

Tin Axe (t2) - copper ingot: 5, elemental copper: 5, tin ingot: 5, elemental tin: 5, tourmaline: 20, heartwood: 20

Keen-Eye band - copper ingot: 10, elemental copper: 10, stone: 100 /pa puta dva, za 2 prstena za crit/

Stone Forge - copper ingot: 15, elemental copper: 15, coal: 50, pile of worked stone: 2.100 - може да остане у инвентару до прављења Claim Flag-a



Claim flag - elemental iron: 7, aquamarine: 10, heartwood: 10 - без овога не може да се заузме парцела

Tinkerer's Workshop - iron ingot: 30, wild heartwood: 20, bundle of plain wood plank: 100

Alchemy station - iron ingot: 15, tin ingot: 10, aquamarine: 200, heartwood: 50, bundle of burled wood planks:150

Iron Pick - iron ingot: 15, elemental iron: 15, aquamarine: 40, wild heartwood: 10



Silver axe - iron ingot: 7, elemental iron: 7, silver ingot: 7, elemental silver: 7, topaz: 40, wild heartwood: 15

Turngsten pick - tungsten ingot: 20, elemental tungsten: 20, amethyst: 60, sundrop heartwood:15

Outfitter's Table - tungsten ingot: 10, silver ingot: 15, topaz: 400, sundrop heartwood: 30, bundle of stripped wood planks: 200



Gold axe - tungsten ingot: 10, elemental tungsten: 10, gold ingot: 10, elemental gold: 10, emerald: 60, sundrop heartwood: 20

Cobalt pick - cobalt ingot: 30, elemental cobalt: 30, sapphire: 80, vital heartwood: 20

Rubicite Axe - cobalt ingot: 15, elemental cobalt: 15, rubicite ingot: 15, elemental rubicite: 15, diamond: 80, vital heartwood: 25

Mithril pick - mithril ingot: 40, elemental mithril: 40, ruby: 100, frosted heartwood: 25

Etherium Axe - mithril ingot: 20, elemental mithril: 20, etherium ingot: 20, elemental etherium: 20, moonstone: 100, frosted heartwood: 30 (* - још нисам налетео на неке материјале за ово, а ни дрво које захтева сечу са овим)



Листа врста биома по острвима /битно за врсту дрвета која се тражи за сечу/:


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Ипак, да раздвојим, тако да може касније да се измикса како коме одговара (ако неко буде и играо, после овога [8D] )


Алати (плус прстење):



Copper Pick - copper ingot: 10, elemental copper: 10, agate: 20, heartwood:15

Tin Axe - copper ingot: 5, elemental copper: 5, tin ingot: 5, elemental tin: 5, tourmaline: 20, heartwood: 20

Keen-Eye band - copper ingot: 10, elemental copper: 10, stone: 100 /pa puta dva, za 2 prstena za crit/


Iron Pick - iron ingot: 15, elemental iron: 15, aquamarine: 40, wild heartwood: 10


Silver axe - iron ingot: 7, elemental iron: 7, silver ingot: 7, elemental silver: 7, topaz: 40, wild heartwood: 15

Turngsten pick - tungsten ingot: 20, elemental tungsten: 20, amethyst: 60, sundrop heartwood:15


Gold axe - tungsten ingot: 10, elemental tungsten: 10, gold ingot: 10, elemental gold: 10, emerald: 60, sundrop heartwood: 20

Cobalt pick - cobalt ingot: 30, elemental cobalt: 30, sapphire: 80, vital heartwood: 20

Rubicite Axe - cobalt ingot: 15, elemental cobalt: 15, rubicite ingot: 15, elemental rubicite: 15, diamond: 80, vital heartwood: 25

Mithril pick - mithril ingot: 40, elemental mithril: 40, ruby: 100, frosted heartwood: 25

Etherium Axe - mithril ingot: 20, elemental mithril: 20, etherium ingot: 20, elemental etherium: 20, moonstone: 100, frosted heartwood: 30



Building tools:



Smooth tool - tungsten ingot: 30, elemental tungsten: 30, amethyst: 10

Selection tool - iron ingot: , elemental iron: , topaz: 10


Line tool - cobalt ingot: 30, elemental cobalt: 30, sapphire: 10

Paint tool - tungsten ingot: 30, elemental tungsten: 30, emerald: 10



Crafting stations:



Stone Forge - copper ingot: 15, elemental copper: 15, coal: 50, pile of worked stone: 2.100 - може да остане у инвентару до прављења Claim Flag-a


Tinkerer's Workshop - iron ingot: 30, wild heartwood: 20, bundle of plain wood plank: 100

Alchemy station - iron ingot: 15, tin ingot: 10, aquamarine: 200, heartwood: 50, bundle of burled wood planks:150


Outfitter's Table - tungsten ingot: 10, silver ingot: 15, topaz: 400, sundrop heartwood: 30, bundle of stripped wood planks: 200



Refining stations (*мора да се прави редом, јер се за јачи користи онај претходни):



Superior smelter - tungsten ingot: 30, elemental tungsten: 30, silver ingot: 5, coal: 40


Exceptional smelter - cobalt ingot: 45, elemental cobalt: 45, gold ingot: 10, coal: 60

Legendary smelter - mithril ingot: 60, elemental mithril: 60, rubicite ingot: 15, coal: 80

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    Caves are here! Large, craggy underworld entrances have broken through the surface of Landmark’s islands, awaiting your discovery. Each of the dark, windy caves are unique and house brand new biomes to explore, mine, and pulverize your way through. Eager spelunkers will want to gather some new and existing tools to help them navigate the twisty turns and drops of the exposed caverns, especially if they plan to seek out the more isolated cave pockets that don’t break the surface. This is our first phase of caves in the game and they only occupy 10-15% of the depth of the world. When we roll out the next phase of Caves, they'll fill up the rest!

    Please note that the area around a cavern entrance cannot be claimed. if you happened to have a Claim where a Surface Cave has been generated, it will automatically be foreclosed. Your Claim will be auto-templated and your resources and props will be refunded.

    Caves have ore, gem, and ancient earth veins that can be found while spelunking. Be sure to look all around you! You’ll find veins not only on the ground, but on the cave walls and ceilings.

        Most of these veins are bigger than their counterparts on the surface.

        Some veins are hidden just beneath cave walls and floors. Using detection items will help you locate these rich deposits.

        Ore and gem veins can now be found underground in the space between caves. They’re rare, so detection items are a must!

    With the discovery of caves through the world, come rumors of treasure chests to be found! These chests contain resources, props, accessories, potions… and even a few new items to be discovered. Treasure chests will award loot to any nearby group or player – when loot drops for you, it will automatically be granted to you!


Resource Detection

    Because of the addition of Caves (and Ore / Gems in said caves) we wanted to introduce a way to find stuff that is buried in the ground.

    Ore Prospector: Using this item will illuminate surrounding ore veins for 15 seconds and summon a directional HUD element for 30 seconds (with an optional distance indicator).

    Ground Sounder: Using this item will illuminate surrounding gemstone, stone and ancient earth pockets for 15 seconds and summon a directional HUD element for 30 seconds (with an optional distance indicator).

    The Landmark Exploration & Spelunking Society highly recommend players acquire these items before venturing into underground caverns.



    Get your swimming trunks on, and grab your snorkel - you can now swim in the ocean! As you enter the water, you'll swim along the surface – aim the camera down with Right Mouse or press X to dive down and explore beneath the waves. You can still use all of your tools under the sea!


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