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Strategy Informer interview sa Dustin Browderom

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^^Obzirom da za mene nishta nema od bete, ja se nadam BR vol2 :)

У једној старој књизи читао сам чудну причу; а враг би га знао откуд мени та књига из неког смешног времена, у коме је било много слободоумних закона, а нимало слободе; држали се говори и писале књиге о привреди, а нико ништа није сејао; цела земља претрпана моралним поукама, а морала није било; у свакој кући пун таван логика, али памети није било; на сваком кораку говорило се о штедњи, а расипало се на све стране, а сваки зеленаш и нитков могао је себи купити за неколико гроша титулу: велики народни родољуб. 
Радоје Домановић - "Страдија" 1902. -

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Evo za sta je bio prvi timer

As many of you may have noticed, the first and larger of the two timers has been removed from our site. As many of you had correctly surmised - it was in fact counting down to the expected release of StarCraft Legacy's resurrection. Due to unforseen circumstances we were unable to bring you the long awaited revamped StarCraft Legacy. For the past several months there has in fact been a core team of dedicated gamers who has tirelessly iterated an entire new SC:L expierence for you. The engineering and building of the next evolution of our site has had its fair share of set-backs and we were excited and proud to have been bringing you the final fruits of our labors. As I sat this afternoon working furiously to produce the product we have long awaited and promised; I too, as many of you, watched the timer countdown. I was ultimately forced to make the call - release SC:L Alpha as it was, unfinished and unworthy, just to say we finished on-time - or to bow my head, ask your forgiveness and refuse to comprise. Make no mistake - we will deliver on all that was promised. There is no excuse, no reason to have built up the hype to an anti-climactic head and not deliver. And for that we apologize. To all of the SC:L fans whether you joined 11 years ago, or just last week - we hope that you understand, have faith, and lend us your infinite patience. No one is more disappointed than I - from the day I took over SC:L more than five years ago I have worked towards a new site - a new vision for an old legacy. And when this site, this new vision, is completely ready and meets the quality standards that you have come to expect from the SC:L staff - we will launch it and hope you - our reason for existence - approve.

Thank you,

brate najavili su betu za posle ponoci 31. (shto je 1. april)

Mislim da to nigde nije receno bar ne na Blizzardovim forumima. A ovaj drugi timer je ili za BR 2 ili za prvi april mrtvi Blizzard a bas sam se nadao beti iserem im se u carapu


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Evo za sta je bio prvi timer

As many of you may have noticed, the first and larger of the two timers has been removed from our site. As many of you had correctly surmised - it was in fact counting down to the expected release of StarCraft Legacy's resurrection. Due to unforseen circumstances we were unable to bring you the long awaited revamped StarCraft Legacy. For the past several months there has in fact been a core team of dedicated gamers who has tirelessly iterated an entire new SC:L expierence for you. The engineering and building of the next evolution of our site has had its fair share of set-backs and we were excited and proud to have been bringing you the final fruits of our labors. As I sat this afternoon working furiously to produce the product we have long awaited and promised; I too, as many of you, watched the timer countdown. I was ultimately forced to make the call - release SC:L Alpha as it was, unfinished and unworthy, just to say we finished on-time - or to bow my head, ask your forgiveness and refuse to comprise. Make no mistake - we will deliver on all that was promised. There is no excuse, no reason to have built up the hype to an anti-climactic head and not deliver. And for that we apologize. To all of the SC:L fans whether you joined 11 years ago, or just last week - we hope that you understand, have faith, and lend us your infinite patience. No one is more disappointed than I - from the day I took over SC:L more than five years ago I have worked towards a new site - a new vision for an old legacy. And when this site, this new vision, is completely ready and meets the quality standards that you have come to expect from the SC:L staff - we will launch it and hope you - our reason for existence - approve.

Thank you,

Mislim da to nigde nije receno bar ne na Blizzardovim forumima. A ovaj drugi timer je ili za BR 2 ili za prvi april mrtvi Blizzard a bas sam se nadao beti iserem im se u carapu

ja se jos uvek nadam jos 21h :)

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Dobra ova beta :)

Elem, makar je omogucen jos jedan nacin dolazenja do beta key-a:

First off, we want to congratulate you for making it this far. We realize that Starcraft 2 has been a long time coming and we want to thank you for your patience. From the first release of Starcraft on April 1, 1996 until Starcraft 2's formal announcement on May 19, 2007, many of you have been waiting patiently. We're glad to say that the wait for a select few of you is over. As of 10:00 p.m. (PST) March 31, 2009, Fan Site Program sites will begin the first stage of registering for Starcraft 2 beta keys. Official registration for the Starcraft 2 beta has not yet begun, nor has a date been set, but we would like to extend an opportunity to select fansite participants to submit an application from which we will select a number of participants for the Starcraft 2 beta testing. The following fansites have been approved to participate in this first wave of early application submission:





Please submit a short application (300 words or less) telling us why you should be selected to participate in the upcoming Starcraft 2 beta. Please be aware that applications longer than 300 words will not be reviewed. One entry per person. The applications will be judged and the winners decided by the staff of the sites listed above. Applications must be received by 10:00 p.m. (PST) April 1, 2009. Entries received after this period will not be considered. You should submit your application to sc2beta@gmail.com. We look forward to reviewing your entries, and will notify receipt of your submission via e-mail. Happy Birthday, StarCraft!

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Bilo bi fora da objave te mailove i onda da citamo kako ce neko iseci vene ako ne ucestvuje u sc2 beta :)

Verovatno je to i cilj akcije koje su organizovali sajtovi =) aprilska shala

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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sa sclegacy-a

Congratulations on submitting for the Starcraft 2 FSP beta registration! This e-mail is confirmation that your submission has been received and is valid. Unfortunately, in true April Fool's Day tradition, you have been duped! APRIL FOOLS! Despair not, it's not as bad as it seems!

We have no beta keys to distribute at the moment but, as promised, all users who submitted for today's registration will be eligible for a fansite beta key drawing when the real beta begins. No other users will be eligible for this drawing - only those who participated in today's event. So a gigantic "HAHA!" to all of those who thought this wasn't for real because they are the ones who really got fooled. We really are going to give away beta keys!

The thing's hollow — it goes on forever — and — oh my God — it's full of stars!

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