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Mrzi me da prevodim xD


Long story short after 2-3 hours of browsing through some forums and shit i stumbled upon this link to this group ( they use facebook coz most easy to arrange games and to update news /happenings in the group ).Atm nearly 150 active members playing this great version of PES online ! I am talking about modified version of PES5/WE9 - WE9LE ( Winning Eleven 9 Liveware Evolution).For those who are interested to tryout this i can only have words of praise for the matches being played here even though i am relatively new member [;)] Forgot to mention that the group have 24/7 server running with 1 hour maintenance @ 3-4 AM( ~ ) and if u wanna join it just "request to join group " on FB and the Admin will accept u.Also the Admin is daily updating "news" @ group with new features being added and happenings ...PES5/WE9 or PES generally fans - np [8D]

ps: for the ones saying " gtfo " , " wtf is pes " , " pes5 sucks - pes11 rocks " and such refrain urself from posting [:(!] Just wanted to share smth that i found very interesting to me.

ps2 : after all this reading if u decided to try this out , feel free to PM me for download links for a game & patch.

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also - Here's something for some of you who like youtube. This is a full match for you too see, to prove that WE9LE is indeed the most realistic, the most reality-like game there is. The gameplay, the flow of this game, and the satisfaction of scoring(which is not as easy as in other games - again, something closer to reality is amazing. The videos won't ever do this game justice, but trust me. It's deffinetly worth trying.

if u interested for more just go to part 2 then part 3 etc etc ... ))

And here is something more "flashy" , so you don't think you can't score great goals in this game, you can't do great actions and all. It's all in this game

Defense+Offense, the most perfect ballance you've ever seen in any football game.



ps . lucky ako oces link za dl od "game-a & patch-a " pmuj me , posto verujem da ostavljanje istih na forumu ovako je zabranjeno ? xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

dajte link da probamo, mrzi me da prolazim kroz fb grupe i sl

03:34 ( MiGsa ) da budem iskren

03:35 ( MiGsa ) nagledao sam se ovde vishe kurcheva nego pichki


22:05 (Ivan_tm) Ozbiljno, tvoj i Cokin sam upamtio odmah


13:43 ( darko ) ja sam puco iz njegove vazdushare


[16:42:19] Miša says: pojavio mi se patrijarh pavle u ppl u may know


[21:00] <vudu> jebacemo svi

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pa kao sto sam reko ( mislim ) ima 6 linkova ( 3 za igricu i 3 za patch ).Kada installiras i patchujes po upustvu koje se nalazi u nekom od tih fileova koje si dl mozes da igras + treba i neki server da skines oko 20 MB ( main i backup server).A za igre se dogovaras na fejsu ( preko te grupe na chatu pitas za game , kapiras ? ).

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dajte link da probamo, mrzi me da prolazim kroz fb grupe i sl

Jbg, moras da udjes u FB grupu da bi te lik dodao na server i slicno.. dobices od njega link da skines igru i link sa 3 dl-a tj 3 parta nekog "patchovanog" materijala od igre, koji prekopiras (zamenis) sa instaliranom igrom. Posle toga skines 2 crack fajla i sa jednim od ta 2 ces moci da igras sa nama. Ja odigram 3-4 utakmice dnevno..


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