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Fotografije kratera na autoputu jasno pokazuju razornu snagu zemljotresa koji je 11. marta pogodio Japan. Utoliko više zapanjuje brzina kojom su Japanci uspeli da ga osposobe.

Radovi su počeli 17. marta, a samo šest dana kasnije potpuno uništena deonica autoputa “Veliki Kanto” izgledala je kao nova. Prošle noći autoput je bio spreman da ponovo bude pušten u saobraćaj.


1. Take photo before earthquake

2. Take photo after

3. Claim that photo from step 1 was actually taken today

Problem? :tf:

Edited by trooper
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Megatrend ima shkole u Londonu, Parizu, Tokiju i josh jednom gradu u Americi negde (NY mozda ali lupam) zaboravih kom. Jebiga :).

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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