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Baldurs Gate 2 install bug

Manda <die bitch>

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e deste e!

kad ocu da instaliram, koji god directory da stavim, i koju god vrstu instalacije da probam, kaze mi da nema mesta na hardu ( a naravno ima), i neda mi dalje..

citao sam neke varijante da treba da se popuni prostor na hardu dok ne ostane jedno 5-6gb jer se stari instaleri ne snalaze dobro sa velikim hardom, al mi nije uspelo.

imao sam ga instaliranog bar 5x, ne znam sto smara sad sa ovim..


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If you cannot do any install without getting some sort of error or crash and you have about 5 Gig of free hard drive space, you can try to copy all 4 CDs to your hard drive, then run the install from there. Please note, you must copy all 4 CDs to the same directory for the install to run. If you get prompted for the next CD, then you have not copied the files over properly, or you have missed some.

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