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  • 3 weeks later...

bas je laka igra na easy-ju, ali do sada nisam uspeo da pobedim rebel flagship, uvek me razjebe kad u drugoj fazi lansira dronove. jedino da posaljem ekipu na brod da se biju. bezveze je sto mora da se pocne ispocetka kad te raznesu :P

Edited by Kung Lao

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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  • 3 months later...

ne vidim opciju za kacenje fajlova.... moram da kacim na hosting?






- Cloaking timer doesn't show up after level 4. It works however although the UI doesn't show it properly.

- Artillery level 5 says "cloaking 25 sec" instead "cooldown 10 sec", because it works. The UI shows it properly.

- There are no descriptions for skills above level 8, but they work.

- If you encounter Artillery in a store, if the skill is empty you cannot buy it with that ship.

- Teleporter level 4 says "20 sec cooldown" instead of "5 second cooldown". It seems kinda instantenaeous so it worked better than expected.


** Patches to crew: **


- allowed to buy slugs with rarity 4

- allowed to buy crystals with rarity 6

for reference, zoltans are rarity 5


** Patches to augmentations: **


- allowed to buy ENERGY_SHIELD

- allowed to buy NANO_MEDBAY

- allowed to buy DRONE_SPEED

- allowed to buy SYSTEM_CASING

- trying out experimental augmentations


** Patches to ship systems: **


- teleporter now to level 4 (5 sec cooldown)

- cloaking now to level 8 (40 sec cloak)

- artillery now to level 5 (10 sec cooldown)

- shields now to level 10 (5 bars)

- weapons now to level 10 (10 power)

- drones now to level 10 (10 power)


** Patches to default ships: **


engi A - changed starting weapons

engi B - changed drones to 4, weapons to 4, added artillery capability, +1 crystal crew, changed one REPAIR to BATTLE

mantis A - added artillery capability, swapped medbay with oxygen, +1crew

stealth B - added artillery lvl2, weapon preigniters aug, +3power

rock A - added artillery capability

crystal B - added art capability, +5hp +1crew, +3 drone slots, starts with drone, removed weapons, changed medbay to 6


** Added Custom ships **


fed B - deathstar

kestel B - imperial stardestroyer

rock B - phlegeton


** New weapons for ships and drones! **



** Drone blueprints **




added many buffed copies with _SQUAD suffix and alternate gfx











EDIT: mind you, ako poteras stitove na lvl5, ozbiljno se pazi asteroid fieldova. ubice te za sekund-dva. nothing i can do about it, memory-hack bug. nesto se pregazi tim petim levelom stita i onda ti se desi asteroid kisa koja te izpogadja 50 puta za par sekundi. undefined behaviour ftw.

Edited by nT.Shark
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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Evo jedan zanimljiv mod dok ne izadje DLC:


Ukratko: *No Rebel Fleet, No Rebel Boss, No hard stop end of game.
*Redesign of Sectors, and Enemy ships.
*Sector "mini bosses" (Player Cruisers images).
*19 new custom weapons.
*17 new custom drones.
*19 new events
*A different gaming experience than vanilla.

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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