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Kako stojimo sa QuakeLive-om ?

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Počeli su da masovno dele pozivnice. Svi koji su se prijavili preko sajta još pre dobili su je, tako su barem rekli.

Elem, kome fali neka postuje ovde, ime prezime mail ( umesto @ pišite at, ili samo razmak zbog botova). Za one koji još nisu probali oduševiće se. Update izlazi redovno, sa ispravkama, nekim poboljšanjima ili eventualno izmenama. Pronaći igrača za igru je lakše nego ikad :)

prvo probajte preko sajta http://www.quakelive.com/ , a ako nama uleti neki invite šaljemo odmah :)

kako to sve izgleda iz browsera, odlično!





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  Corey said:
Počeli su da masovno dele pozivnice. Svi koji su se prijavili preko sajta još pre dobili su je, tako su barem rekli.

Elem, kome fali neka postuje ovde, ime prezime mail ( umesto @ pišite at, ili samo razmak zbog botova). Za one koji još nisu probali oduševiće se. Update izlazi redovno, sa ispravkama, nekim poboljšanjima ili eventualno izmenama. Pronaći igrača za igru je lakše nego ikad :)

prvo probajte preko sajta http://www.quakelive.com/ , a ako nama uleti neki invite šaljemo odmah :)

kako to sve izgleda iz browsera, odlično!


Milan Nikolic milann17 gmail.com



Rider on the storm...

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evo ja dobio od jednog lika inv pa probo.. QL je cudan... jaaako cudan... imam osjecaj da je sve manje i skucenije, onaj roket boktemazo leti ko projektil, svaka p...da moze da cuva RA ili MH, samo spamujuci okolo.. i ekipa sa 66 pingom ima LG od 35% pa i vise.. vota fak!? o railu necu ni da govorim.. cak i ja, mrzitelj te sprave, imam 30-40%.. izgleda da igra dolazi u paketu sa aimbotom :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Poslao sam 2 invajta:

Name E-mail Address Date Invited Date Accepted

Milos Milunov daytoend@gmail.com 07-DEC-08 PENDING

Marko Petrovic make.sat@gmail.com 07-DEC-08 PENDING

Deshava se da nam daju invajte i za dan-ili-dva oduzmu, dok se skontamo da upishemo mejlove sa foruma isl.

Mozete da mi poshaljete na pm, pa kad se sledeci put kada opet otvore da vas dodam odmah ( moze da se desi da bude tek za mesec dana ).

Edited by Niko

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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padawan011 at yahoo.co.uk

big fan :D

veliko hvala unapred :))

[13:00] <GM`JessicaBiel> neko drzi blokce sa pikovima i banovima a neko sa kevama

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> ne volim da me neko gleda

[23:11] <srs[razer]Baja> dok jebem

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> ko da ti ja kazem pitaj mareta kako mu cale suri odbojku

[01:40] <@Xeo|Baja> i on ti kaze moj cale nema ruke

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  Niko said:
Poslao sam 2 invajta:

Name E-mail Address Date Invited Date Accepted

Milos Milunov daytoend@gmail.com 07-DEC-08 PENDING

Marko Petrovic make.sat@gmail.com 07-DEC-08 PENDING

Deshava se da nam daju invajte i za dan-ili-dva oduzmu, dok se skontamo da upishemo mejlove sa foruma isl.

Mozete da mi poshaljete na pm, pa kad se sledeci put kada opet otvore da vas dodam odmah ( moze da se desi da bude tek za mesec dana ).

Hvala Niko, i dalje nestrpljivo chekam. =)


Jel znash mozda sa kog maila shalju invajtove da chekiram to kao non-spam, za svaki sluchaj da mi ne zavrshi u spam folderu koji reduvno i bezuslovno chistim na nedeljnoj bazi. :)))

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  Ћ... said:
Hvala Niko, i dalje nestrpljivo chekam. =)


Jel znash mozda sa kog maila shalju invajtove da chekiram to kao non-spam, za svaki sluchaj da mi ne zavrshi u spam folderu koji reduvno i bezuslovno chistim na nedeljnoj bazi. :)))

Vec sam poslao na pm, a da nisam ovo video.

Radi ostalih da ponovim, pazite na spam foldere i anti-viruse, meni se desilo da mi je mejl stajao 2 meseca u spam folderu. :P

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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Just Visiting.

Dec 12, 2008

Our system test last night went well and we appreciate everyone that jumped on and stuck with us through some installation and game browser issues -those should be fixed next time we transition over. As you can see, we're now back at quakelive.idsoftware.com for a short stay. Despite some of the issues noted above (not related to the new hardware), the test was very helpful and everything was stable through the night. We're going to take a couple of days to button things up on the new hardware and we plan to push everyone back to it - beta.quakelive.com - permanently early next week.

If you didn't have a chance read it, please check out the news post from last night, and take the opportunity to test and provide feedback on some of the new features.

Other than the many posts last night about the install loop issue and blank game browser pages, the only bugs posted were:

--Issues with pending friend invites showing up multiple times. Just today we've updated the friends management section to be a bit more intuitive and visually consistent with the rest of the site. Everyone, please report any issues with that (including if you're still seeing multiple pending invites - either to you or from you).

--There were a couple of posts about a few customize buttons not working. Everything should be working properly, but it's important to remember that:

1. We're still using a limited number of game servers (increasing as we invite more players), so if you "over filter," you won't see any available games - i.e. we're not running a game for every possible filter combination.

2. We're not showing full games (unjoinable). Combined with the fact that we have limited server locations right now, if you filter to a particular location, and all of the slots are full, you won't see a game.

--Noticed one post about not being able to choose which gametype to filter by, but it's there. You can filter by any single gametype or show only team games as a group.

--Finally, bgcSPYDER121944 - thanks for the post about the birthdate year bug. I'm not even sure if it's a bug or an oversight, but either way, it will be fixed. gg

Testing... 1... 2... [re-post]

Dec 12, 2008

We now have a duplicate instance of QUAKE LIVE up and running in what will be it's permanent collocation facility. We're going to be doing short tests where we re-route players to the new back-end. The first couple of these will be no more than a few hours, so that we can see how things hold up, fix issues as they occur, etc. Everyone can help us by simply banging away at the site during these times - play games, go to your profile and check your match results and stats, view the leader boards, filter the leader boards, add and remove friends, etc.


http://beta.quakelive.com - New Site

http://quakelive.idsoftware.com - Old site

There may be a few elements of the site that operate slower than normal (hopefully not, but that's why you're here - to tell us). Some of this can be related to the move to the new site, some will show us where optimizations need to be made in the database, some will just be bugs. Anything that you encounter that seems like a bug or doesn't work as you'd expect, please post a detailed but for us to review and look into. It is important for you to know that this update has absolutely NO affect on the game servers that you play on. This new infrastructure is strictly the database, web, app. and other systems that power the site. Once you join a game, you're playing on the exact same systems you have been.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: We will be bouncing back and forth a couple of times between the previous site and the new site. This will cause the site to be down for pretty good chunks of time between tests, and may also require you to update your plugin more often than we'd like. Please bear with us though - it's all necessary in getting everything over to the new setup permanently. Also, the forums on the new site have been pruned and closed so that we don't end up with split forums. If you have something to post during these couple of days of back and forth, please simply wait to post it to the forums on the quakelive.idsoftware.com site, as the forums at beta.quakelive.com will not be available. Once we move to the back-end at beta.quakelive.com permanently, we'll copy the forums over so that nothing is lost.

As a side note to this (and just as an FYI), you are currently required to download and install a new plugin quite often - this is only because we are in beta and are always making substantial changes. This will not always be the case - particularly as we finalize things and roll out to the public. Generally, if we patch the game or add content, that won't require a new plugin (that will just happen transparently when you login to the site), so it will be much quicker to login and play.

We have made a few notable changes and additions in this release as well:

1. Game Browser filtering is now available. Click the customize button in the upper right corner of your game browser to begin. We've made quite a lot available here and it can be pretty powerful as you layer the different options, so definitely take a minute to play with that a bit. As you'll see, you can also save your filter settings, so that anytime you come back to the home page (even after logging out), your view of games appears as you'd like to see it.

--Somewhat related, I know there have been some requests for a game browser "list view" in addition to the current thumbnail view. This isn't at the top of our priority list, but is something that we'll get to.

2. There is an "Edit My Profile" link now available above the main nav. You can now use this to change any personal information, add a "Bio Line" that appears with your profile, change your password, and set which alerts you would like to see. You may wonder why we ask for t-shirt size. The thought is that down the road we MAY do promotions, contests or tournaments where we award t-shirts and could easily get you the right fit if we have the information. Street information would also be used for any future possibilities of award fulfillment.

3. We changed the automatic kick player for inactivity to kick AFK player completely from the game (as opposed to just spectator - in all gametypes except Duel). For a while we had it where AFK players in game were kicked to spectators, but since spectators are counted in the game player limits, inactive players were still preventing people from joining. After a 70 second inactivity grace period, players will now be kicked completely out to free up a spot. As we develop private games and more options for competitive play as part of events, etc., we will likely offer an option to kick AFK players completely or to spectator.

4. Revised item layout for "Place of Many Deaths" (qzdm4) in DUEL only including:

-removed bounce pad from pit

-Moved Red Armor to pit area

-Removed the railgun

-Added Mega Health

-Slight ammo adjustments

5. Revised item layouts for "Nameless Place" (qzdm10). Specifically:

All gametypes:

--Moved the yellow armor near the angled bounce pad down to the floor.


--Removed the regeneration tube

--Removed all powerups

Team Deathmatch:

--Removed the regeneration tube

--Moved Quad Damage power-up to where the regen tube was.

--Quad Damage is now the only power-up (removed invisibility, regen, etc.)

--Replaced the lower shotgun with a second rocket launcher

Please post any feedback on the arenas to the "Map Feedback" forum.

**We know that one of the most frustrating and reported bugs is the game ending before it begins issue. That is not fixed in this, but we are working on it.

As usual, thanks for the help. Keep playing - lot's more to come.

Small Update

Dec 5, 2008

Just a small update tonight fixing back-end bugs that were causing crashes, and fixing some issues with the ad serving code etc. There is also a new post in the developer notes with a short status update, so please check that out. We'll be making some noticeable and useful updates next week and will need as much help testing as possible, so please check back and play often.

One web feature that was recently added, but not noted, is the website notification system. Currently, the system notifies you when friends come online, go offline, or you have pending friend requests. This system will also be used for a notifying players of a bunch of different events while you're logged in, and will be completely configurable by you as to which notifications you receive. Look for more features using this system as early as next week.

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