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Problem graficka


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Kupio sam pre par dana novi komp i grafa je Gainwardova 560-ti 1gb. Kada sam u nekim igrama monitor kao da trepeti pojavljuju se bele linije najbolje se primeti kada je neka crna pozadina u igri, neki kazu da je mozda do napajanje imam seasonic 520w. Neki savet?

Ako nisam dobro objasnio neki lik je cini mi se bolje opisao pa evo copy/paste

When my screen is on something dark (For example darker places in games etc) I have sort of 3/4 see-through lines flashing around my screen, they seem to come from one side of the screen to the other, it seems to only happen when theres dark/grey on the screen.

Desava se i na DVI i VGA izlazu, na drugoj grafi monitor je radio bez tih problema (rezolucija je 1680x1050 mada se i na drugim pojavljuje)


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