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Witcher 2!?


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GameBanshee has learned from an inside industry contact that The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf has indeed been cancelled.

Details are sketchy, but the following facts have been confirmed: after the release of The Witcher, CD Projekt Red took the financial obligation of starting 3 projects simultaneously, a console port of The Witcher, and two more titles based on The Witcher intellectual property, one of which was The Witcher 2.

As the financial crisis hit, the studio was affected as well, finding itself incapable of managing all three projects and forced to lay off a significant portion of its staff. The third Witcher IP project was cancelled, and its entire crew was let go or left of their own volition. A second round of layoffs followed as The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf was cancelled, including around two dozen people losing their jobs yesterday.

All funds and manpower have been redirected to a single project, The Witcher 2, which will be a multi-platform title for PC and consoles.





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Šteta zbog ovih otkaza, ti opičeni poljaci su jedna od retkih svetlih tačaka u industriji video igara danas. W2 je izvesna stvar po difoltu, samo da ih ne isiluju zbog zarade a na uštrb kvaliteta.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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ne, majke mi, ja ne znam kako ono nekome moze da se svidja...skinuo sam taj dvocifren broj gigabajta, instalirao, probao, ugasio posle 20 minuta i shift deletovao.

h o r o r

We are separating men from boys, here...boy.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Pričaj mi o tome, terao sam ga na Bartonu 2500 sa kilo rama i 6600 grafičkom.... Svaki loading screen mi je trajno urezan u sećanje od tad, if you know what i mean :)))

Edited by Pipboy

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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crnjo za nekog ko ima masu godina, i igra se masu godina, zaista zvucis ko dete debil iz igraonice [:D]

te " bolje igre koje treba poterati na svojim masinama" ne mogu da lizu tabane vicheru, da ne pricam o igrama iz 90ih. uostalom, witcher kad se pojavio, bio je do jaja zahtevan

prekini da se palish, ya wuss, znam da si provalio kada sam okrenuo na sprdnju! [:D]

ps: "dete debil iz igraonice" [roflmao] vec vidim malog debeljka umazanog snickersom kako mu curi bala dok gleda intro za neki WOW [roflmao]

Edited by fatboy

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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Pričaj mi o tome, terao sam ga na Bartonu 2500 sa kilo rama i 6600 grafičkom.... Svaki loading screen mi je trajno urezan u sećanje od tad, if you know what i mean :)))

Same here, zato sam prestao tada da ga igram dok nisam nabavio novu mashinu, i sad ga gulim onako poshteno :))

Ima da dignem novi topic i postavim par pitanja oko par meni nejasnih stvari oko poushna :)

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Ima da dignem novi topic i postavim par pitanja oko par meni nejasnih stvari oko poushna

Evo sacu ti ja objasnim: prvo castujesh onog malog demona vrageca i pustish ga da zabode

10 ksera i sav skank sto ima i posle toga mozes da ga ucenjujesh da ti pravi poushne kakve oces

a zauzvrat mu dajesh samo po malo obicne vutre... To je svojevrsni shortcut u igri ali se ne

karakterishe kao cheat!

Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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dobro, valjda ce sada da se fokusiraju samo na w2 i da naprave bolji nastavak. ne ozb pejo, onaj tutorijal u dvorcu jeste malo bzvz, treba da predjes bar pola prvog chaptera da se ukljucis .. ali posle 3. si toliko imba da licis na level 10 blejdmastera kad ga se pusti na archerke

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Evo sacu ti ja objasnim: prvo castujesh onog malog demona vrageca i pustish ga da zabode

10 ksera i sav skank sto ima i posle toga mozes da ga ucenjujesh da ti pravi poushne kakve oces

a zauzvrat mu dajesh samo po malo obicne vutre... To je svojevrsni shortcut u igri ali se ne

karakterishe kao cheat!


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