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Јаша Томић

The X
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Everything posted by Јаша Томић

  1. EMO haircut detected!!!! STOP EMO HAIRCUTS!!!! http://www.filecabi.net/v/file/1118219367/wmv
  2. Ja cu da dodjem da branim Ghosta,Mareta,Igora i sve ostale nezasticene civile ;)
  3. @black sun. Jbge jel ti uopste imas ribu ili gotivis zenski rod samo kao drugarski? :)
  4. Do jaja.A jel bijete invalide?Da se ljudi na vreme skolne :) Zerox,zaba i ostala kompanija :)
  5. http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SAT...al/bigeater.jpg ili ona
  6. :) ovo se odnosi na "death metal" bendove kao sto su 6 feet under,nova sepultura,soli work itd :)
  7. http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Main_Page ZNachi to je neka fora.Obrnuto od wikipedie
  8. Warcraft is Volkswagen's line of undersea sky-diving battle pod automatons. After Adolph Hitler abandoned the project in 1014 due to the lack of sufficient killing power of the Warcraft I, the design plans for the Warcraft fell into the hands of the Koreans. Seizing the carp, the industrious Koreans built a fleet of U-WC2s. Unfortunately previous to the Industrial Revolution everything in Korea was made of trees, mud and poop. Although poop was quite intimidating at first, it started to rain and everything went all to hell. Luckily, the poop was strong enough to support the building of a secret underground web, known as battle.net. This net has been known to disconnect users for apparently no reason, as well as host a variety of evil demons such as Diablo and his sister, Diablo eye-eye. However,the creation of battle.net did not stop the end of the U-WC2s existence. After a thousand years of darkness following the collapse of U-WC2, Volkswagen resurfaced and introduced the Warcraft 3 at the Detroit Auto Show in 1996. The Koreans, embarrassed that they had not thought of the concept of not building stuff out of shit, were quite enraged, thus beginning the Latin Craze. Even to this day, veterans of WWII wake up in the middle of the night, screaming from the horrors of their nightmares. Their nightmares filled with being turned into a seal, or exploding sheep, and green men with red noses. Those were cold days. Now, the dawn of the world take over involving "Warcraft" has begun. With the release of World of Warcraft, the plan to make Earth into a fictional, dark land called Azeroth, has begun. Korea is using soldiers that are codenamed, Gnomes, Murlocs, and Nerds, to destroy anyone who stand in there way. In 2004 Blizzard released a new drug known as World of Warcraft or simply WoW. This pill causes children to play endless hours of mind numbing games about lily pads and rakes.
  9. A sa svojim afinitetima bi mogao da organizuje u gay paradu.Nekako mu lezi :)
  10. Black sun po redu kojem si poredjao slike sumljam da su te na zadnjoj slici umazali tortom :D
  11. Evo ga ja in da hud: http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SATAN-/DSCN5021.jpg I radim neki lan: http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SATAN-/DSCN4981.jpg
  12. Obzujem ih vec poslednjih 50 turnira.Doci cu da gledam :) Ne igram vise "pro".Jbga smorio sam (se) definitivno.
  13. PA jbte shiptari seru po drzavi pa svi cute jer su sise.
  14. evo sad mi devojcica ne da da ti odgovorim
  15. Sto bi Bombarder rekao koljeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem Pa naravno da nisi.Ja znam licno lika i ok je ali je fizicki tako ogavan da nemam reci... Davaj da vidimo Eh da red je malo na mene: 1.Zavodim maloletnicu i dajem joj alkohol : http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SATAN-/F1010034.jpg 2.Zaveo sam je : http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SATAN-/F1010006.jpg 3.Kako sam opasan(imam opasach) : http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c340/SATAN-/F1010012.jpg
  16. Ma zbilja?Ja mislio da mu treba kilo cvaraka i litar soka od paradajza....
  17. Brate samo napred.Uradi tetovazu jebesh ostale gayeve(sise itd)...
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