19. Septembar Finale CMOK festa (izletiste "POTOK")
1. Sabbatka, Subotica
2. Wolfgang, Beograd
3. Tetrapank, Novi Sad
4. Awaiting Fear, Beograd
5. Hellmade, Zrenjanin
GOSTI VECERI: Neverne Bebe, Beograd
19. Septembar Finale CMOK festa (izletiste "POTOK")
1. Sabbatka, Subotica
2. Wolfgang, Beograd
3. Tetrapank, Novi Sad
4. Awaiting Fear, Beograd
5. Hellmade, Zrenjanin
GOSTI VECERI: Neverne Bebe, Beograd
Lezim na krevetu kod BIVSE devojke pre par godina i ona se svlaci da legne da spava;tom prilikom sam bio pijan do jaja i gledam je onako,jebao bih je ali sam suvise pijan i izjavljujem: Kakva si riba,ne moze ni da mi se digne na tebe.
Probudio sam se na podu kod vrata,rekla mi je da sam bio suvise tezak da bi me izbacila iz stana :(
Demonic laughter your cremation
Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood
A sudden crack as I crushed your skull
The remind of your life flashes by
A life that soon won't be
Smiling with axe in my hand
Evil's rotten hand you'll see
I come forward
I'll send you to your maker
I'll send you to your death
Death nicely crucified
Death, heads on stakes
The barbeque has just begun
Deathcrush - Deathcrush - Deathcrush
Crush - Crush
Sta je sad picko a?
Oci cu da ti izvadim
Let the carnage beging!
Come to the dark side... We have bold metalheads
Before you see the light... YOU MUST DIE!!!
I za kraj,znate onaj vic sa ciganima u logoru? Zatvore cigane u gasnu komoru i oni krenu da se deru "pustaj,pustaj!!!". PUSTAM,PUSTAM!!!
I nista bez stare dobre bestial pornjave x)
Mala grupa pedera