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Valve updates!

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hey guys,

I just wanted to state the recent updates made in CS 1.6:

Basically after a while of being pressed by people, valve decided to dedicate one guy to create a beta version of the game (eventually to be the new standards). So far we've fixed several stuff as you guys probably know. Most notably the silent plant is fixed, the flash bugs are fixed (as far as we know), new aliasing have been made in order to avoid config "hacking". Also, after a big controversy when the silent-run was removed, it was decided that it would be rolled back and the jump noise was eventually fixed as well!

On a more technical note there's also the rate limit that was fully updated as well as some other commands (as I stated earlier) in order to reduce command spamming and exploiting. The buy zones, bomb zone issues that would sometimes occur (while starting a demo for example) have been fixed.

Finally one of the big issues with script was about the possibility of re-aliasing existing cvar names (wich should reduce the amount of scripts available/working if not all of them). The russian walking should be fixed eventually since Valve wants to get rid of it (just as most tournaments) without using judgement calls every time it happens.

Hope it's helpfull and everyone enjoys it!

P.S.: Don't worry I'm not part of the CIA! Zeky is just my friend and he asked me for a favor to write something about our recent work on the game!

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Nije bot i ne moze on da vam salje kes. Decko radi pri Valve-u i mislim da ga cak ni oni nista za to ne placaju sto im radi fixove i update.

Nego sam ga ja zamolio da napise sta je sve uradjeno kako bi tekst i sve sto bi ja umesto njega napisao bilo autenticnije.




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Jel to znachi da dolazi novi cs ?

Ili samo beta verija koja tje biti udpejtovana na sadashnji cs (ako me razumete).

Ne dolazi buraz novi CS, nego samo patch koji ce da zakrpi "rupe"...

Ako ne znas pucati, ne pokazuj zube !

One love = Counter-Strike

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Kenjanje kako su pokušali da isprave silentrun ali su zbog epic fejla vratili na staro, usput su ispravili neke bagove među kojima su silentplant i fleš bagovi. Takođe priča se o suzbijanju alijasa koji nose isto ime kao postojeće komande(ovo nije ni bitno za cw) :) eto ukratko




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Ne dolazi buraz novi CS, nego samo patch koji ce da zakrpi "rupe"...

Znachi ovo drugo.

Meh, ostaje nam da se nadamo da tje biti bolje nego proshli put.

Mislim bitje sigurno bolje, jer gore ne mozhe koliko su zasrali sa ovim sajlent ran fixovima.

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