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Legend of Grimrock

Al Bundy

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i ja sam bas jutros kupio igru (na steam-u jeftinije je nego na gog :P )

poceo i polako igram :) human i minotaur fighter u prvom redu, rogue i mage u drugom i za sada je sasvim ok, ne znam koliko ce me odrzati cista dungeoncrawl mehanika i plitak razvoj likova, ali ok za relaksaciju





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Drugari uzeo bi ovo da igram, pa da pitam ove koji su prešli/odmakli dosta, jel se zbog monotonosti okruženja ne dešava da igra smori u nekom trenutku?

Edited by Савовски

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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Nope, ja sam ukupno odigrao oko 20-ak sati.Vise od 8 piratebay-ovane verzije, a ostatak kada sam kupio original na Steamu.Jos uvek nisam presao. :) Zapravo, imao sam i ovaj save pirata, ali sam krenuo iz pocetka da igram da napravim bolju druzinu.

Igra nije smorila uopste, toliko tajni ima, da te vuce da je igras.A da ne pricam o tezini tajni, u pocetku je lagano, cisto da vidis kakve vrste forica ima, a posle...Neke su tako sjebane da treba posteno da mucnes glavom i provedes pola sata, ako ne i vise, mozgajuci. :)

A i combat ume nekad da bude sjeban.

Igra ima i tako dobru atmosferu, ako volis dungeon crawlere, da jednostavno ne moze da smori. :)

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Legend of Grimrock v1.1.4 update-THETA


- vsync is enabled by default

- borderless windows are no longer topmost

- pressing ESC closes character sheet

- fixed unlimited frost arrow exploit

- improved display resolution auto-detection at first launch

- fixed a couple of typos and broken english

- removed check that disables high texture resolution setting when running low on video memory (some graphics drivers seem to report available video memory incorrectly)

- quick save/load

- volume sliders

- to avoid confusion autosave & quicksave slots can’t be renamed anymore

- adjusted gui layout and camera fov so that user interface elements do not overlap with important screen areas on non-widescreen displays

- invert horizontal mouse option

- camera bobbing option (only available by editing the config file manually)

- configurable tooltip delay (only available by editing the config file manually)

- frame rate limiter (set to 120fps but can be changed by editing the config file)

- custom character portraits

- bug fix: very long map marker notes without spaces in them causes the automap to crash

- bug fix: editing a map marker that is on the same exact spot as a marker on the other map page edits them both at the same time

- bug fix: map labels are sometimes drawn partially underneath map symbols

- bug fix: topmost menu item doesn’t work reliably in high resolutions such as 2560×1440

- bug fix: wall text translations are not dismissed when right-clicking

- bug fix: inanimate objects can be backstabbed

- bug fix: projectiles go through doors in some very rare cases

- bug fix: saving the game crashes if all save game slots are full and the autosave slot is deleted or unused

- bug fix: Fighter’s Challenge doesn’t open if there’s an item in front of the door (only applies to new games, existing save games still have this bug)

- bug fix: saving the game just after the end fight creates a corrupted save that can lead to crashes and the end sequence not getting triggered correctly

- bug fix: auto pickup doesn’t pick up the correct amount of ammo in some rare circumstances

- bug fix: standing on stairs and turning with the mouse, followed by a turn using q/e keys is buggy

- bug fix: when a monster is damaged, experience point text sometimes (very rarely) flash in a square where a monster has been killed

- bug fix: trying to load a save game that has just been deleted manually from the file system (e.g. in Windows explorer) crashes the game

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