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ko oce moze umesto mene da ide slobodno dajem licnu kartu i pratece podatke !

pitao sam zasto zato sto mislim da ti je svejedno dal ces uzeti svoju igru 5 ili 15min kasnije

i onako ce zabada server kad 10 miliona ljudi se trasnferuje u northrend :D

I to sto kazes,sad kad se setim tbc kad je izasao,''kreepa nisam mogao da navatam od onoliko ljudi''

A tek sad nemogu da zamislim uopste sta ce biti Prvi dan...

Kupujem Paladina samo da nije Tauren ili Troll, Moze gnome ili Undead.PM

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Edited by Santa

Svakoga dana u svakom pogledu, sve više napredujem

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Ja mislim da ce maGe Rogue 2v2 biti dosta lep combo, vec jeste a kamoli sad po nekim mojim procenama....

E da BTW mi imamo mesec dana do pocetka s5 :O ?

*edit* ? na kraju recenice :P...tj hteo sam ja vas da pitam dal ima mesec dana a ne da vam saopstim :)

Edited by BGDPRO1

Kupujem Paladina samo da nije Tauren ili Troll, Moze gnome ili Undead.PM

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Ja otisao u metro da pitam coveka koliko ce da kosta cisto da znam koliko da podignem kesha iz banke, i ono kao dobardan, dobar dan, jel vi dobijate u ponoc wotlk, da sutra uvece, a ne dobijate veceras?, ne sutra izlaz, zar ne izlazi 12og uvece, da to je sutra vece. Ja vadim mob a na njemu 11-nov-08, O.O mislim se ffs, ko je vratio vreme u nazad. I tako stigo do banke i setio se da na kraju nisam ni pitao coveka koliko tacno kosta wotlk.


"Nihilum and SK-Gaming to merge into a new guild

It looks like most of the members from Nihilum and SK-Gaming (ex Curse) decided to merge into a single guild ... more info on November 25th.

From http://www.twentyfifthnovember.com/

We are proud to announce the forming of a new force in World of Warcraft. Many of you will remember the guilds Nihilum and SK Gaming(Curse) from the past years, we have now decided to combine our strengths to create the number one team for Wrath of the Lich King and beyond. We have spent a considerable amount of time forging the greatest roster ever assembled in this game and we are now ready to take on anything that is released. To support this roster we have finally found an appropriately motivated team to back us and help us reach our full potential. Together we aim to deliver a much more professional and WoW tailored experience to the community than anything else that has been done in the past.

At this point we are just offering a taste of what's to come. As the name suggests we are going to be doing our full launch on the 25th of November under a new brand but we wanted to let the community know that we are combining our efforts prior to this launch. So what is coming on the 25th? We are going to launch a new portal that's built around the guild with the goal of being one of the best World of Warcraft community sites. So watch this space until the 25th. You will find us leveling up on Magtheridon and striving for world firsts in the new wave of content.

Thomas "Kungen" Bengtsson - Guild Master

Philip "Mek" Curry - Guild Master

Markus "Mackzter" Dahlgren - Guild Master

Mark "Nessaj" Laursen - Community Manager"

Sa mmo-champion

I don't know who pegi is, but i'm glad she's 18.

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Swift Purple Wind Rider \o/

Treci lik kojem sam uzeo 300/300 flying. \o/

Levelovacu roga u ekspanziji, sta je bolje za leveling, daggeri ili swordovi? I zasto? Treba potrositi badgeve...

Rokaj mutilate tbh.Burst dmg > life. :P

Ili shibaj combat-sword, ima ovaj glyph shto daje 50% shanse sinister critu da zakachi josh jedan CP.A hvala bogu, rogue si, pa cesh imati dovoljno crita. :P

Edited by k0baya
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Da, bas se dvoumim izmedju mutiliate sa daggerima (neki kombinovani spec) ili sinister sa swordovima i combat specom. Fora je sto sam skoro tradeovao acc za roga pa nemam ideju sta bi bilo pogodnije za leveling.

E da i isplati li se sada dati 5k golda za epic flying skill, jer se nece koristiti do lvl 77 koliko znam. Opet, ne znam da li ce da nerfuju cenu skilla, i kako ce se zaradjivati pare u wotlk

Edited by KAPAMA3OB
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