The X-
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- Birthday 01/05/1985
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Prodajem account sa resto druidom kao mainom icc25 gear (lk25 killed), par altova, gomila para i sve sto hard core raider moze skupiti u 4 god igranja ... samo za ozbiljne ponude 0642710217 http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shadowsong&cn=Margita
eh ljudi sutra transferujem druida (female tauren) u novu guildu pa mi ponestalo inspiracije za novi nick, ajde nesto ozbiljno mi predlozite old nick Cowie, nemojte se sprdate sa Krava, Kravica, Govedo ili tako nesto :)
Fubar ti zamenjuje Titan Panel sa tim sto za fubar imas beskonacno mnogo korisnih pluginova (pare, dura, honor, ...) UI je stvar navike, ja sam npr prosao kroz celi bwl, aq40, naxx sa defaultnim ui-jem i bilo mi je ok, sada tek vidim kolika je razlika. Defo ui je smor, gledam drugara igra shamana u ZA sa defaultnim uijem i muka mi je, smorio bi se za pola sata, pola korisnih stvari nema i nepregledno je sa onim njegovim frameovima, nije stvar koliko je ko dobar u igri i kakav ui koristi, to je stvar ukusa, ja bi najvise volio kada bi svi otkrili cari ace addonova jer se ne bi pokajali 100%
hmm nemoj da te zavara malo jednostavan izgled, ispod toga imam preko 50 wowace addonova dobro skrivenih (samo meni na radost), mnogo siftovanja, faded-out barova (za potove, food, hs ..) zasto da mi bude sve na ekranu, estetika je sve =D inace za dobar wowace ui (jedino ace je pravi izbor, zajebi cursegaming i ostalo) treba dosta vremena, ja se secam kako sam satima provodio ispred usranog photek ui-a da bi skontao sta kako radi, dosta vremena treba da bi se skontale sve opcije ali kad se jednom covek "usteli" onda je lako.. jos jedna dobra stvar je wowaceupdater, addonovi se apdejtuju dnevno ili cak svakih par sati, tako da pre raida samo updatujes i sve je azurno spremno za rad, secam se patnje dok sam koristio neke addonove koji nisi bili updateovani mesecima... jos jedna stvar kada izadje novi patch, nikada nema problema da nesto ne radi ili slicno .. respect za ljude koji koriste default ui, ali kada podesis sebi kako ti odgovara 'zivot" ingame je 100 puta laksi, ako ima ko kakvih pitanja oko ace-a samo shotujte, poz <3
he-lo, nisam dugo bio ovde, evo da postujem par ss-a raid bt raid mh tree showoff, main solo alt -- inace sve je wowace,
Ekskluzivni In-Game kućni ljubimac: Netherwhelp
bilinac replied to Sajro's topic in World of Warcraft
ima li kakvih informamcija oko aktiviranja pet-a bez slanja oldfshion maila ? ja sam svoje papirce sa barkodom bacio slucajno kada sam sav horny rapeovao svoj CE istu vece :S , mada ionako nisam mislio da ima saljem postu, majmuni, elem placam elem me jebu u mozak cujem da je sa us verzijom sve ok, oni dobiju peta na osnovu tbc ce key-a! right ? -
morning! mnogo sranja se salilo ovdje! ja kao druid u svom guildu sam no1 tank za sada, svi horny warriori placu kao drood nerf pffftm, sa 18k armora i 12k hp unbuffed zezam se po 70 5man instancama, swipe AOE agrroom drzim 3-4 moba na sebi, samo pogledajte T4i T5 druid set, PURE feral... i molim vas vi koji ste neupuceni ne /spitujte po druidima... btw kao druid tank ili OT pravim 5x vise dmg-a od bilo kog full prot warr-a, HC smo guild radimo Kharzan za koji dan i GM iz gilda me opusteno ostavlja kao feral-a. Samo se bojim za druide...bojim se nerf dowa od strane blizza, zato sto je sada stanje previse dobro da bi bilo istinito :S btw nisam neupucen igrao sam manje vise sa svakom klasom i znam staanje! ajde gief /flame
evo jos malo korisnih informacija: Hellfire Citadel - Ramparts - Level 60-62 - 5 Man Hellfire Citadel - Blood Furnace - Level 61-63 - 5 Man Coilfang Reservoir - The Slave Pens - Level 62-64 - 5 Man Coilfang Reservoir - The Underbog - Level 63-65 - 5 Man Auchindoun - The Mana Tombs - Level 64-66 - 5 Man Auchindoun - Auchenai Crypts - Level 65-67 - 5 Man Caverns of Time - Escape from Durnholde - Level 66-68 - 5 Man Auchindoun - Sethekk Halls - Level 67-69 - 5 Man Tempest Keep - The Mechanar - Level 69-70 - 5 man Hellfire Citadel - The Shattered Halls - Level 70 - 5 Man Coilfang Reservoir - The Steam Vault - Level 70 - 5 Man Caverns of Time - Opening the Dark Portal - Level 70 - 5 Man Tempest Keep - The Botanica - Level 70 - 5 Man Tempset Keep - The Arcatraz - Level 70 - 5 Man Auchindoun - The Shadow Labyrinth - Level 70 - 5 Man Karazhan - Level 70 - 10 Man Blade's Edge Mountains - Gruul's Lair - Level 70 - 25 Man Hellfire Citadel - Magtheridon's Lair - Level 70 - 25 Man Coilfang Reservoir - Serpentshrine Cavern - Level 70 - 25 Man Tempest Keep - The Eye - Level 70 - 25 Man Caverns of Time - Battle for Mount Hyjal - Level 70 - 25 Man Shadowmoon Valley - The Black Temple - Level 70 - 25 Man ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- jebeno dobar dijagram:
*This TBC attunement does not include Caverns of Time as its purpose is to show how to get attuned to Tempest Keep and later it will be updated for the Black Temple as well* NOTE: UNLESS STATED DIFFERENTLY, ALL INSTANCES ARE 5-MAN GROUP DUNGEONS NOTE: ALL RAID DUNGEONS REQUIRE LEVEL 70 TO ENTER KARAZHAN (10-man raid) (Deadwind Pass): Everyone in the group is required to have The Master's Key in order to enter Karazhan. The quest line for it starts right in front of the tower with a woman. She will give you two soloable quests which are done outside of the tower. You must then travel to Dalaran and speak with a mage on the northern side of the city. You will then receive a quest to get the First Key Fragment from a container near Murmur in the Shadow Labyrinth (level 70 Auchindoun wing). Once you complete that quest, you are then instructed to retrieve the Second Key Fragment from The Arcatraz (level 70Tempest Keep wing) and the Third Key Fragment from Steamvault (level 70 Colfang Reservoir wing). After you collect all three fragments you must complete the Opening the Dark Portal (Escape from Durnholde must be completed first in order to be able to enter the Opening the Dark Portal) inside the Caverns of Time to have Medivh complete the key. HELLFIRE CITADEL (Hellfire Peninusla) Shattered Halls (level 70 wing): Only one person in your group needs the key to open the gate in front of Shattered Halls. Also, a level 70 rogue with 350 lockpicking can pick the gate. The quest to make the key starts in Shadowmoon Valley by killing Smith Gorlunk who is located on the Ata'mal Terrance of the Black Temple. He will drop a mold which starts the quest line to obtain the key. Heroic Mode : To put any of the Hellfire Citadel instances in Heroic Mode, you must be Revered with Honor Hold if you are Alliance, or Thrallmar if you are Horde. The key can be purchased from the appropriate town's quartermaster. COILFANG RESERVOIR (Zangarmarsh) Serpentshrine Cavern (25-man raid): To get attuned for the Lady Vashj instance, you must enter the Slave Pens (level 62-64 Coilfang Reservoir wing) on Heroic Mode. Shortly after the first boss you will find Skar'this the Heretic captive in a cage. He will offer the quest "The Cudgel of Kar'desh". For this quest you must retrieve an item from Gruul the Dragonkiller (Gruul's Lair (25-man raid)) and Nightbane (Karazhan). After collecting these two items, you can return to him and he will cast a spell on you which will allow you to enter the Serpentshrine Cavern. Heroic Mode: To put any of the Coilfang Reservoir instances in Heroic Mode, you must be Revered with Cenarion Expedition. The key can be purchased from the quartermaster in Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh. AUCHINDOUN (Terokkar Forest) Shadow Labyrinth (level 70 wing): Like The Shattered Halls, only one person in the group needs a key to allow everyone inside. The key for the Shadow Labyrinth drops from the final boss in Sethekk Halls (level 67-69 Auchindoun wing), Talon King Ikiss. Heroic Mode: To put any of the Auchindoun instances in Heroic Mode, you must be Revered with the Lower City. The key can be purchased from the quartermaster in the Lower City area of Shattrath City in Terokkar Forest. TEMPEST KEEP (requires flying mount or lvl 68 druid with flying form)(Netherstorm) The Arcatraz (level 70 wing): Again like The Shattered Halls, you only need 1 key in the group or a level 70 rogue with 350 lockpicking. To obtain the key for The Arcatraz you must complete the Stormspire quest line in Netherstorm. Your quest will end you at A'dal in Shattrath City who will send you to get two pieces of the key and forge them together. The Bottom Shard of the Arcatraz Key drops from Pathaleon the Calculator in The Mechanar (level 70 Tempest Keep wing) and the Top Shard of the Arcatraz Key drops from Warp Splinter in The Botanica (level 70 Tempest Keep wing). The Eye (25-man raid): Everyone in the raid must have The Tempest Key in order to enter The Eye. There is no door to open but the key is rather a passive attunement much like the Drakefire Amulet. Once you complete the Cipher of Damnation quest line in Shadowmoon Valley you will recieve a letter from Khadgar in the mail asking for you to come talk with him. He will instruct you to talk with A'dal and you will then recieve three quests. Trial of the Naaru: Mercy - You must complete Shattered Halls (level 70 Hellfire Citadel wing) on Heroic Mode. Trial of the Naaru: Strength - You must complete Shadow Labyrinth (level 70 Auchindoun wing) on Heroic Mode. Trial of the Naaru: Tenacity - You must complete The Arcatraz (level 70 Tempest Keep Wing) on Heroic Mode. After completing all three trials you will be awarded The Tempest Key which allows access into The Eye. Heroic Mode: To put any of the Tempest Keep instances in Heroic Mode, you must be Revered with the Sha'tar. The key can be purchased from the quartermaster in Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest.
e ljudi trebam pomoc oko ovoga ... posle smaranja sa onim introduction questom slucajno sam uzeo da budem ok sa aldorim , e sada posto su oni qraz za healere htio bi da promijenim na scryerse ali kako kada su mi hostile ? ajde mora da postoji situacija da promejenim stranu ... poz svima
lol izgleda jedini ja dajem full respect to blizz!!! ljudi su kraljevi tbh, ko jebe nas kad smo se navukli :D ajde flame ... /love
u citavoj hijerarhiji opreme gdje spada dungeon set 3 ??
hvala vam