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HoN official news from S2 & "blue posts"


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What S2 Is Working On 8/26 Edition

1.) Spectator / Replay Interface: This is an interface specific to spectating or watching a replay. It will have more information and options to expand & collapse lots of detailed information panels.

2.) Practice Mode: The ability to locally create a game on any map, play as any hero, give gold, give experience, spawn other heroes and units, change heroes, etc... This change will allow you to experiment in the game and test maps (when you get the editor ) This will also disallow single player games on remote servers which will increase our server capacity.

3.) Chat Server Scalability: We've just recently streamlined the Chat Server's speed and CPU usage and are working on making it fully scalable. This is the last piece of the puzzle for system wide scalability.

4.) New Heroes: We will continue to push out new heroes. Here is a list of the next group of heroes we're working on.

(a) Maliken: New strength Hellbourne hero

(b) Andromeda: Vengeful Spirit port

© Sand Wraith: Mercurial (Spectre) port

(d) Panda dude: New hero based on a panda (we had to do it guys!)

(e) Diseased Rider: Lich port

We will also be working on other polishes, tweaks, balances, mechanics (game pausing), etc... while the rest of this is going on.

Are pathing issues being worked on? [8/13/09]

This is not being worked on at the moment, but is one of our next priorities. Overall the pathing is actually working quite well, there basically just two issues that need to be fixed. One is that it sometimes picks the wrong spot as the closest position when you target an entity and the other is units "fighting" each other when their paths cross. Both of these will be resolved before release.

S2 Is Currently Working On.... [8/3/09]


- Netcode Optimizations (fixes map hacks)

- Automated Replay backwards compatibility

- Multi Node Chat Server & Optimizations (our last major system upgrade to remove this possible bottleneck)

- Gameplay / Mechanic fixes & General Bug fixes (larger priority at this point)


- Heroes (Maliken, Magmar (Sand King port), Succubus (Bane Elemental port), Mercurial port, Queen of Pain)

- General Clean ups including some effect optimizations


- Preparing the site for launch, almost ready!

I know it doesn't seem like anything too exciting (but new heroes should be coming in quite regularly). Once the chat server is stabilized we will be finalizing the clan operation systems and then moving on to the automated match making.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Imam jedan Problem oko HoN-a...Kada pokusam da pokrenem predhodno instaliranu igru (0.1.38 patch) pise mi K2 FATAL ERROR:couldn't load vid_d3d9...Tako isto i za druge verzije...Nije do Direct-X-a jer sam vec pokusao 100 puta...Nije do instalacije jer ista install radi kod mog druga...Ima li neko ideju u cemu je problem.... PLSSS HELP

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Verovatno si prekopirao igru od drugara, i prebacio je kod sebe na komp. Ako je tako, uzmi samo instaliraj ponovo igru u neki bzv folder, a zatim posle instalacije mozes slobodno da obrises.

U prevodu .. pri instalaciji, taj fajl se smeshta u windows folder (nisam trazio gde), tako da pri prebacivanju igre, sam startup trazi taj fajl. Posto nije dostupan (ne postoji), potrebno je samo ponovno instalirati bilo koju verziju igre.

*Note* Taj fajl se ne updatuje, tako da zbog toga kazem da moze bilo koja verzija instalacije.


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  • 4 weeks later...

na fejsbuku je uleteo klip sa pandom kako skache, proguglajte ima negde verovatno (kratak klip od 10 sec ^^)

Chudno nisu spomenuli sopstveni fuck-up, kad su ubacili heroja u igru i mogao je da se dobije na randomu (u pitanju je Nomad), to je trajalo tipa 2-3 dana, pa su zapatchovali da bi izbacili. Heroj idalje moze da se pogleda u Practice modu sa spawner opcijom.

A i sand wraith ne kome se radi je takodje bio u igri na kratko (mogao je da se izabere pomocu neke dzabu konzola komande) izgleda kao lich iz dote samo sto iz njega curi pesak na sve strane :P

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