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Blizzard: We got a code red, I repeat code red!

Programmer guy: What's going on?

Blizzard: If Lich King dies on the first week of availability on hard mode, everyone on the forums will cry, apart from the most ardent fanboys. This cannot happen! Quick, increase his HP by over 30%!11 DO eeet!

Programmer guy: Yo man, what about testing this...

Blizzard: AAAUGHGGHGHG! 'Jus do ieeet11!

Podseca me na C'thuna prvih dva meseca ;)

Edited by Silencer
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Joj kolko su ludi ovi na mmo champ :D

Quote from Blizzard staff

Icecrown Citadel

* In order to satisfy the whiners on the forums, 25 man Lich King can no longer be defeated. In addition, whenever the Lich King's melee attacks fails to kill the target, 2 members of the raid is disconnected.

* More good news from Putricide added.

* To defeat the Lich King in a hardmode, no healing spell may be used during the encounter.

Quote from Blizzard staff

To increase the difficulty of the Lich King encounter on heroic difficulty, the following hotfixes have been made:

* The adds that spawn are now all outfitted with Shadowmourne.

* During all phases of the fight, Kanye West will be letting the raid finish, even though Arthas has some of the highest HP of all time.

* An extra add has been added in Phase 4. We won't reveal much, but this time... You will not be prepared for setbacks in the mountains.

* Arthas will now cast Remorseless Winter not two, but three times.

* To provide more challenge for seasoned raiders, there will no longer be any spoons present during the encounter.

* Ghostcrawler's pay has been doubled.

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  On 2/15/2010 at 12:25 AM, Cela_ said:

jel moze da dobije ban za to ?

Zasto bi Blizz banovo nekog ko placa 5 acc? Working as intended.

So when you fall to the ground,

And finally get back to reality, and no one else is around,

So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy?

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  On 2/15/2010 at 1:21 AM, Zver said:

Zasto bi Blizz banovo nekog ko placa 5 acc? Working as intended.


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vajpujem 2 puta zaredom na gunshipu u icc 25 tenkovi koji treba da tankuju upadaju u rupu posto ocigledno krenu backpaddle keyturn avanturu i dok nadju da kliknu misem na onaj rocket pack upadnu u provaliju

poserem se po kretenu koji je ukinuo attunemente i dao svakom majmunu debilnom da ima roze iteme

Interrupts better than Kanye

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meni danas imba dan sto se tice pugovanj, odradimo icc10 prva 4 + festerguta i uz to uzmemo i onaj icc weekly + dalaran weekly . 20 emblema + 251 cloak i 251 sword 2h, i jos napisem tiket da mi vrate 60 frost emblema za onaj cloak koji realno daje fail statove koji sam uzo pre mesec ipo dana. Sad se logujem ono 60 emblema u mailu :)

"U dresu Redzi Millera idem do svog dilera, vutre puna kesa al' ost'o sam bez dresa"

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