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Everything posted by ~JungleBoY~

  1. Tweets from Iran : "URGENT JUST IN, there are TANKS in front of the interior ministry of tehran... CAREFUL!" http://twitter.com/iranelection09 I novi kratki crtac iz Pixara, kakvi carevi :D http://www.katasonov.com/2009/06/hilarious...movie-by-pixar/
  2. Sunce ti jebem, Neo, kakav si ti hejter postao. :)
  3. Alisa ce biti ludilo, najavio je on to odma posle Svinija il' tako nesto, uf, jedva cekam. :) In the meanwhile, i ovo izgleda zanimljivo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVi3zs_S96M...player_embedded Novi Vudi Alen.
  4. Buahaha, odlicno. :) And one, rather unusual, friendship:
  5. Ludilo! http://sportal.rs/news.php?id=4168 I pored svih sjajnih picaka, on bleji s' Paris Hilton, bravo bravo.
  6. Zar nije nedeljom na povetarcu ono sranje, "nadji decka"? Jao kruko macane A mozda je i ponedeljkom, ne mogu da se setim
  7. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Ne ne, Carlijev Andjeo je presudio, nabijem ga na kurac. Dobro, ovo nije ni moralo u spoiler. :D
  8. NE GLEDATI AKO NISTE GLEDALI FILM G: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Prvi kraj je govno. Mozda zvuci kul, al' bi ugusio bilo kakav sequel. “Connor dies, okay? He’s dead,” McG told EW. “And Marcus offers his physical body, so Connor’s exterior is put on top of his machine body. It looks like Connor, but it’s really Marcus underneath. And all of the characters we care about (Kyle Reese, Connor’s wife Kate, etc.) are brought into the room to see him and they think it’s Connor. And Connor gets up and he shoots Kate, he shoots Kyle, he shoots everybody in the room. His eyes flare red *snaps* the end. Skynet wins." McG also says “There are great long takes of Connor giving speeches, evoking Sarah Connor that we ultimately lifted because I didn’t want it to feel that he was dependent on the voice of his mother to find his leadership.” “It’s the most nihilistic thing of all time. And Christian Bale went fucking crazy, of course. He was insistent that it be done that way! He wanted the bad guys to win! Can you imagine the oxygen going out of the theater?! What just happened! It would piss you off! But maybe two years from now, you’d think it was ballsy. But in the end, it just felt like too much of a bummer.” He pauses and finally adds, “Maybe we blew it.” Izgleda da su i krenuli prvo taj kraj da snimaju. Al' su na kraju odbacili tih 40-ak minuta, zajedno sa topless scenom sa Moon Bloodgood (mater im jebem); verovatno su se usrali kako bi film prosao na blagajnama. Mozda na DVD-u ubace ovaj kraj, opciono. Sta znam. Ali evo sta bi bilo ULTRAMEGA kul: "Screenwriter Michael Ferris also confirmed that the ending which leaked onto the internet during production was actually real. Not that we had any doubts. For those of you who might not remember, the ending involved Marcus taking over as John Connor (skin and all) after the resistance leader dies in action. Ferris says the screenplay ended with “everybody, except the inner circle” unaware that John Connor is now a Terminator, and the mechanical Connor going on to lead the resistance in the war against the machines. It is unclear if that ending was ever shot." Znaci, svrsio bih u bioskopu na ovaj kraj. Irony at it's finest. :D Edit: Sad videh da je i cali postovao, sry. :) Cali, brate, mogao bi to u spoiler, za svaki slucaj. :) A da, zaboravih, na i linak: http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/05/08/mcg-ex...deleted-scenes/
  9. Bilo bi sjajno kad bi se uglavila ova svinja™, kao minilogo, na nove rur maje, to na neki nacin i jeste brend ovde. :D "Raleigh police arrested a North Carolina State University student last week who was accused of creating a "monster" out of construction barrels and placing it on the side of the road." Ahaha, kakav car.
  10. Sta li je bolje, 2 puta po 3 minuta, ili 3 puta po 2 minuta?
  11. 50% zelje :D ti je zasad :D ispunjeno. :D ro fl.
  12. Evo gospodine, izvol'te vas Ajfon... A kad ste vec ovde, mogli biste malo i memorije da uzmete, ram-a nikad dosta, znate! http://www.itsvet.com/proizvod/apple-4gb(2...omp_ram/171/758
  13. Pa si od svih zemalja gde leze chelendzi izabrao Srbiju, alal' vera, dobrodosao na Nightmare mod. :D
  14. Sta je ovo, himna komana iz Crne reke? :D
  15. Word. Mada, ovo je zanimljivo, matori Salinger se oglasio, i to u stilu fan-klinkice kojoj drhcu nogice. :D http://www.theonion.com/content/news/new_t...ovie_brings_j_d
  16. Pa ne, uopsteno receno (ako ignorisemo ZLE NASTAVNIKE buahaha) ocene su bas to, direktno merilo znanja. Ne inteligencije, ne pameti (to mozda indirektno), vec znanja. Il' znas il' ne znas. Nego, http://www.theonion.com/content/opinion/bu...arted_dating_it I ovo je zena napisala, kakva kraljica. :O
  17. In other news, Ice Age 3 izgleda super. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGKnse_XLak Vec se prica o cetvrtom delu, najavljuje se da bi trebao da se desava u sadasnjosti, sjajno. :) Also, (ne znam 'de da ubacim ovo, nije film no je bolje :D) Bender's back, bejbe!
  18. Just when you thought Firefly/Serenity couldn't get any cooler
  19. Pa posteno bi ih jebali. :D A sad idi vrati slem, papane.
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