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Expeditions Conquistador


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Expeditions Conquistador je izfinansiran jos u septembru, a zvanican izlazak je sutra 28.02.2013.

Official trailer

Basic info

Expeditions: Conquistador is a tactical roleplaying game with a touch of strategic resource management and a pinch of choose-your-own-adventure. Conquistador is set in a rarely visited part of history which is rife with mystery, political intrigue, and good old-fashioned violence.

You will take on the role of a Spanish Conquistador in Central America in 1518-1520. Select the members of your expedition and explore campaign maps based on the actual topological maps of Hispaniola and Mexico. Through intricately branching dialogue, you will engage with the characters and situations that you encounter across these uncharted areas, and when it’s time to spill blood, a tactical combat system of great depth and brutality will let you control your individual troops in battle.

Combat is intimate and detailed, and failure has great consequences. Every expedition member has a face, a past, a set of personality traits, and of course a combat role - their morale will change depending on your decisions, they will chime in when you're weighing your options, and if they fall in battle, their injuries will carry over to the world map, where they must be treated by your doctors until they're back on their feet. Should you fail to treat your expedition members, they will die and be gone for good.

Choice and consequence is central to the play experience of Conquistador. As the leader of the expedition, you will face difficult decisions about the use of your troops and your resources, as well as how to engage with the factions of the savage New World. Will you defy history and be a diplomatic envoy of peace? Or will you be a ruthless conqueror determined to lay all of the Aztec Empire at your feet?

• Engaging and intricately branching storyline with difficult decisions and long-term consequences.

• A gallery of unique expedition members who chime in during events & conversations and react to your decisions - pay attention to their morale or you may have to deal with mutiny!

• Random events that throw you into danger, present unexpected opportunities, and build relationships with the members of your expedition.

• High replayability - dynamic endings reflect decisions you've made throughout the story, how much gold you bring with you back to Spain, and how many expedition members you've lost (or gained!) along the way.

• Detailed and tactical combat - make use of flanking, traps & barricades, attacks of opportunity, interrupts, cover & concealment, character abilities, and more.

• Character management - unlock special abilities by promoting your expedition members, assign equipment to your troops, and treat injured or sick characters with a triage system.

• Dynamic trading system - barter with different merchants and buy & sell resources based on local market conditions.

• Campaign maps based on actual topological maps of the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Two full campaigns

100 random events

10 character classes

8 weapons (sword, macuahuitl, halberd, huitzauhqui, knife, arquebus, bow, blow pipe)

3 abilities per character class

2 special officer abilities

5 player abilities

16 unique items

Male and female character models

Combat video






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Потезни хексови :) Добро јутро и теби.

Нисам читао детаље али купили су ме горепоменутим.

...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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  • 2 months later...

nisam jos stigao da probam. jel probao neko? zar je moguce da niko nema vremena-zelje da proba?:)


ps.upravo skidam.samo 1gb...?

Edited by qwert00

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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ja sam probao :) 


interesantan pristup turn based borbi, igra je vise simulacija prezivljavanja kao konkvistadora nego rpg ali dobro sta sad


ima dosta finih originalnih detalja, ima od svega po malo, i borba, i treniranje likova, i trgovina, i proizvodnja :P i iztrazivanje i dijalozi i choice and consequences, i fina pricica i tako svasta po nesto... graficki je krajnje prijatna i ovako deluje neopterecujuce za neobavezno igranje





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upravo sam hteo ovo da kazem. tesko da je ovo RPG. Vise je simulacija-strategija. Najvise me podseca na King's Bounty jedino sto ima manje jedinica:)


iako bih rekao da relativno brzo postaje dosadnjikava(iako na pocetku deluje bas zanimljivo)...barem je meni taj utisak..

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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  • 2 months later...

Mapa mi je kompikovana nmg da se snadjem,ali do jaja je kampovanje kad im rasporedjujes sljake .


To kampovanje me i drzalo da igram .


Stigao do onog dela kad kidnapuju onu ribu i kad imas valjda 48 sati da je spasis.


Ja obisao ceo region nisam mogao da je nadjem , tad sam i prestao ...



Edited by djape_sedmica


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