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A Belgian host tells the tale of how he lost his job as a host of a live tv show and got into working at a radio station.

The subject is "Medical Mix ups" you have to watch for about 2 minutes to get to the good part.

horor [:D]

iako ne odobravam, mogu da razumem lika jer je napravio kritichnu greshku pokushavajutji da iskulira umesto da prekine :)

ima i verzija sa subom u related ako vas zanima pricha :)

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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Ima i verzija uradjena u fazonu dokumetarca, mislim da ovo nije ta, gde lik prepricava sta i kako. Mrzelo me da gledam sve do kraja, a nisam mogao da premotam zbog ovog problema:


Inace lik je popio otkaz posle ove emisije, sad radi na radiju.

edit: evo i maud je napisao za ovu drugu verziju, bolje to odgledajte :)

Edited by Neecola-
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