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Windows Help!? AAAAA


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Dobar dan. Sjebali su mi se fontovi u windowsu totalno...sve mi je ili Bold ili Italic. Kada kazem sve, mislim na bukvalno sve. Svaka igra, svaki fajl bilo da je word, internet explorer ili neshto trece. Kada se Log outuje sve pishe u Italic fontu. Kako se to desilo? Mogu samo da kazem redosled, jer nemam pojma kako se zapravo dogodilo:

Stavio sam "Left 4 Dead" igru da se unistalira. Secam se da je pitao da obrishe neke fontove i ja sam stavio "ignore" opciju jer nije mogao da ih obrishe, stalno je trazio "retry". Nastavio je normalno neko vreme. Zatim je uninstalacija pukla i naravno izashao je famozni "send - don send" error. Rezultat svega je:

http://borislavm.users.sbb.rs/wtfhAlp2.jpg i http://borislavm.users.sbb.rs/wtfhAlp.jpg

Shta da radim i kako da vratim normalne fontove? Da li je moguce da mi je obrisao fontove iz Windowsa? I probao sam update Windowsa (iako ga redovno radim i imam sve update) i prijavio mi je da nemam vishe Framework 3.5? Verovatno je i to uninstalirao i da li to ima neke veze?

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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The problem is due to the fact that the font registry entries have got corrupted. The fonts affected are Arial, Courier, Times New Roman, Marlett, Terminal etc.

The programs like IE, Outlook (in mails) and Firefox fail when they try to locate these fonts. The beauty is that these fonts still exist in the <OS drive>\windows\fonts folder.

To fix this issue follow these steps:

1. Click Start -> Run. If you cannot locate the 'Run' item, then click 'Window Key' + 'R'.

2. In the run box, type: c:\windows\fonts (Replace c: with the drive letter where the OS is installed)

3. The fonts window will open. Click 'Alt' + 'F' to activate the menu. Click 'Install New Font' in the menu.

4. In the folders dialog, browse to c:\windows\fonts where c: is the OS drive letter.

5. All fonts would now appear under 'List all fonts'.

6. Click 'Select All' and then click 'Install'.

7. Confirm the windows permission dialog.

8. A replace file dialog would appear. Click on 'Yes' to each and every dialog that appears. This will ensure that fresh entries for fonts are written in the registry. To avoid clicking, press and hold 'Alt' key - then press 'Y' key for every dialog that appears.




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Thx Ivan_e. Ovo shto je Corey napisao (quote) je reshilo moj problem, dodushe ne i za login screen koji je josh uvek boldovan (imam vishe usera na kompu) ali ok.

Taman da josh jedno pitanje ushunjam, da ne otvaram novi topic. Imam 4 User-a na racunaru, a samo na jednom mi prijavljuje da nije instaliran MS Office kada pokusham da otvorim neki MSO fajl. Probao sam repair i ponovnu instalaciju ali opet isto. Na drugim userima radi normalno. Ima li nekog jednostavnog reshenja tipa odem u registry neshto isklikcem?

Edited by Sting

We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most and that is the indifference of good men !

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