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Cataclzsm NPC Models


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ako si zakljucio da je progledala jer su joj u elf formi otvorene ochi moguce je da se varash, idi pogledaj alextrazu recimo, videces da ima ochi kao zmaj, kao i vecina zmajeva u human/elf formi, meni bash izgleda kao da je slepa na ovoj slici.

sa druge strane ako su objavili da je progledala povlacim rec :)


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Source: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=26399010284&pageNo=4&sid=2000

Ysera open eyes

As I've said before, her eyes are very intentionally open. This is, in fact, part of the fiction and will be explained in one of our upcoming novels as well as a future event in game.

If it suits you, feel free to RP going CRAZY INSANE after looking into her eyes in Hyjal.

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