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Brate ceo razgovor je okacen :) nego sto je tu 5 minuta na holdu, jer je nesto kuckao i trazio :D pa nije mogao da nadje na kraju :)

Evo ti mrzi me da pisem sad na srpskom :)

Quick update:

I have called Blizzard Support to ask them why there is no Serbia in the country list:

I was a bit on hold since he probably was checking wtf is going on :) But in the end he told me that officially he don't know anything regarding to this problem. And that I can register to any closer country, and then ask for country change.

Well I don't know how it will make the future problem regarding country change...

It's a bit harder way to make the account in Serbia looks like atm :D

So guys at this moment solution is next:

-You call Blizzard Billing Support (Free from Skype Call)

-Then you told them that you are having problem to make account since there is no Serbia in the List.

-They will make the ticket for this

-When you make the account, then you make the ticket where you will call for the ticket number he give you. Then hopefully you will have your country change to Serbia.

-You will need to prepare next thing - ID Card, or Passport so they can know it is you :)

-*Maybe they will ask some telephone billing papers that have your name on it, with the same address / country.

Welcome new Serbian Players ^.^

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Nemam pojma meni se onda izbagovalo nesto, posto se snimak zavrsava posle 2min ili tako nesto, sto se tice ovog sto fali nasa zemlja verovatno im se nesto izbag zbog paypala sa obzirom da smo mi jedna od retkih zemalja gde jos nemozemo da se registrujemo na isti :)

Edited by Invader

It's kinda hard when you don't know the meaning, but everything happens for a reason

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silencer, pod hitno na chasove engleskog :)

Imao sam 5 iz inglis :( Dajte bre ljudi, manje o mom engleskom, ja pokusavam ovde da vrnem Srbiju na Sing Up page, jer ste svi ovde uzeli RAF-ove :D Pa Blizard morao da nas ukine. Dajte malo spamujte topic.

Tamo mozete da napisete da mi inglish ne valja :D, znaci mi da je tema na top svakog dana ^^

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Imao sam 5 iz inglis :( Dajte bre ljudi, manje o mom engleskom, ja pokusavam ovde da vrnem Srbiju na Sing Up page, jer ste svi ovde uzeli RAF-ove :D Pa Blizard morao da nas ukine. Dajte malo spamujte topic.

Tamo mozete da napisete da mi inglish ne valja :D, znaci mi da je tema na top svakog dana ^^

pa jesi im otpevao neshto? inache, kad vide tvoj engrish mogu samo josh vishe da nas zabatale :D

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